Man its been a long time, I have a lot of catching up to do! I hope everything has been well with all of our friends.
I'm loving being back home with my boys. Auntie Boo surprised us and brought Jax to the airport, knowing he was the first thing we would want to see! Man I missed my little man and his antics, which he has been pulling full force since we've been home. Last week a tummy bug made its way around the house. It was a quick one, a twelve hour bug, but Jax has been sick since. He is pale and has his dry lips. He is still gagging and wretching, which means no food is allowed in the tummy. We've been using the J port for the last week, and letting his g port vent into a diaper. He's showing no signs of getting better, as he continues to wretch, so nothing is going into that tummy anytime soon. He is not tolerating being on the vent either. Pulmo thinks its just upsetting his tummy having all that air shoved in. I hope thats all it is. He sleeps for about an hour or two, then wakes up thrashing and fussing. As soon as you take the vent off, he goes back to sleep. But he wakes multiple times during the night, because without the vent he doesn't breathe like he's supposed to. His sats have been lower also from so much time off the vent. I'm really hoping he starts to turn around soon, and this doesn't end up being a big mess!
Oh I missed my little naughty boy! My sister left Wednesday, so we took the kids to the park one last time. I wanted to play with my nieces before they went home, since we didn't really get to spend time with them. The boys had a blast having their cousins around for so long though. Since they live in Oklahoma, we don't see them much.
Thank you so much to my sister for taking my place while we were gone!
2 days ago
I missed seeing new pictures of Mr. Jax! Glad to have you guys back! Tell Jax he better get better and behave....soon he has a little sister to be in charge of! Cute pics of your boys and nieces! Hugs!
Ooh, get better soon, Jax (ow, his poor cracked lips!!!)! I'm so glad you had a safe journey home. Can't wait until your new arrival arrives!!
Never a dull moment with Jax! I bet he & the other boys were thrilled to have you back, too :)
So good to see pictures of Jax, although I really enjoyed seeing his sister (whom really looks like him if you ask me!!!)
Get better soon Jax!
I hope this clears up quickly! Glad you're back with your boys!
So sorry Jax isn't feeling the best. I had missed out on so much...I clicked to your post from my blogroll and then realized all the updates were on Makayla's blog...She IS BEAUTIFUL!!!
Welcome Home! Hopefully Jax will start feeling better soon! just makes me realize all the more how hard it must have been for you to be away from Jax and constantly worrying about him. And what a true Saint your friend is for taking on the responsibility of him while you were gone....I don't think that I could have been that good of a friend :) And your sister having all the rest of the kids too....again, don't know that I could do it :)
so when do you get to bring her home? for some reason I didn't realize you weren't bringing her with you this time. can;t wait to see her
oh yeah, i don't know if you heard through facebook but I am hosting a ds playgroup at my house on thursday oct.21 from 11:30-1:30. let me know if you can come and I will get you my address
I love that last pic! Sorry to hear jax is still not getting better. Oh these boys! If you need anything please don't hesitate to call. Jonah's birthday part will be the 6th so he better be good and healthy by then! If you need me to give him a pep talk I will ;)
Glad to have you back...I'm sure the boys are too!
Oh sweet Jax,just paying your momma back for leaving,are you?
Hoping he finds his way out of this fast.
Cannot wait for Arina to be here.Soooo excited for you guys.I'll try and cal in the morning.
Welcome back my friend! We missed you. I'm sure it great to be home. Praying that Jax feels better soon.
I'm glad you got home safe and sound. I hope Jax feels better soon and he can get some sleep!
So much cuteness in one post! :) I hope Jax feels better soon. I can't wait until there are GIRLY pictures all over your blog!!
Sorry Jax isn't doing so well. I was happy to be able to see him while he was living in my neck of the woods for a few weeks!
oh sweet Jax - I'm so sorry your tummy hurts! Everybody else looks so good. Get better little one!
What sweet pictures. I hope your sweet boy feels better soon. I can't wait until your daughter is in the picture with her brothers!
So glad to hear that you are home safely! What a trip! I hope Jax feels better soon :(
Jax is such an inspiration, and just a beautiful, little man! I am glad I found your site.
Feel better sweet little Jax, you have a whole world to take on, and continue to inspire.
Great photos:)
Hugs, Shelly
So glad to see you back! Hope Jax is better soon.
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