Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day at the zoo.

Yesterday we went to the zoo with Jessica and my boyfriend Jonah! The boys were so helpful. Jonah took right to Carter and they walked hand in hand. They would help push strollers if Jonah had a meltdown, and they were great babysitters. I love my boys!

Jonah was recently diagnosed with autism. One thing that reminds me a lot of Tanner, not liking noises. Jonah would cover his ears if there was music playing or loud people.

My boyfriend showing us his great signing!

Dippin dots are so yummy!

Riding the train.

Jax on the train. Look how red his hair is in the sun!

My own sweet autistic boy!


Lovin Lane said...

Oh looks like so much fun.... I just love all thier hair styles too cute.... Marcy

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great time! Love the pics, loving the red hair!!!

The VW's said...

Love the zoo! Looks like a fun day with all those handsome boys!

Rochelle said...

Looks like a great day!

April said...

What a fun filled day!!

Alison said...

Great pics - I love Jaxson's red hair! Ashlea doesn't have autism, but is very sensitive to sounds - we have *many* pictures of her with her hands over her ears!!

Emily said...

We hit the zoo last week! Looked like a fabulous trip!

Jessica said...

Om my...do you see what I see??? Looks like Jax is starting to make a kissy face! (sec. pic of him) Once again it was a great time and I am grateful to have a friend like you, a friend who "gets" it :)

Cammie Heflin said...

So cute!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Fun! you'll have to come check out the Phx zoo! Its awesome!

Melissa said...

Looks like a great day! And you know, I've never tried dippin dots. One of these days I really need to do that!