I plopped Jax in the front seat because I had to buckle his car seat in. Daddy grabbed the camera because he thought he looked so cute, its not often that he is sitting up so tall!
My emotions are all over the place today. You wouldn't believe the emotions involved in adoption! Some days I'm so excited to go, to hold my baby girl, and to see a country that I would have never visited on a vacation. Other days I don't want to leave my boys, I think of every little thing that could possibly happen. I know parents leave their children with family all the time and go on trips. But we've never done that yet, so its new to us to. Our boys do just about everything with us. Also, this trip is so far out of my comfort zone its not even funny! I do think that's a good thing, it will make me stronger, and make me realize that I can survive being in another country. One good thing, I think we are on the same flight as another RR family, which will be really nice. We can go through customs together, and have another American family to talk to!
I know I am prepared as I can be to leave the boys, especially Jax. Although the boys will miss us because they've never been away from us for more than a day, they will have so much fun with my sister that they don't see often. Their cousins will be here with them, again, they only see them once or twice a year. It will be like a big vacation for them too. All of Jax stuff is ready for us to go. We are getting another vent, and all his supplies set up at Auntie Boo's house for the days she has him. She knows his medical history really well, and she's been coming over and doing his routines with me. She's also taken him for the day to remind herself of how to take care of him. She is coming with me to my ped's office today to meet her, because they will be in close contact while I'm gone. We are doing some labs today, because his tend to be off, so we will try and fix that before I go. Brandon is going to come down when my sister has Jax. He will answer any questions she may think of, and do vitals on him to make sure he is as healthy as he can be!
But yesterday I was getting paranoid that he was going to get sick while we are gone. Mostly because I realized that we are in the beginning of flu season. Flu shots are being given at the grocery stores already. It doesn't help that I talked to a friend that has a daughter thats been sick. We were talking about chest x-rays and rocefin, that just made me super paranoid. Again, if he gets sick, he is in good hands. There's nothing I can do if I was here that I can't do over the phone. My ped is in control of his care. We started his tobi treatments, just trying to do everything we can to keep him healthy.

thinking of you and definitely saying prayers!!!!!!
Lacey many many extra prayers are going to be said, so go with a peaceful mind, and know that Jax and the boys are in good hands. Think positive, stay positive and only send out positive vibes, don't let any negativity creep in. You might be far away but the world is such a small place npw and God forbid you can always hop on the next flight and come home, I know that sounds crazy but at the end of the day yes it's a posibility, but don't worry there will be no need for all that. All will be well. I will be praying for Jax and for you. Stay calm and stay happy. Sending you much love.
Lacey I love the picture of Jax with his eyes looking upward. It looks like he's rolling his eyes. Telling you "Mom, we'll be fine. Go get our sister!" :)
I can't believe that you leave in 10 days!! Sounds like you have everything ready to go and everything else is out of your control so just try to relax and enjoy the next 10 days with your boys and then the time after that with your husband and that sweet baby girl. I have those outfits that I need to get in the mail to you. One of them that Ella and Emily have, I also got for Zoey so that all of our girls can match :)
keeping you guys in our prayers.
I love the pictures of Jax in the car! He looks like he is ready to take off and joyride! ;-)
I have been saying many prayers for you, your boys, their caretakers and doctors, and for Makayla. What an exciting time for your family! I know you know they are all in good hands while you are gone, but I understand the anxiety too.
Many hugs and prayers to you!
The roller coaster will be over soon enough!! Praying things go smoothly.
I will be praying that God will cover EVERYTHING!! So excited that you will soon get to wrap your arms around your sweet girl!!!!
You've definitely got my prayers!
Lacey, I will be praying that you will feel peace, and that everything will be ok, at home. It will be ok. I am so happy for you and I have to admit a little jealous. hoping that your trip goes smooth and fast. I can't wait to see pictures of her.
Our prayers are with your family at this time! Sounds like you're preparing every way you possibly can!
We are all here for you.Sending you on your way,carried on the wings of all our prayers,for you all while you are over there and of course the boy's,especially Jax,while you are gone.
We are holding you guys up in prayer daily and will continue to do so through your travels and homecoming with Makayla.
