An amazing young women that has been quietly following my blog for a long time emailed me. I love it when I can find new people and new blogs. So if you read this blog and never comment, do so, because we love new friends!
Anyway, her name is Nikki, and she has traveled all over the world, working with orphans. She is working on a degree to work with special needs kids, and in December, she is posting on special needs. Todays post is about Jax, and the care that he requires. Go to her blog and check it out, along with all the great things she has done!
She also asked me if I still make blankies. This summer, she is traveling once again to India, and she wants to take a blankie to this sweet baby Emma. Oh how I would love to see this tiny thing wrapped up in one of Jaxsons blankies. That gave me a great idea! I want to make a bunch of blankies to send with her for the other orphans. If you know how to crochet around blankies, or would like to buy some material and donate it, email me at to find out how.
I love to see how Jax has touched peoples lives. Saturday we had Jax picture drawn. I wanted a picture that shows Jaxson underneath all the tubes and his broken body.And here it is! This picture shows Jax heart, and his gorgeous smile. That a true superhero is indeed under that broken body, and that is why he is still here, and still fighting!
To infinity, and beyond!
2 weeks ago
Jaxson, you're awesome! To infinity and beyond!
my heart just broke.
LOVE that picture. Saw it on FB, and think it really, really speaks volumes! Checking out the post now!
I have read your blog for many months...always inspired and eager for updates. My family was at Disneyland on Friday/Saturday of last week and your family ran through my mind. Apparently you were there too! Great picture of the little man!
So glad we were able to connect :) And I love the picture!
Nikki - blog design to change the world
Oh I love it!! He is one amazing boy that has definitely touched hearts like no other. Hugs
That picture is awesome!!
love it! so cute!
That picture is awesome!
Looking at her blog just about killed sad! What a great lady, to help so many orphans!
Love that drawing of Jax!
i read your blog alot and i love this picture of jaxson
what an awesome picture! it's perfect for him!
I read each and every post! Jaxson is already a superhero to us!
I wish I knew how to crochet! I am useless in that department. We love our blankie you made. :) I saw the pictures of that sweet Emma once before and I cannot bring myself to look at them again. They broke my heart. :(
Hi Lacey,
My niece Kim (the NICU nurse) has a 3 year son and a baby due in April. Here's what she suggested for a Ped. in the Corona area (I was having trouble with FB this morning, but wanted to get this info to you!):
"I know about those frustrating pediatricians that don't call, are over booked and treat you like you're just over reacting. That was our first peds with Liam. Definitely tell her to avoid Dr Yvonne D'Silva. She was AWFUL. But, we love love love our current doctor, Dr Victor Ortuno. He is super nice, both to the kids and parents! He is gentle, takes his time and understands what it's like to be a parent. He's got 2 or 3 kids of his own. I'm not sure how comfortable he is with medically fragile kids but I'm sure he could also make a referral to someone if that was needed. I know he is comfortable with kids with Down Syndrome, our friends' daughter has seen him since birth. The only thing that can be a little bit of a pain is that he does not work on Fridays. But he has always called me, even if he's at home.
Hope that helps a little. Jaxson seems like such a sweet little guy. Hope they find a doc they like!
Dr Victor Ortuno
1860 Hamner Ave
Norco 92860
Hope that's of some help Lacey. Good luck in the hunt!
Logan UT
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