Well folks, its officialWe have a walker!
Heaven help me! I've already found her on the computer table, and on the kitchen table eating ginger bread houses!
Time to pull out the play pen!
*and the bottle of pills in her hands?? I took an old bottle and put candy in it, because she likes to shake it. Its what I do to keep her still while doing her hair! A homemade rattle!
** Oh thank you, my anonymous friend! I didn't even think about her associating pill bottles with candy! Although she doesn't eat it, she just shakes it. I never take the lid off. I need to find a different bottle that makes great noise! It really has been 9 years since I had a toddler! Sheesh!
2 weeks ago
Go Arina! Glad Max isn't the only one on the computer desk and the kitchen table ;)
Please be careful with the candy in the medicine bottle.. She will figure out how to open it... I did when I was 3 and ate almost an entire bottle of children's aspirin... I use to let my son play with them too until my Mom reminded me what happened when I was little.. She may think that all medicine bottles have candy in them... :)
Anthony loves to put things in and out. So, we use clear plastic containers with fold-up lids (like parmesan containers) filled with stuff he can put in/out. You could use a container like a clean peanut butter one with a lid that doesn't fold open, and put rattly things in it...
I can tell Arina's going to be in a lot of things like Anthony is. He loves the top of the table, entertainment center, the tops of the couches, and other places to climb. We bought several baby gates on craigslist so he can't go up our steep, wood stairs (old house), or go in the kitchen then out the dog door or dumping out the dog water.
At least they're cute when they're getting into this mischief, right?! :)
Look at her go! She looks so grown up! Hasn’t it really been that long since I’ve seen her? She just gets cuter and cuter!
Oh my, those boots are too precious! Yay for walking!! She has just blossomed in your family. A totally different girl from when you first got her.:-)
My kids like "shakers" as well. Try an empty Parmesan cheese container. They make awesome noise shakers when filled with dried beans! I always tape the top well just in case.
watch out momma, she's on the move! Love the skirt.
I was trying to think of an alternative to a pill bottle for you but the only thing I could come up with is a plastic water/soda bottle but it might be too big for her little hands unless you have one of those tiny versions.
Such a darling little girl.
I had to chuckle about you finding her in other places now that she's fully mobile, she's a stinker!
ohhhh MY how GREAT is this!! Arina is on the move which mean Mommy will NEVER sit again!! and when the house gets quite you will have to RUN!! Arina is so fun when I see her I just think fun! LOVE the boots...smiles
I love it! I can't believe how much she's blossomed in your home...amazing...
YAY! Look at that precious girl go! How fun! Hugs!!!
Woohoo!!!!! Fantastic! Oh, and not only is she a walker, she's a *clilmber.* You are definitely in trouble, my friend. :-) Can't believe how LONG her hair has gotten...beautiful!!!
WTG Arina...you are delightful. Hugs
lol! you think a play pen is going to hold her back? oh, you have a lot to learn! lol!!!
love it! she is stinking adorable!
Hi! Merry Christmas. It's been too long since I've stopped by the blog to see your family. A walker?!! So so so fun! She is darling.
WTG!!!!! She will be running in no time!!!!
YAHOO Go Arina!
Wahoo Arina!!!!
I give bottles like that to Bell too.
We have a host of baby bottles, I think they're .. by the pump company that uses yellow as their primary color? Wow I'm so helpful. They're the thin tallish ones that only hold like an oz or possibly 2. They're clear with yellow covers. The covers go on TIGHT. We put random things in those to shake and to look at and move around and all of that good fun sensory stuff.
She is so sweet and so cute and I LOVE the boots!
YAY for walking! You're going to be one busy Mama!
Arina-rina!! She's so adorable, Lacey - could a child be more perfect? (I know you think that about all of your kids, but she's your only girl and omg is she precious?!) Now that she's walking, you know what comes next...DANCE!
wooo hooo!! Way to go Arina!
I'm not quite ready to call Claire a walker yet, but we're getting close. :)
Wooohooo!! she is SOOOOO adorable!
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