Have I ever mentioned??
How much I love, love, love having a little girl?How its everything I ever dreamed it would be from back when I was pushing my dolls around with my mom!
The other day it was just me and her in the car, and I cranked up the Katy Perry. She actually sang along with me! Ok, she can't talk, but she baby babbled along with me to the song. I can't wait until I can get her into dance. She just needs to be a bit more steady on her feet. Maybe next summer!
She understands the things I do. Like why I love my new front loading washer and dryer. Ok, maybe not exactly why I do, but I agree the spinning clothes are fun to watch!I'm feeling that one more little girl needs to join our family. Me and the hubby, and even the boys are feeling it.
Not yet of course, not until I'm settled into my own home for a while. But it may be on the horizon!
2 weeks ago
Girls really ARE so much fun! I can't wait to see pictures of her at her first dance recital! <3
You're so blessed! Love your girl!
The first picture is so pretty :)
Look how long her hair is getting!
YAHOO! Another girl is just the thing for Arina! Oh that will be such fun!
Daughters are super fun! I'm sure another one would be blessed to join your family!
That would be so exciting!!
It's funny, because I never really thought I wanted a girl, but I so love having her!!
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