Last night we saw mother nature at her worst, and we saw the best in people! A fire broke out in the mountain just south of us around 2:00 pm. This is the picture looking out from our house yesterday afternoon.

By nightfall, we couldn't breathe, our eyes were burning, the winds were fierce and they were blowing smoke and ash directly at us! The fire was moving down into homes so fast and we were terrified for our friends that lived in Herriman, the city at the bottom of that mountain. Auntie Boo, who you know is taking Jax some of the time while we are gone, and Emily, were in the red zone. Auntie Boo text me and asked what she should do with all of the equipment that has already been delivered to her house. His vent, concentrater, and other supplies. I told her to leave it, its not something that she needs to worry about escaping with.
Ray and I were up until 2:00am, watching the news, and checking facebook, because thats where our friends were updating. We could even see the flames from our neighborhood, and the smoke smell was in our house, so I can't imagine what they were going through.
We got a couple of pics from our house. The didn't turn out great, we could see it better with our own eyes. The camera couldn't capture it as well. And this first picture that is blurry actually shows the flames the best.

I woke up this morning expecting the worst. I couldn't believe when I looked outside and saw blue skies! The winds had stopped early morning, and were now blowing the other direction. No more houses are in danger right now, and we have heard that only 4 homes were destroyed last night! I can't believe it! I expected hundreds of homes to be burned, but because of the hard work of the firemen, they only lost 4. You can see pictures of the ground charred all around houses, but the houses are untouched. We are so thankful that no one was hurt, and our friends are ok. It was an extremely scary night!
I'm calling home care to see if his equipment needs to be cleaned. Auntie Boo said this morning that inside her house smells like a campfire, so his vent may be compromised. We are just glad they are ok, and they are still in their house this morning!
holy cow Lacey that's stinkin scary!!! I'm so glad EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE is OK!
My goodness - how scary. Glad things worked out.
i was wondering about you guys when we saw that on the news - so happy to hear that this morning all seems better and so sorry for the 4 homes that were destroyed, but as you said- very thankful that hundreds were not destroyed!!!
I know, wasn't it the worst fire ever!! My daughters inlaws had to be evacuated but are now back in their home. My husbands sister was just a few miles from it but no evacuation. So glad everyone is safe and the winds have turned.
WOW glad it didn't get any closer to you guys. Hope his equipment is alright.
so scary, glad everyone is okay
Oh my word, hope the vent isn't compromised.
How scary!!! Glad to hear it's under control and your friends stayed safe! Hugs!!
wow that truely is a miracle, I can't imagine the damage it could have caused. So glad to hear that everyone is o.k. What a releif for you guys. It's God's work.
Never a dull moment.I say you need that Ukrainian vacation for sure ...
Love you all and are so,so excited for all the amazing miracles that await you.Miracles in the form of a beautiful baby girl.
Will call tomorrow.
Oh I'm so sorry things were scary for a while! So glad all are okay.
I'm so glad everything is ok! I've been thinking about you guys since I saw this on the news yesterday. My husband's sister, her husband and daughter live in Herriman. The fire was coming down the hill toward them and they had to evacuate. They are safe, and miraculously, so is their house!
Wow, that is incredible. I am so glad that such a small amount of damage was done. I hope you get your equipment up and running with no setbacks or hassles.
We've had terrible fires in our area too lately! Glad the hear the firefighters did an awesome job!
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