Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Procedures tomorrow

We check in to our house on the hill, same day surgery at 9:30. At least its not 6 or 7. The MRI is scheduled for 11. They will do the MRI and then wheel him accross the hall to nuclear medicine and get a perfusion scan of his lungs. Our Cardiologist is hoping the MRI will also get good pictures of his veins so we can send it to Boston and not need the veinogram.
This is supposed to be a same day thing, but I talked to the nurse today for our pre op stuff and gave her my concerns. She said to bring a bag because it sounds like he will be staying the night. His respitory status being worse and his pressures being so high I just don't know if he'll extubate. We will just pray. So pray for Jax that he does well tomorrow. I will keep you updated on what goes on throughout the day.


Trina and Jophie said...

Got him covered girlie....Update us when you can :0)

JRS said...

OK. Will wait for updates.

Kristin said...

Prayers are being heard loud and clear up there... there was a lot of excitement on the floor this evening... outside of Paul Cardall's room :)

Alan Anderson said...

Yay for not having to be there at 6 am - I am hoping we don't get that time on Friday either.

Do you need any help with anything tomorrow - please let me know? We'd love to come and visit if you get stuck. We will pray, pray, pray all goes well and that he will be able to be extubated quickly.

We actually rode up this afternoon and met Max - he is so cute and sweet. Hopefully you will be able to see him again tomorrow!

And the pictures of Carter that are black and white with blue shorts are taken with a setting on my camera. You can choose it to accent one color in the picture and everything else will show up in black and white. It is one of my favorite settings. If you want pictures like that let me know and I will gladly take some of Jaxson and your other boys! I think they turn out awesome!

Loves, hugs and prayers!
Kristi and Carter

Alison said...

Will definitely be praying for you guys.

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Definately thinking of Jaxson. I hope he surprises you and comes right off the vent, and home the same day!!

Heather said...

Sending all our love and prayers and will be anxiously waiting an update.Kiss the little guy from all of us.A big one from Zoey.

Junior said...

We will be praying

Anonymous said...

Always in our prayers and thoughts! God bless!

Melissa said...

man - good luck. "try" to sleep - but it never works! WE will be looking for updates!!!

Tara Bennett said...

God bless. Hope all goes well. Sending hugs and prayers from Chloe and I!

Dawn said...

I'm new to your blog but I will be thinking of you and Jax and sending many positive thoughts.

Becky said...

Good luck and we will keep you guys in our prayers. I hope everything goes well!

Christine said...

Good luck today little Jax. Will say lots of prayers for you and your mommy today.

Unknown said...

Good luck today. We will be praying for all of you.

Mama Mason-Mann said...

Praying praying praying.

The VW's said...

PRAYING! PRAYING! PRAYING! Hope the day goes well! Love and Hugs!!!

Melissa said...

Catching up on Jax...Good Luck today & praying that Jax does well! UGH, you poor thing, I'm so sorry that you didn't get more rest. The pictures are absolutely beautiful though...
Will be waiting for the updates today & praying that Jaxson does well...Lacey, hang in there Momma! Jax is a fighter!!

Shelly Turpin said...

update as you can....I'm here praying

Denise said...

Thinking of you guys today. Hope all the procedures go well. What I really hope is that you get all the information you need so that you can FINALLY start moving forward. Think of you guys constantly and miss and love you!! We will be looking forward to an update.

Emily said...

We will be thinking of Jax and praying as always.... loads of love from us! PLEASE let me know if I can do anything to help.

Maureen said...

I have been thinking of you guys all day! Sweet little Jax good luck! Don't throw your momma any curve balls today, ok?

Anonymous said...

Good luck to my favorite Jax!
Aunt Krisy loves you!