Daddy comes home tonight for the weekend! Yippee!!
Although he may come home just in time for chaos!
Carter started coughing and wheezing Tuesday. I got a call from his baseball coach that he wasn't feeling well, so I picked him up. That night his sats were dropping to 80 at times. I got through the night with some blow by oxygen, and headed to my peds office yesterday. He acted ok, although thats Carter. The kid can't stand to sit still for 30 seconds, even if he's sick. My ped did a VRP, just to see if it was anything, for the little ones sake.
When I checked the results online last night, it looks to me like he has RSV! I haven't gotten confirmation from my ped yet, but it said Influenza A and B were not detected. But RSV says detected. To me thats a positive. Last night I put oxygen on him before he fell asleep, so I didn't have to fight him when he was sleeping. That turned out to be the best thing, his sats dropped again asleep, and he left the oxygen on all night!
I'm a little worried that Carter may get worse as well if its RSV. Its only been two days, and RSV usually peaks around day 7, and can last weeks! He's been hospitalized every time he's had RSV, although its been a few years. Him and Jax were actually hospitalized together with RSV one year!
I'm just praying Jax doesn't get it, or we may be in for a rough couple weeks!
Jax also goes to ENT tomorrow. When I changed his trach the other day, I had a really hard time getting the new trach in. The hole seems to have shrunk. And to make matters worse, he has some tissue on one side, making it more difficult. He panicked and turned some nasty shades of blue while I tried to get his head back and open that hole to get the trach in!
Good times!
Meanwhile, I have been trying new hairdo's with the princess. I'm wondering if I should trim her hair so its all even. Its too short in the middle back, so this cute hairdo only lasted about an hour before it all fell out!She found Carter and his apple. Or I should say she found the apple, that was what she had her eyes on!
Yes, we chopped Carters hair! He wanted it short for baseball. Last season he had a hard time because he plays catcher, and every time he threw his mask off, his hair was in his face.
1 day ago
More hairspray!! :)
Hope the little ones don't get the crud!
RSV BAD DEAL!!! sorry to hear that! love the pix of the Princess!! I had to bob Maddie's hair for that same reason! stinker had short hair in the back middle of her head and long on the sides...funny! Love the are great to get her to let you do it...hope for healthy..smiles
poop on the RSV! ugh...
and so cute with the piggies!! I love her face too, like-are you done messing with me yet?
OH crap for you think that is why Jax is so junky? Maybe he has some too? That just sucks. I'm glad your hubs will be home so you have some backup. Poor Carter...I didn't think big kids got never ends does it? Loving that pic of Arina...she's looking like, "are you serious about this??" too cute.
Love the 'do!! That last pic looks like she bit his hand. LOL
So sorry to hear about the RSV!!! I thought only babies and little little'uns got that. Hope he has a comfortable night tonight and that everyone else stays well.
Oh man, I didn't realize children could get RSV after the first year, scary! I hope he feels better soon.
Love her hair so adorable!
So sorry you're dealing with this yet again. She is so that little hairdo. Hugs
Cute pictures!!!
Good thing your hubby is coming home for the weekend! Hope the rest of you stay healthy and Carter doesn't get any worse! Love, Hugs and Prayers!
Praying Jax or Arina don't get it! Thankful Ray is home to help. SUPER cute hairdo. WOW I am impressed!
Oh my goodness her hair too cute! LOVE the pics just adorable.
Praying that Jax and Ariana don't get it. Hope Carter feels better soon. You are having way too much fun with the little princess but I love the hairdo.
I hate RSV! There have been 3 kids at Claire's day care with it in the last month but so far her synagis seems to be working! I hope she and Jax both stay healthy!
Oh, and Claire would never sit still for me to do that to her hair.
Hoping the RSV stays away from the other ones. <3
Uggh, the dreaded RSV! I really hope this passes quick and Jax doesn't catch it. I love that girls hair, she's so cute!
RSV?!? Yuck! Sorry to hear that. I hope the rest of your crew let's it pass right by them. Hopefully Carter's body fights it quick and it moves on. I also hope you had a chance to get some rest.
As for the hair. . . absolutely adorable. She is too cute! I'm not sure it would matter what her hair looked like. She is just the type of little lady that every time you see her you just want to reach out, pick her up, and give her a great big hug.
Im new to your blog. How old is she? She is so tiny with so much hair!What a beauty.
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