Last night I found the princess playing with these...Hey, I didn't wait 13 years for a girl to have her play with army men!
But this is all we've had in our home for 12 years. We are working on building up our girl toy supply. She doesn't really understand babies yet, we're working on it.
For now, I'm going to hide the boy toys!!
2 days ago
I just needed to see pictures of her today. It's been one of those days. She always brings a smile to my face...she is just so adorable. And besides she loves "green", my favorite color. Hugs
Too cute! Play away Arina :)
Yes, you definitely need girl toys! But, other the other hand, those little army men are good for fine motor practice. :)
Hahaha. Oh we love boy toys at our house. Alayna is all girl but she can battle Aidan in light saber duals anytime!
"But Momma, I want to be just like my big brothers!" :)
I can totally relate.....because if I ever have a girl, she is going to be all pink, all the time!
Such cute pictures though!
Just think....when you move here, I will be able to hand down Ella's girly toys to her!! (And maybe spoil her a littler too:) By the way, I keep forgetting to tell you that Corona has a really good Special Ed department in the school district from what I have heard....and I have a really good friend who works in the preschool when Arina is ready :)
Hope played with boy toys for a long time, but when we got her her first baby doll and carriage I swear, her eyes lit she just knew that's what she was supposed to have
HA HA! Emily loves to play with Ethan's army guys, she likes to wait for him to get them all set up and then she goes and knocks them all over and it drives him crazy!
Just wait until the boys come home and find their army men in Arina's doll house...or Barbie convertible! LOL!
very funny! I so want Maddie to be a littel princess to! no boys toys here either!! smiles
Too funny!! Bring on the My Little Ponies!
Very cute!
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Your daughter is so adoreble and cute.
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