Thursday, July 16, 2009

Jaxson's new ride

You know how you have those days when nothing goes right? Well I had the exact opposite!

Yippee, finally!!!

First of all, Lily's givaway today is a little something for you moms. A 30 dollar gift card for jewelry. We can all use that right? But you better hurry over there because she will draw a winner tonight at midnight.

Next good thing. Daddy got a raise! It was enough to add about 100 bucks to his paycheck. A hundred bucks that we can definitely use. The only bad thing is, we think the raise is because he's thinking about quiting to finish school. And they need him, so they think this will keep him around, we'll see.
Then, the school accepted our appeal! So now we can get financial aid. This will make school life much easier for us. And maybe daddy can get part time work so he can bust through school. He has to have at least part time, because we CANNOT go without insurance. We checked with the school and you can no longer get insurance through them if your a full time student. One of the things that was cut with this yucky economy.
Now, Jax and his new stroller. Its basically a wheelchair with stroller wheels and a canopy. The main reason I got the stroller instead of the wheelchair was for the canopy to cover him from the sun.
Gettin fitted for my new ride.

Man, sittin here is a lot of work, maybe I'll just sleep through it.

The other great news, we ordered a base that works with the stroller seat in the house. It was denied by insurance because its a "convenience item". But we appealed it so it was ordered. Well the insurance still denied it, but since it came, it will cost the wheelchair shop more to ship it back to Germany so we get it for FREE!!

Lookin good, lookin old, yikes, my baby is not a baby anymore.


Unknown said...

Awesome, I am so happy for you guys~!

The VW's said...

Cool wheels Jax!!!

I'm so happy to hear that your day went so well! I told you, "good things come to those who wait!" I pray that good news keeps a comin' for you! How awesome that you got the base for free! YAY!

Jaxson is looking older! What a big boy! And, so handsome too!


JRS said...

Yay for good news!

Anonymous said...

Very cool - so glad your day has been a good one!

Maureen said...

He is getting so big! What a Great day Lacey!!

Stephanie said...

So glad for all of you. Man that is NICE! Christopher's chair is soo heavy it takes two people to lift it, so we end up using the stroller anyway. The chair base is awsome. Even more awsome when it is free! LOL! Jaxson looks comfortable in it too.


Steph and Christopher

Kristin said...

Woohoo - that is stylin!!

Heather said...

What a big boy Mr.Jax..Miss.Zoey needs a new ride as well and I am SO confused as to what to get her.I need help and my PT is no help at all.Glad things with Ray are falling into place as I know everything else will also.Keep the faith Lacey,your doing great.All of you are.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't be happier for you guys!!!!

Today was awesome for you all!!!!! :0)



Jen said...

You deserve such a wonderful day! Jax looks absolutely adorable in his new ride!

Jen said...

Hey Lacey, can you shoot me an email
I have a question for you! Thanks :)

Alison said...

Great news Lacey! The stroller looks fantastic and bonus on getting to keep the base. It was great to read about all your good news.

Alan Anderson said...

Yeah for a raise!
Yeah for financial aid!
Yeah for new wheels!
Yeah for a FREE base!

What an awesome day!

Jax looks so big in his stroller! He definitely growing up.

I would love to see the binder that you have for Jax because I just think I need something. We should plan a time so I can get the blankie and look at the binder. Let me know what will work for you.

Have a great rest of the day!

Kim said...

Yippee! That is one cool ride! And hooray for free stuff too!

Junior said...

Jax love the new chair, very cool

Lacey, yes, they want to flush out his lungs every 3-6 months because Junior is so prone to thick plugs. They use a bronchoscope to go into the lung and then they put muco-mist and saline into the lung and suck it all out.

Angi said...

I don't always leave a message but I check your blog happy you guys finally got a great day...Jaxson is such a cutie snoozin in his new ride!!!

Stephanie said...

Oh my gosh, I am beyond thrilled for you!
You totally deserved this day and many more like it to come!!
Congratulations and enjoy!

Cammie Heflin said...

What a blessing, it will make things easier I imagine!

Anonymous said...

So glad you had a great day! You certainly DESERVE it! :) made me smile all the good news! And look at that sweet Jax asleep in his new stroller. What a little luv! Love the new wheels...that will make life so much easier fo ryou all!

My Three Sons said...

That is great news about the base AND stroller. Good work on that! Hope he gets a lot of good strolls in it.

Tausha said...

Wow, that is so great. Love the new wheels!! My email address is

Kristen's mom said...

Wow! So much good news in one day! The stroller is awesome both you and Jax are very deserving.

Trina and Jophie said...

Finally! Someone with good news! It's about time....I love it and Jax looks squeezably cute sittin' high and mighty ;)

We loved our stroller type chairs..Once Jophie went into this 3rd chair they no longer made the stroller type that accomodated all his bits and baubles...Now to set a flame under our wheelchair dudes booty! ;)

Oh and by the way....To flush the lungs they do a Bronchoscopy....Skeeers me to death! Jophie had one when he was on the vent years ago....Still makes me shake and shiver...

"twitch twitch" LOL

Talk soon
Trina and Jophie

Anonymous said...

Hi Lacey and family, wow you made my day today when I read your post! YOU deserve all the good that is coming your way! Im so happy for Rays increase and that you got the base for the stroller for free - God works in great ways!!!!
Love the pics - Jaxsons new ride is pimping!!
God bless and big hugs!
Megan and Keaton

Melissa said...

YAY!!!! I'm so excited for all of the great things! They accepted the appeal...AWESOME!!!

LOVE LOVE the new ride Jax:) He so deserves it...

Lacey, I can't believe you sent Dillon a bday gift..that was too sweet...I'm all teared up over here:)
Love you guys xoxo

Stephanie said...

Yeah, good news for you, FINALLY! and a sweet ride for Jax!

Baylee and Blair's page said...

I'm so glad I can finally leave a comment. I don't know what happened for a while, but it wouldn't let me look at your posts. That is AWESOME that he got a more convenient chair. Don't you just hate insurance companies and their ways of doing things! If only they knew how much easier it made our lives!

Big Hugs - Tiff

Kim Rees said...

That is absolutely fantastic! I am so glad that things are starting to finally look up for you guys! Jax looks great in his new ride too! We will keep praying that things continue to go well with your hubby's school so that he can finish. I know how hard it can be to work and go to school and manage a family. Just tickled to death for you and can't wait to hear more good news!

Emily said...

SOOO glad to hear the good news! That stroller looks awesome! Hey.. at least you know he's comfy enough to sleep in it! You deserved this fabulous day!

ParkerMama said...

woot! Thrilled for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Love the chair - and how cool about the base! Good news is always wonderful!
:) Shelly

Junior said...

hi Lacey,
no, just the one flush, the pic is from earlier in the week. They left him intubated a couple days to be sure the lung stayed clear.

Anonymous said...

OK how cool is that! I got a stroller wheelchair kinda like that one for my Emmie. It's so wonderful you got the one part for free... always a plus! :D And yes, he does look like a big boy so wonderful to see them grow up :D YAY for good days!! Come by and say hello :)
Huggles and Blessings!