Friday, September 24, 2010

Leaving on a jet plane!

Bright and early tomorrow we are leaving on a jet plane to bring our baby girl home! We are going to be posting from her blog while we are gone. So join us over there to see how things are going and pictures of our beautiful girl!



Holly W said...

praying for a safe journey! How exciting for you!

Alison said...

Awesome Lacey - how exciting!!!

The Lehnick Family said...

Oh my happy for you all! What a little blessing she is going to be for your excited to follow your journey!

Rochelle said...

Praying for all of you as you and Ray depart to pick up Makayla and praying for the boys as they stay home.
We will be thinking of you as you fly tomorrow, we will be at the Step Up!
Can't wait to see pics of her when you get there.

Lindsey said...

I am praying for you and your husband, for your beautiful daughter, your sweet boys, and of course for Jax. Our Father has such a big plan for you and your family!

Hope said...

I'm so excited for you!!

Michelle and Sean said...

Good luck!! I'm really excited for you guys!! I hope everything goes smoothly! I will watch for updates!!

Kristin said...


Alan Anderson said...

Good luck tomorrow as you begin your journey. I think you will find the plane ride not as bad as you think it will be. And just remember what will be waiting at the end of that long plane ride. Hope all goes well - we will be praying for you. Get her home soon so we can come and meet her in person!

And that is cool that Jaxson gets a wish! My neighbors did the DisneyWorld make a wish with their daughter and their trip was unbelievable!!!

April said...


To Love Endlessly said...

travel safely!!!

Anne and Whitney: Up, Down and All Around said...

awesome awesome awesome - safe travels and can't wait to see/read updates on makayla's blog!!!

The VW's said...

WOOHOO! I hope you have a safe and wonderful trip! I can't wait to see pictures of your sweet girl! Love, Hugs and Prayers!!!

Stephanie said...

OMGoodness, I can't believe this day has come!!!!!!!!
may you be blessed with a smooth and safe trip.
Lacey I can't believe you're going to get your little girl!!!!!
sending prayers for you and Ray to have peace of mind about Jax while you're gone.
can't wait to see pics!!!!

Junior said...

Keeping you all in our prayers. Can't wait to see pictures of your sweet girl. Have a safe trip.

Sweet Pea's Mommy said...

Good luck! I can't wait to see you holding her!!!!

Dotty said...

Praying for a safe flight and for jaxson back home! Congratulations! !

Tina said...

Can't wait!!!! I am SO excited for you guys. Can't wait to hear how it's going out there and see the first PICTURES!!!!! Safe journey :)

Tina said...

Also keeping you guys in my prayers as well as Jax, for him to stay healthy and well while you are gone. I can't believe this day has come!!!!

Jessica said...

I am going to miss you while you are gone! So stay close to your email! I am so overwelmed with joy and love for your family. Can this day really be here? YES! It is. FINALLY you have your girl. Be safe, think only positive thoughts, all will be ok here in the 801! Please have your sis call if she needs ANYTHING!
Love you girl!

Anonymous said...

That is truly wonderful news! You must be so excited to finally meet her. I wish for you a safe journey and speedy return home with your precious bundle. God Bless.

Unknown said...

I am so excited for you!! Enjoy every minute.

mandd3 said...

I can't wait to read all the updates. What an exciting beginning!

kecia said...

oh I can't wait to see this little angel! good luck! be safe!

DisneyRose said...

have a safe trip! wish you were stopping over in NY! can't wait to see pics of your little girl!

Lisa said...

WOW! We just prayed for you and your family.

TUC said...

I am anxiously awaiting your arrival!!! Safe trip and see you soon.

Becca said...

Ohmygoodness, Lacey, this came so quickly!!! I'm so excited for you and your family and little Makayla. You're probably at the airport right now, and I can't even imagine how you're feeling (aside from really tired). Have a SAFE trip, and bring that little girl home soon!

Shelly Turpin said...

I am so excited! We will be praying for all of y'all!

Linnea said...

Congrats!! Cant wait to hear all about it.

Be blessed


Anonymous said...

Holy cow! Already? Wow!! Prayers and blessings to all of you! Maureen C and family

Deqlan said...

so thrilled the day has finally arrived, travel safely! God Bless Mark Samm Deqlan Logan

Anonymous said...

Goood luck on your journey to bring her home!

Kristin said...

I just gave you an award on my blog :)
Stop by to pick it up!
when you're back in the country :)

Grizzly Bear said...

Have a safe trip!