We are being admitted tomorrow morning, a day early. Its just too difficult to try and accomplish everything we need to the day of the cath. Last night I had to put a mask of 5 liters on Jax. I didn't even know I had a mask, good thing I did. My ped wanted me to go in tonight, but they won't do anything this late so let me sleep in my bed one more night. Or at least be in my house, probably not asleep, since Jax won't let me do that.
Tomorrow ENT will come up to his room and scope his airway. The first thing to solving this puzzle. Then we have to decide if they are going to tap those effusions when they do the cath or not. I didn't want to go in early, but the more I think about it, it's a good idea. Depending on who the attending doctor is. Its better because I can discuss all of my concerns before things start. Like putting in a central line, expecially if they put chest tubes in. If its chylus fluid then they have to start a fat free diet. Well, you can't put a kid on an all fat diet on a no fat diet. So what they have to do is stop feeds and do TPN and lipids. You have to have a central line for that. I have absolutely no idea how long this stay will be. Maybe a couple of day, could even be a couple of weeks. One of my huge worries is his respitory status is so bad, he may be intubated for a while after surgery. My other worry is they are going to take one look at his airway and want to trach him. Yikes.
There are computers at the hospital and Ray is bringing up the laptop on Friday, the day of surgery so I can keep you updated. I'm very happy that Michelle is coming up Friday to hold my hand too. Please keep my naughty munchkin in your prayers the next few days, they could be lifechanging.
5 days ago
I'm so sorry you're going through this--I'll be thinking about you guys!
We are praying harder thank ever for Jax and you! Please let me know if there is ANYTHING we can do!!! Praying praying and more praying!!!
Hugs to you all!!
Always, sweetheart.
There's no need to even ask. You and Jax and the whole crew are in our prayers ever day.
Just remember, your naughty munchkin is our naughty munchkin.
I know things will be up in the air and that means they are never simple, but please keep us updated as much as you are able and if you need anything don't be afraid to ask.
Please let me know if I can do ANYTHING. Prayers are a given!
We'll keep your sweet boy in our prayers. I really hope that it will be a short stay.
Lacey we will be praying. Give Jax a big hug for us.
Go get 'em Jax...xoxoxoxo
Oh my... our prayers are pouring your way. We love little Jax and hope all goes well. I am here for you...
God grant you REST tonight and PEACE for these coming days!
Of course we will pray and pray hard for sweet Jaxson. It sounds like a good idea to get up there early especially if you had a five liter night. Good luck with the Bronch and if you need more hands to hold let me know!
We will be praying. For all of you.
Hey Lacey,
we are praying really hard for Jax and for your entire family. Please give Jax big huggles, lots of love and tons of germ free slobbers from us :D
BIG huggles for you too! :)
Please let me know if there is anything at all I can do to help you...prayers are headed your way from Minnesota. You are an amazing mom!
Prayers sent. I'll be thinking of you and watching for updates.
Hi there. I have been following your blog for sometime now, and knew I needed to comment. (my neighbor is a friend of little Carter Anderson's family) I am absolutely amazed with you and your sweet family, but most of all that angelic son of yours, Jaxson! Your story is so incredibly inspiring, you need to know the strength you give to others! All of my faith and prayers go out to you and your heroic son at this trying time. Fight on, Jaxson!!!
On bended knee girlie....Wish I were closer
Trina and Jophie
my prayers are with you and Jaxson, im sorry your having to go thru this struggle and worry and pain for him, and of course im sorry that Jaxson is having to endure this. he is a such a sweetheart and a fighter, hang in there momma, your an inspiration!!!
Zach's (CDH) Momma,
As always, I will be praying hard. I am guilty of praying at night as soon as I lay in bed and therefore sometimes doze off before I finish my prayer list. I make sure that Jax is always first because I really feel like he needs all of our prayers right now!!! I can't even believe the support system he has out there!!!
I will be keeping you, Jax, and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Thinking of you and sending all our prayers and all our love your way.We are a phone call away and know we are also a car ride away ... I would,we would, do anything and go anywhere for you all.I will call tomorrow.If you answer great,if not I understand,Just know,I am her.Kiss that boy for us.And the rest of the boys too.
Definitely praying for Jaxson and all of you.
Thinking and praying for you and Jaxson!!
Big prayers coming your way...Wish I could come up and hold your hand too...you are such an amazing mom and I admire your strength...stay as strong as you are...and know that there are so many thinking of you and Jax and your family...
We are praying hard for you guys! I just don't know what else to say other than we will be there with you in spirit.
Steph and Christopher
Praying for all of you.
Oh Lacey, hang in there. Thoughts and prayers are going out to you guys. Please know how loved you guys are, even from "strangers". Hugs for your both. Wish there was something I could do. . . will be waiting for news.
Lacey you are constantly on my mind and in my prayers. Will be with you from afar as support. The children are praying for Jax too, God hears them so clearly. All my love and prayers to you now. Hang in there strong Mama!
Oh Lacey! You and Jax are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. Even though I don't comment as often as I should I do check on Jax daily so be sure to keep us updated. I hope everything goes better than expected!
I'm praying!!! I hope this admission and surgery goes well! I'll be thinking of you guys and praying often! HUGS!!!
We are praying for Jaxon's safety and health and for you and your heart. Please feel free to contact me if you just need to vent to someone that is new.. I am happy to listen.. He is a cute little boy and I pray daily for him. May God be with you and your family..
The Poynters
Many prayers for you, Jax and the rest of your family. prayers and hugs
We'll come and find you on Friday. We'll be sure and bring lots of hugs and friendship!
If I were close by, I'd be there with you, too. Lacey, I'll be thinking of you guys and hoping that all goes well.
You can count on me praying for Jaxson and you, too.
HUGS to you and kisses to Jax. We'll be praying here
Thinking about you guys! I hope all goes well.
You are in our prayers. Sorry you are having to go in again. Give Jax a hug from us, especially from Sam. Keep us updated.
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