We are barely hanging on with our tip-toes over here! So much going on, and not having daddy here. Whew! I'm thinking I'm never going to be able to sell my house while I live here with my messy brood! A possible surgery for Jax, etc, etc!
Our whirlwind weekend with daddy is over. We dropped him off at the airport a few hours ago. He had a horrible flight here, the airplane popped a tire when they landed. He said the flight attendants were rude. And he was delayed 2 hours in Phoenix, which means I had to go get him at 2 in the morning! His flight back won't be much better. He just text me and said he's delayed an hour in Phoenix again. Bye bye Southwest, you just lost a lot of business. He's done flying with you, and he'll be coming back and forth A LOT! Oh well, your loss! But now I have to find another cheap airline. Hmmm!
Lots to talk about, but I'll break it up, or we'll have the worlds longest post! I want to talk about school for medically fragile kids, as we just had Jax transition to kindergarten meeting!
But daddy coming home means he brought his camera, and all of our pictures from our trip. We didn't take a single picture this weekend. Makes me mad, but Friday we had one appointment after another, and then the dang weather got bad again!
Grrr...I'm going crazy! As we speak there is snow on the ground!
So a few weeks delayed, here we go!
Carter and his precious princess!Miss Zoey and Arina getting re-acquainted!
The beautiful Miss Addy. This was our first time meeting her. And although her momma says she's a man lover, I sure got some great snuggles!
The crazy Reid. I absolutely love this picture. If you know Reid, you know this picture pretty much sums him up!
The lovely Emily and mommy.
Miss Addy giving Arina kisses.
I love this one. Look at Arina watching Cammie sign so intently! Hopefully she'll start signing soon!
Trying to get all the little's to sit still for a picture!
In Downtown Disney, there is a store called Ridemakerz. You can build your own car, and make it a remote control. It's very cool. The boys, and daddy, had a blast making cars!
My beautiful boy, these need no words!
She truly is a princess. Lots of pillow, in a big fluffy bed all to herself!
Look at my beautiful niece! Ray is staying with them in Cali until he finds a place! She is so gorgeous, give me some of those cheekers!!
1 day ago
Love all the pictures.I love the "big boy" and his remote control car ... gotta love that Ray.Always young at heart.
Sorry you are struggling there.I you am certain this first week or so was a major adjustment and before long you will get into a groove.Just in time to make the move here.
Anxious to hear about what surgery may be looming forour sweet Jax as well as all the rest of the news.Till then,take a deep breath and Ray will be back before you know it.
Now you know what the Southwest delays were all about, right? The top of one of the planes peeling off during flight on Friday?!?!? They cut 300 flights over the weekend so that they could inspect all the planes!! My mom just barely got back to Dallas on Saturday!
I love that pic with Arina and Zoey! I can't believe how big (and grown-up) Zoey looks next to Arina!!
Wonderful pictures as always. I hope your days get better. I remember when B use to travel with work projects. Gone often 4-6 weeks at a time..it was hard. Thinking of you often. Hugs
Great pics!
Wonderful pics! Glad you got a weekend with Ray. I'm sure it was hectic! Will be waiting to hear the rest of your "update". Hang in there. I'm sure you're doing an amazing job!
All those sweet faces, love it! Sounds like life is busy, hopefully it will settle soon and you can relax a little!
Great pictures! Keep us posted!
Cute pics! Is it possible for your husband to fly Jet Blue? I'm flying to long beach this month for 89 each way. Last week they offered 49 each way for spring break fares. If there is a way you could use that airport, the flights are direct and cheap.
Love the pictures!
All of these children are beautiful but my goodness - Mr. Jaxson gets more and more gorgeous by the SECOND! He has stolen my heart :-)
P.S. Josie is still loving her singing frog. Thanks for the tip, Arina!
Homeschooling rocks, just sayin'. :D
Tammy and Parker
Love all the pictures! So cute! Looks like you guys had lots of fun!
kindergarten?? surgery?? can't wait for the next post!
love the pictures though - some really great ones!
With all the holes in Southwest planes I don't think you want Ray flying in them!!
I love all the pics from your visits. I actually looked at plane fare (last minute of course) but just couldn't afford it. I would have loved to have met you all!
btw, if there is anything you want from my bookshelf let me know and I will mail it to you. Seriously!!
Oh man... I have been MIA over here with work deadlines. It was great to see you and your beautiful family again! ...and the picture of crazy Reid, you are right -it sums him up, my wild child!
Hugs to you and your crew!
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