Jax is done, he is in PICU, sleeping peacefully on the vent. The surgery went well, and they are just going to restart feeds slowly and work on pain meds he can go home on. We have to watch the one incision on his neck because its under his trach tie. His bronch was done by a different doc than our normal. He showed me pics of his airway, and how narrow it is all the way down to where it branches into the lungs. He said to make the trach another centimeter longer, but I really dont think that will help, just like it didnt last time. So we'll just have to talk to our ENT when we can! Thanks again for your prayers!
2 days ago
Yay!! So glad it went smoothly. :-) :-) :-)
thanks for the update. Sending prayers and smooches.
God Bless You Lacey! God is good! So glad that everything went well.
Glad all went well!!
Continued prayers for a speedy recovery!!
think of ya!! glad it went ok..gets some zzzz's if you can! smiles
Thank heavens! I hope that you guys are home soon. I have been trying to catch up on blogs this morning. When do you plan on coming to CA??
That's wonderful news. Will keep praying for a smooth and speedy recovery.
I am sure praying for him and your family!! So glad to hear things went well with the surgery!!! I will keep sending good thoughts and prayers your way!!!
Relieved to hear he is doing well!
Glad it went well! Praying for a speedy and smooth recovery and that he'll be home soon!
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