Even though I'm tired from 3 sleepless nights with a coughing child, I am finally seeing the rainbow that comes after the rain!
And man, its been a long rainstorm! Like a 4 month long rainstorm!
I got a call today from my IRS advocate. The IRS has closed our account, and our money will be deposited THIS Friday!
This Friday! Now I can finally get this house on the market, and we can get down to Cali with our daddy we miss so much! I can get us a house rented, so daddy finally has his own space, no more living out of a suitcase, and we have a place until we are able to buy a house down there!
A dumpster is being delivered Thursday (I had this rented months ago, June 16th was their first available) so we can get rid of a lot of stuff. I still can't go down to Cali until after Jax surgery next Tuesday, and Carter still has a couple baseball games to play. But after that, we will be in Cali, looking at area's to live, and interviewing peds (that's going to be hard!)
Since this is a fantastically happy post, I have to add some pics of a princess!
This girl is determined to be just as dirty as her brothers!I used my mad mommy skills, and busted out these cute bows to match her outfit in 10 minutes flat! New record I think!
2 days ago
I am so happy for you!!!!! Finally!!!!
I hope that this is the first of many good things to come your way. Lord knows you deserve some good!
Oh I am soooo glad it finally came through!! You definitely have mad mommy skills, and not just at making bows!
Praise God! I hope I get to meet sweet Jaxson and Arina one day in person, they are beautiful!
and I just love that little girl...she is so stinkin cute...and her hair! it's getting so long
so so HAPPY for you all!! what a HUGE relief...can we just talk about the cuteness of Ariana...I mean really she is to much!! I love it!! I bet she gives really good excited squeals and kisses!! smiles
Such GREAT news!! Omg, that child, that child, what a serious cutie-patootie!!!!
And how on earth did you make those bows so quickly? Great job, mommy-of-a-little-girly-girl!!!!
Yay - finally!!!!!
Love the bows :)
lol! that third to last pic is rachel's favorite face! :) yay for money and moving!!
What great news!!! Love the pics of Arina's grubby little face - what a cutie!
Thank goodness! Hats off you to on the bows, thats impressive. We are bummed that you are leaving, Kaelyn was looking forward to playing with Arina and Jaxon. We should have a goodbye play date before you go.
I am laughing so hard at her faces I am crying. Espically the one toward the middle where she is making that face. I had to show my hubbie.
Glad to hear you have some good news.
She is so precious! I miss that precious girl! Thank goodness your money is finally coming! So ready for Jax to have better medical care!
She is precious! She's one lucky princess and you're one lucky momma!
Doing a little happy IRS dance right here for you guys! That is FANTASTIC! Love the bows, love the girl! Oh my your Ukrainian princess is priceless!
Praise the Lord - He always provides what you need! how exciting!
E x
Oh, those faces! Such a bundle of delights!
Wonderful news!! And super cute pics of the princess!
PTL, thank you JESUS!! WAHOO, I'm doing the dance of joy over here!! So happy for you!! LIGHT!!!
I'm so happy for you that things are starting to move in the direction you want! Thankfully there is always a rainbow to look forward to! :)
LOVE those pics of Arina! She is adorable! I could just eat her up!
so glad that things are working out for you! And what an adorable princess!! You have a beautiful family!
The surgeon is Downey. Is that the yours too? We like him a lot.
I am so glad you are getting your money! Its about time.
Of course I can't not make a comment about how adorable those pics are! Sweet girl! I know you are trying to get to cali quick and trying to do a bunch of things but if you are able we should totally do that girls dinner before you go! Let me know what you think, I would love to see you before you take off!
She is soooooo adorable! I just found your blog. I am happy for you to be able to go where your husband is. I will be reading more about your precious family.
God Bless you.
I am soooo glad you finally have things sorted out on the refund and can get moved. That means when we visit CA in Nov we get to meet you guys finally!
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