Friday, July 10, 2009

New blankie kids

Finally, some more blankie pics. Look at these cute girls. They have incredible stories too, read them here.

Jaxsons hemo doc emailed me back and said he should hear from Boston anytime because they had him on their conference schedule for Wednsday. Now my stomach is in knots. On one hand they might say come out, we can fix this. On the other they might say, sorry, we can't fix this. Ugh, I hate being in limbo. So I might need some serious advice soon. I don't know how risky it is, how do I decide what to do for him?
Chillin with daddy


Anonymous said...

Cute blankies and great photo with daddy!
Praying that good news comes from Boston! It will all work out, whatever will all work out! Love to you and Jax

The VW's said...

What precious little girls!!!

I pray that Boston has good news for you and that your decision is an easy one! I'll be praying!

What a cute picture of Jax and his daddy! Does he ever have his O2tube actually in his nose?! He is trying hard to get it off all the time! So cute! :) HUGS!

Alan Anderson said...

What cute girls and their stories are amazing.

I would totally be on pins and needles knowing an answer could come soon from Boston. We will pray that the answer will be a good one.

You can swing by anytime when you are out and about to drop off some more blankies.


Alison said...

Oh Lacey - I am praying you get good news from Boston and that there are no hard decisions to be made. I'm going to check out the blankie blog right now.

Stephanie said...

What a beauty with her new blankie!
I'm glad you will know about Boston soon, either way the waiting game will be over. I do pray it is in your favor.

Emily said...

Oh I just hope Boston has some good news for your family. Sending love your way... it will all work out.

Anonymous said...

Those blankets are adorable!

I'll be praying that Boston will have good news for you and that God will lead you to help you decide what decision is going to be best for little Jax.

Our little guy, Wesley, preferred his oxygen everywhere but his nose. In fact, when we finally got rid of it, I think he actually missed not having it to suck on or the tubing to chew on. What a cutie your little Jax is!

My Three Sons said...

Carson still loves his blankie as well!

I love the pic of Jax and daddy. Very cute.

Melissa said...

LOVE the blankies...ADORABLE!