We are home, and our drive was surprisingly quiet. Arina cried for a bit, that girl hates to be in her carseat! But otherwise it went well.
Now we get to do day to day routines without daddy. It will be strange, but good in the long run. He likes his new job so far. They are super busy, so he loves that. He will also get overtime with this job, which will be soo nice!
It was pretty rainy and gloomy the whole weekend. But a gloomy day at Disneyland or playing with friends pretty much beats any other day!
I don't have any pictures right now, because daddy thinks his super nice camera should stay with him!
But we have some super cute pics of Ella's birthday party, if I ever get my hands on those pictures. Always love me some Zoey and Ella time. And of course Addy and mommy flew out, and let me tell you, I could eat that Addy right up! Her momma says she's a man lover, but I got me a lot of cuddles and loves from that sweet girl. Met some other new friends, and just had a great time.
Since Sunday, Jax has been super junky. He tends to get junky when we change the air on him, but this time even robinol is not helping. I hate it when I don't know if he's getting sick or not. It still hasn't turned into anything more. His sats are a little low, but nothing alarming yet. I wish it would just show itself or go away! Didn't get much sleep at the hotel because of that. I was suctioning or turning off alarms all night. We stayed an extra night because I was exhausted Monday, but Tuesday was no better, so we headed home anyway. I think sleeping right next to him doesn't help, because I hear every noise and beep. Last night in his own bed was a much better night.
Off to do loads of laundry, and catch a catnap when possible.
Have a great day!
2 days ago
So good to see you back, you've been missed. Hope Jax is feeling better quickly and it's nothing serious. Glad you got to visit with some of your little friends again. Hugs
Glad you had a great weekend. Aren't Cammie and Addy the sweetest?
Glad you had a safe trip back!
Welcome back,although it was super nice to have you here for a bit.even though I feel that I didn't get a chance to talk to you one bit.Hope the outfits and bathing suit fit .. Arina is so much tinier than I remember!
Will try and keep Ray from not getting too homesick the best we can.Not that he is exactly close in distance,but we will sure try to get him up this way when he has time.
And Zoey,she has a nasty cold and so does Ella ... couldn't have given to each other that quickly but weird that all our little ones have something.Hoping Jax kicks it quick
yeah to good smooth sailing!! who likes a car seat!! I am bummed to hear Jax is not feeling good...will be thinking of you...that sinlge mom thing is a hard task!! smiles
Agree with scrappy quilter, hope it is nothing serious and it shoos away. Sounds like you had a good trip.
why on earth would he need the super nice camera up there when you're the one with adorable kiddos I need to see?
Glad to hear you guys are back. I kept checking for updates. I need to find you on face book. Stay strong mommy! You can do it! I'm so glad you are making it to California. I know how bad you wanted that. Hugs to you all!!
Glad things are going well and hope Jax kicks this junk asap!
Glad you're home safe!!
Glad you are home and that you had a great visit. I wish we had been able to come out. Hopefully next time we visit Cali you all have moved so we can meet!
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