Daddy came home last night, and we were super excited! He did not pass the test he took, he was extremely disappointed. But we don't care, not too many people pass it on the first try, he can go back in two months and retest. If he has to transfer with his job to get us to Cali then we will do that, and he'll get back into school down there. I have not doubt that his dream job will come true, you just have to keep trying! Its not like going and interviewing for a job, there is a written, physical, and grueling interviews to go through!
Auntie Boo took Jax for the day yesterday, to practice for while we are gone. Man that was hard, I don't know how I'm going to survive weeks without my boys! I went to Tanners school Friday to try and get him settled before we leave. Hopefully the things we put in place will help, and the teachers will keep it up. There's no reason for him not to be in a public school, he's doing really well, there's just a few quirks with him. He doesn't like to go outside for recess. Its just too loud, and too many kids. Same thing with the cafeteria. So one teacher is going to let him eat lunch in her room, and the other teacher will let him in her class for the second recess. I also was going to talk to his ped about his med. His anxieties seem really high right now, so I wonder if the med he's on is working for him. We may have to change that. Keep your fingers crossed that he continues to well in school.
Speaking of Tanner, his babies have opened their eyes! Look how sweet. The picture of the black one is not great, but he is so cute! He's totally black, the perfect Halloween kitty!
17 hours ago
Such cute kitties! How did Jax do with Auntie Boo? I bet you are going to miss all your boys, but you'll be home before you know it and have a wonderful gift with you, when you return! :)
I'm sorry that Ray didn't pass, although it sounds like it's not uncommon. I know that his dream job is out there. Perhaps it's just waiting for you to go get your beautiful daughter, transfer within his company and get settled in CA, and then BOOM it'll appear. :)
Those kitties are TOO CUTE! I wish I didn't hate cats. LOL
I love when the kittens first open their eyes.....Tanner's are so cute. Just realized, does that mean that your sister will now have to take care of kittens too? Bummed about Ray's test and not having him end up needing to stay with us but you are right, this line of work is a long process to apply for and he will just keep trying. Part of me thinks this happened for a reason because it may have been tough to coordinate some of it while you are in EE anyway. Things will work guys are an amazing family and as long as you have each other, everything else will find it's place. BTW...I now have 3 outfits for Makayla that match ones that Ella has :)
Bummer on Ray not passing the test this time. We will pray that next time is the charm.
They are precious kitties!! Hoping you get everything in place so you will have a blast while you go get that sweet little girl!
So sorry to hear about your husband not passing his test. We have been through that disappointment, but looks like he at least will have more chances so that is good.
I can't imagine all you are having to get set before you leave for your baby girl.
And oh my goodness, if kittens stayed that little and cute I would have a ton. Thanks for sharing the pics.
SOrry about Ray - but you are right, the right job will come along. I think you are wise to give yourself a dry run of one day with Jax. I am looking forward to the middle of October - you will be home with Makayla!
Those kitties are so cute!
Sorry to hear Ray didn't pass the test but glad to hear he has other options for getting you all to California.
Oh how cute, I just love little kittens! Glad to hear that the teachers are making some adjustments for Tanner. I hope the boys have a wonderful school year.
Wow, you will be leaving soon, I'm sure it will be diffult to leave the boys, but they will be in good hands.....thank goodness for your sister & Auntie Boo=)
Sorry to hear that Ray didn't pass.....oh well, TRY & then TRY again!! You are all destined for CA, it WILL happen!!
Aw, I'm so sorry he didn't pass. But there's always next time...
Your boys will be just fine while you're gone, I'm sure, and will be soooo happy when you return with their new little sister!
I'm sorry to hear about Ray's test. I'm sure he was disappointed. The kitties are adorable though!
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