See this gorgeous boy, he is not as sweet and innocent as he looks! Oh no, not this boy!!
This boy is trying to make me as crazy as possible before I take him on a 4 hour plane ride across the country!
You know we've been having problems changing his trach because he has a lot of tissue around the hole, and the hole seems smaller. Today when I changed his trach, he did his normal panic, turn blue, because mommy can't get that trach in fast enough. But today, even after I got the trach in, his color didn't come back.
In fact, it got worse, as he was starting to lose consciousness, I grabbed my ampu-bag out of his closet. Something we've had since he was born, but fortunately have never had to use! Something you should only need in the hospital. You know, the thing that is by every childs bed in the PICU, and is in a bag in every room in the hospital, just in case. We have one in our sons closet, just in case!
I cranked the oxygen up to 10, and bagged my baby back.
I never had a chance to put his pulse ox on, I couldn't take the time to do that, so I don't know what his oxygen levels actually were. Or his heart rate. But I'm kind of glad I couldn't see that, because I'm sure they were not pretty!
Oh I'm ever so thankful for my training! Particularly my pediatric training. My ability to not panic, and know exactly what to do, was from 4 years working with very sick children.
Yesterday when I was up at the hospital getting Arina's swallow study done, I ran into an old friend I used to work with. We started talking. I was asking her how work had been, any super sick heart babies right now, etc. We joked about a little girl that was one of my first patients. I had seen her and her mom in the store the other day. She is now 7, and healthy! She was one that nurses hated having. You just never knew if this little girl was going to code on you, or you were going to be calling doctors, and running her to the PICU! Then my friend laughed at me and said, your son is the same way!
That made me think for a minute. My son was one that nurses loved, but he made them extremely uncomfortable! You just never knew what he was going to pull. Just ask daddy, or auntie Boo, both got to experience that when Jax was trached. Nurses running in his room, bagging my son back, debating on if they should push that little blue button! One nurse was my good friend, and there she was, working on my son. Ray said he'd never seen her move so fast in his life! Because usually he is talking to her about In and Out Burger, or California, because they are both from there. But not that night!
We have less than a week before we leave on our Make a Wish trip. Oh I'm so excited for Jax, but so worried at the same time. I question if its a good idea taking him. I don't want to be 30,000 feet in the air and have a crisis! My ped told me we were going to have to turn his oxygen up, because of the altitude. That makes me nervous! Not good for a momma that's a nervous flyer already!
But again, we have to live, Jaxson has to live, and he deserves the world on a silver platter.
Oh the fun we are going to have, and Jax is going to behave! If not, there is a childrens hospital close, and I hear they have Disney rooms, perfect for our Mickey lover! Jaxson and Arina are ready to go, with these to die for outfits from Sarah!
1 day ago
Oh naughty boy! & those outfits are to die for!
Those outfits are adorable, hope you have a blast on your wish trip. Tell Jax to behave and have fun.
Oh my goodness YES, God knew you needed that training even before you knew what was in store. SO glad picked YOU to be such an amazing mom to Jax!
Oh, and those outfits....TOO CUTE!
Jax, you stinker! The kids look absolutely adorable (as usual!). I know your family is going to have a wonderful time, can't wait for pix!
how scary =( Camden was the kid who coded numerous times in the NICU. I had to go home with the whole nine yrds too...and that bag. But I never had to use it. Im welling up w tears for you...that you are STILL going through these things. I am so very glad you know what to do when those things happen though. ((hugs))
ANd yep, they are adorable!!
Come on Jax! You need to be a good boy for your trip. <3
That's terrifying for me to read, you are amazing! I'll be praying your trip goes smoothly and that jax behaves.
Those outfits are so stinkin' cute!! As cute as the little sweetoes wearing them:)
Could they be any cuter? That is super scary what happened to Jax. We have a large collection of those ambu bags in the house just in case. I hope you can enjoy your trip without any surprises and Jax is a good boy!
Both kids look adorable in their outfits, have the most wonderful time and I hope you manage to avoid the Disney hospital rooms. Love viks x
I am so sorry things have been so challenging lately... hope things are looking up-- LOVE the Disney outfits! TOO CUTE!!!
Those outfits are ADORABLE!!! I love them!
Tell Jax he better behave himself! Maybe he is getting all of his naughtiness out before the trip?! I hope this is the case!
Great job keeping calm and doing what you needed to do Lacey! God gave Jax the perfect Momma! Hugs!
That was overwhelming to read! I cant imagine doing what you do but then I never thought that I would have done what I have so far. In the moment it never quite feels like it, but looking back I do believe what is said about God not giving us more than we can handle. I also agree that Jax and his whole family deserves life on a silver platter. Enjoy your trip, may it be full of happiness.
Oh boy! How scary! Good thing you know what you're doing!!!! Did you panic after the fact? That's when I always lose it! And they look adorable in their outfits! Can't wait to see pictures from FL!
Oh Lacey... oh Jax...
I'm glad that you love the outfits.. I think that the kids are what makes them so cute! I can't wait to see them in Disney..
I hope Jax behaves on your trip!! The outfits are so cute!
Come on Jax, behave and enjoy a wonderful trip without making Mom nervous! Love the outfits.
You amaze me with your ease and patience with all of Jax's naughtiness. I know as a momma to a child who has taught me to do more than I ever wanted to know about, you learn to do what you need to do, but that doesn't always make it that easy. Jax is blessed to you in his life. We'll pray that this week will be eventless and that you have a great trip. You all deserve to have lots of fun.
You have nerves of steel!! I am so bad in a crisis. I hope Jaxson has a fantastic time and he is a very good boy:-)
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