Thursday, September 10, 2009

A post I've been dying to write

I've dying to write this post, but waiting until it was official. Paul Cardall got his long awaited heart! Our prayers have been answered. I've known since the heart came in and have been dying to write about it. Jax buddy Max, who just had his heart surgery, was right across the hall from Paul. She emailed me on Tuesday night saying there was a lot of activity around his room and when she asked the nurse if he got his heart she gave her a wink!
I had just been listening to one of his CD's that Ray had just bought me, and was planning on taking a blanket up to his daughter Eden while we were at the hospital when I got Kristen's email.
When we went up for our MRI his room was empty. So I took the blankie to the PICU and left it at the front desk since he was still in surgery. When we left he still wasn't out so I didn't know how it went, and have been checking his blog every few minutes. This morning his wife finally wrote the post. Go over and send them your blessings.

Living for Eden

Jaxson's cardiologist emailed me this picture of his MRI last night. The arrow points to the place in his SVC that is narrowed. You can also see how big his heart is, it takes up a lot of space in his left lung. He wants to do the cath, measure the pressures, and maybe balloon it open. Its still really risky because they could knock a piece of the clot loose and it could travel to his heart or lungs and that would be disasterous. He could also nick a collateral and cause catastrophic bleeding. So we have to decide what to do. Ugh

Also, tell me if this wouldn't make you crazy, one reason why I think they are wishy washy with me. I forgot to ask him if he wanted me to keep his sats above 95 because of his high pressures. The nurse paged him and he said, "the higher the better, but don't go overboard" What the heck does that mean? If I have to turn him way up to keep his sats above 95, shouldn't I take him in to see what the problem is? Sheesh.


Shari said...

Yes, I read that today and cried tears of joy for them.

Baylee and Blair's page said...

I have been praying for the Cardell family for some time now. I actually found the link on your site. I'm so overwhelmed with joy that he has received a new heart!

That would be very frustrating with Jax! I pray that you find peace in making the decision you need to correct some of this!

Big Hugs - Tiff

Tausha said...

That is so great. Prayers really do work.

Denise said...

I have been checking yours and Kristen's blogs all day waiting for an update on Paul...yay!! I am so glad to hear that he came through the surgery so well. As for Jax....that's quite a picture of him you have there. Wow!! I am no expert so don't have any good advice for you other than do what you have been doing and follow your heart on this. What feels right??? Boston or UT??? I just want him to have some relief!!!

Emily said...

Prayers.... such a blessing!

The VW's said...

What a blessing that Paul received his heart! I pray that he does well with it!

I'll be praying that God will give you the wisdom to make the best choice for Jax and that this decision will give you peace!

Has this cardiologist done this before? How many times? What were the results? Were there any complications? These are some things that I would be asking.

I pray that they can do something soon and that it works well and gives Jax relief! Hang in there! HUGS!!!

Kristin said...

I was so excited to see that post on Paul's blog today! Then I hurried and wrote my post - I saw that you had already posted too.
Cool picture of Jaxson's bod (it would be cooler if it were showing better news). I am hoping to get a copy of an xray next week of Max's chest wiring.

Alison said...

Great news to hear your friend got a heart. That is a pretty cool picture of inside Jaxson's body! I will pray for you guys as you make these difficult decisions about what to do next.

Alan Anderson said...

That is a really cool picture of Jaxson - I love seeing xrays and such.

I am so happy too that Paul finally got his heart. What a relief to get the call and make it through the surgery. I hope Eden got her blanket because she will love it!

Anonymous said...

WE have been praying so hard for Paul and his family...I am shedding tears of joy, hope, relief today! He is such a blessing to so many, he has lots of work to do here still! Crazy MRI on goodness. Oh I hope they'd just give you some straight answers...prayers for you my friend...always! Can't wait to see you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

God is Great! I have got to know about the Cardell family through your blog so thank you for inspiring us once again! Prayers for guidance for you and Jax dear Lacey! You are always on my mind! God bless!

MichelleH said...


So glad to see the MRI results and know that things may finally be moving forward for Jax....and all of you! Hoping that you find peace in your decisions as things progress.

Love from Iowa,

Evie's Story said...

We were so excited to hear about Paul too! God is good and watching out for these sweet hearts....big and small ones!!

Kim Rees said...

Praise the Lord! God is good. Still praying that Jax situation gets better. I don't know how you do it Lacey? You are one strong mama! Hang in there and don't let these doctors drive you too crazy!

Anonymous said...

Of course you can repost the video ;-) Great news about Paul!

Lynnette and Paul said...

Thank you so much for the beautiful blanket. It was such a sweet surprise to get as we arrived to the PICU. We are thankful that you have been so mindful of us and we continue to pray for you, your family, and your darling little Jaxson. I am so impressed with your efforts to get those blankets to so many. Hang in there....
P.S. That photo of Jaxson in your next post is beautiful, he sure is a cutie.

Shelly Turpin said...

What a blessing to get the heart! Sounds like it was just in time.

Sweet Jax - we get two different standards for Bella, 90 and above or 93 and above, but then we get the doc that comes in and says, she's repaired, 95 and above - whatever. I was a straight A student in school, I figure if it's a 90 or above, it's an A and it's good enough for now. Craziness dealing with multiple docs. everyone has their own opinion.

I hope the balloon will help and absolutely not hurt our sweet guy.

And, definitely, the next time you are in TX, you can get your hands on my sweet girl! :) But I get to love on your little man too! What fun that would be.