Seven months ago a princess traveled across the ocean to meet her new family!
(This is a long video, the first few minutes are all you need to watch though!)
Can you believe that this was once our baby girl? So stoic and so quiet. She sat in a walker all day long! When we got her home, she could barely sit up on her own.Now the girl doesn't sit still for a second! She has lots of new skills to show off. Her favorite though, is to try and climb my TV stand to get to her Playhouse Disney!
Oh shoot, momma caught me again!
Her other new skills include walking with her toy, and the stink bug crawl. This girl is going to be walking any day now!
This girl is so amazing, and I can't even imagine what her life would be like if she was still in the orphanage.
She is perfect, and the boys wait on her hand and foot! To think she was given up simply because of an extra chromosome. There is nothing this girl can't do! We are so happy to get her out of a life of pain, and finally have a princess in the house!
2 days ago
7 months! Time flies. She is doing amazing :)
Simply beautiful! Just look at the difference lots of loving can do, she is just radiant now, one lucky girl...and one very lucky family.
She is absolutely gorgeous! Hope to see you all again one day soon :) Laura does the stink bug crawl, and we call her stink bug too hehe How cute!
She looks so healthy and beautiful ~ good job, Mama! What a little treasure you found.
You are amazing sweet Arina and we are all so blessed to have you in our lives.Now hurry up and get to California so we can see you more!!
She is cute that the boys wait on her like a princess :-)
Amazing just her coloring is SO much better! Arina you are a princess! Smooch, smooch!
Wow!! I just recently started following your story, so it is amazing to see what a difference 7 months and a home full of love can do!! Your princess is just beautiful! (and very tricky, too;-)
she is beautiful. I am so glad she is home.
She cracks me up
It is amazing how far she's come- What a blessed little lady :)
no I really cannot believe this was 7 months seems like you have had the princess forever...thank you for saving her...she is so worth it!! she is so darn fun...I think Maddie and Ariana could get into a lot of trouble!! smiles
precious!! Love when the boys all take turn holding her...and love Jaxon's shirt. lol Precious family..
It seems like just yesterday you were bringing her home!! I've loved watching her grow and change.
That 7 months seems like it flew by, and yet it seems like you've had her forever! And, look at her now! She is doing fabulously! Congrats on 7 months together! Hugs!!!
Wow! 7 months already?!? That time has just flown and I don't even get to spend all the fun time with her. She is so blessed to have your family and I can see you have been blessed by her just the same. What a gift from above!
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