Jax is home! Man I love surgeries that only keep us for one night. We like setting records for shortest hospital stay, instead of breaking our longest hospital stay record! He pulled his GJ out for the nurse. I warned them that he is a tube puller! So we had to wait for Specials Lab to have an opening to squeeze him in to get that tube switched. Never a dull moment!
I need to call neuro and make an appointment for them for two weeks. We are heading to Cali on Sunday for about 10 days, to look at houses and schools and such! Oh and of course, go to Disneyland! Can't let those season passes go to waste!
It always amazes me at how bruised and battered this kid is after such a short stay. Because he's on blood thinners, he bruises like a peach. So multiple tries for an IV leave lots of marks. Plus, they intubated him through his mouth to scope down his trach site, so he has nice red cheeks, that has turned this morning into a red mustache!
Last night...This morning's mustache! Sexy!
His incision site. The VNS feels huge in his little body. You can see a bulge in his chest where it sits!
2 days ago
So glad you guys are home so soon! But, I hate seeing my sweet Jax all battered and bruised! Poor guy! Give him hugs and kisses from me and Gavin!
Glad he is home! Bless him, his poor body is battered and bruised. Get that boy some Disney time to forget his troubles of this week!
I can't believe the bruising he gets! Poor wittle man! What a trooper. I didn't realize they didn't turn it on immediately. A lot I don't know!
I'm so glad you are all home, but I hate to see all his bruises. :(
Oh, wow, it hurts just looking at those bruises...poor little angel. Glad you're home, though. ((hugs))
So glad that things went so well and that he is home already!! Poor little guy with all his battle wounds!!
I'm so glad he had a short, uneventful hospital stay. Have fun looking at houses and going to Disneyland!!!
Glad you are home and the surgery is done. I hope he heals well and starts feeling better soon!
Oh Lacey! Poor little guy! He is such a trooper. Lord, thank you for watching over this special angel and Lord we pray for a speedy recovery. Bless his mommy and family and help them as they go to Cali to get some rest and relaxation. Also lead them and guide them to the perfect home. We thank you for all you have done and all you continue to do. In Jesus Name Amen. Bless you Lacey!
Oh yay - so glad it was a short stay!!
Oh my sweet guy.Wish I could rush over there and kiss all his boo-boos better.
Woah, so much has happened since I checked in. Poor little buddy and those bruises. Have fun in Cali!
So glad you guys are home! I was praying for Jaxson. I hate seeing all of those bruises. Poor guy. Enjoy your ten days!
oh my sweet Jax. I hate to see you bruised and hurt. So hoping that this helps!
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