I just tucked my munchkin in for the night. I left him in the very capable hands of the PICU nurses, and made him promise me he would have a good night, because when mommy leaves is when he tends to be naughty!
He's doing so good, he never ceases to amaze me that his little body can endure so much. Like normal they had a really hard time getting an IV. They really didn't want to go deep, because he's supposed to be able to go home tomorrow. They finally found a tiny vein, and so far its holding up ok. They just stopped his IV fluid, because he's starting to sound wet. Exactly what I told them, only hours on IV fluid goes straight to his lungs. He's on very slow feeds, and he gagged before I left, so I hope they are able to keep going up on feeds tonight. He's getting lots of pain meds, his heart rate has been super high, and he makes his "I'm hurting face" a lot.
The VNS surgery was uneventful. We'll make an appointment with neuro in a couple weeks to have it turned on.
The bronch showed severe narrowing in his airway not held open by his trach. They are making his trach another centimeter longer, but I know thats not going to help. He showed me pictures of his airway narrowing down where it branches into the lungs. We'll have to wait for the trachs to come in, and continue to wait to see if it helps (I'm not holding my breath!)
As I was driving home it finally hit me that I was up at 4 am. I'm barely keeping my eyes open. I'm going to bed so I can go up and hopefully bring my little man home tomorrow!
Now, pictures.
2 days ago
Glad Jax did so well and I hope you get some sleep!
Oh sweet baby! Poor pumpkin, I wish I could smooch his cute little cheeks! Still in my prayers!
Sweet, sweet boy. What an example of courage and strength!!
Glad to hear he's doing well :)
Poor guy! Hang in there Jax! I hope you both get a good nights rest. Hope you can bring him home tomorrow!
Your strength continues to amaze me! Praying for the tough little guy.
He is a fighter and we keep praying on this end that he will be home soon!
God love his big ole' heart. Glad things went as planned. Question, and maybe I've just missed history, is there a reason his airway continues to narrow?
Great job Jax now keep it up! Lacey you're also doing amazing! Prayers for you all I hope you feel them lifting you up. (((hugs)))
Had no doubt he would do wonderfully.He is the strongest of the strong.
oh sweet Jax - how I pray this helps you!!
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