This is what I am praying for my kids this month, but it seems fitting for you guys too.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.
I pray he gives you peace as you get ready for the trip not to worry about the what if's (I would be there right with you) and just lean on that He is in control and is leading you to pick up this beautiful blessing overseas that he already had planned for your family!
Many prayers & positive thoughts coming your way=) Enjoy this time with your boys (you all need it)!!
BTW, I LOVE the pic of Jax in the car, so stinkin' cute!!!
I can't imagine the emotions and anxiety you are feeling right now. My prayers are with you. Is it possible to get an adapter with an o2 port on the side that would provide oxygen while he's getting a neb. We have one for Isaac. I wish I could send you a picture of it.
Lacey, I'm so amazed at how organized you are! You definitely sound ready to go. I'm sure Jax and the other boys will be in excellent hands while you're gone, and when you come back you'll have your beautiful little girl with you!! Just remember to *breathe* okay??? (((hugs)))
Praying for you guys!
I love ya Lacey! Sending many paoitive thoughts your way, but please send them back to me when your done :) Just a week left! You are finaaly going to see this beautiful girl, and the bonus...she is flying home with you!
Jax will be good! Just keep telling him it's not a choice.
You are so crafty, glad you figured out how to make an oxygen neb. I will surely say extra prayers as the time gets nearer to bring your baby girl home! Can't wait to meet her.
You're going to do great over there, your boys are going to do great over here...breathe deeply...
Now go get that baby!!
Our prayers are with you Lacey. You can do this. Can't wait to see your beautiful girl!
we'll be saying lots of prayers during this crazy, crazy time for you and the family. I can't even imagine what you're emotions are doing right now!
Prayers coming my good friend
You are amazing!
We're praying for you and your sweet family! We can't wait to see you with your little girl!!
Sending prayers your way each and every day!!
I feel like I'm getting all excited and I'm not even the one who gets to enjoy and snuggle up with that precious baby girl.
Lacey we can go to Disneyland all week of Thanksgiving except the actual Thursday/Friday/Saturday. The week before we are just blocked out on Saturday. :)
I am praying for your entire family, Jax and Makayla. I cannot imagine the conflicting feelings you have but you are doing somthing most people would not. All happens for a reason and you were called to RR because your family is so loving and responsible. I wish you luck with your journey. We all have a journey in life and you have found your niche. I have to admit I am a stalker on your site but check on your family's progress daily as you seem such an inspiring presence. Things will work out for you as they are meant to. Please remember that. With blessings....Laura
Such cute pictures of Jax sitting up so tall and big in your car! What a handsome boy! I happened to notice in that picture that your handicap parking permit expired yesterday....at least that's what it looks like it is.....just wanted to make you aware of that, in case you didn't know. :)
Also, I can only imagine how difficult it will be to leave your boys! I would be freaking out if I were you! You know that we spend most of our time with our boys too and it's hard for me to let them be away from me for long....so I totally get how you must be feeling! You are a brave Momma and you are going to be making the trip of a lifetime....and it will be so worth it! Plus, I'm confident your boys will be just fine! I'll definitely be praying for all of you! Love, Hugs and Prayers!!!
Lacey I'm so excited for you and frightened for you. Just let me have all your anxiety and you go get your girl! Jax and your other boys will be in such good hands and you will only be a "phone call away".
I would SO purchase Thomas trains off of you. lol =)
Prayers ALWAYS! Your boys are so strong and will be even stronger after you get back with your baby girl! Jax defies the odds all the time and I don't think he's going to go back on that now! :) HE is strong and reslient and wants to meet his baby sister just as bad! It will be good Lacey, you will have such an adventure, such a story to tell, so many ways to inspire so many around you!
You, Jaxson and your beautiful new little girl are all in our prayers at the moment!
I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that I've awarded you a blog award, and that you can pop over to my blog and collect it if you like!
Thank you again for the beautiful blankie you sent my daughter Seren last December, she still loves it so much, and it helped us so much during her last hospital stay.
God bless,
Becky xxx
Extra thoughts and prayers are coming your way!!!! I'm holding my breath in excitement for you!
You all are in my prayers!
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