Before I start this post, a commenter wanted to see pics of the back of the stroller, so here ya go. I was going to put his suction in the middle on that piece that comes out. But I need a bungee cord to go around it because it doesn't stay on. His oxygen fits fine under there as well.People ask how I get anything done during the day with these two cuties at home. Truth is, if I don't have appointments, not much does get done. My house is a complete disaster! I keep the camera close to capture every cute thing they do, and in the last few days I've captured many!
I do also agree with many of you that have said you've noticed a difference in Jax since Arina has come into our home. A huge difference! The last couple of days he's been super smiley, and I love that I can forget about medical worries for just a moment and savor that smile!
Major picture overload as I have compiled some cute ones from the last few days.
Tangled!He's not letting a cast slow him down in practicing rolling to his belly. Inspiration in action! Look at that smile!
Ohhh, my brother has an owie
I will love that owie better!
The best of friends!
My warrior Rugg-rat!
My Rugg-rat princess!
Oh and I just noticed the lovely stain on my carpet thats in some of the pics! Seriously!!
2 days ago
What beautiful pictures! So good to see your prince and princess doing so well! You're one very lucky mama!!! Thanks for sharing them with us!!!!
Oh my - that third picture from the bottom is extra ADORABLE!
I just love seeing them together. They were meant to be siblings!
I love them! I could look at pics at the two of them all day..
and I love other people whose house is a disaster...ahhh
Your pictures melt my heart, completely and totally melt it!
what stain? what carpet? All I can see are beautiful faces!!!!
Love all the pics! Who cares about the carpet when you have 2 cuties like that to hang out with all day!
Beautiful pics. They are so adorable. I love this pic where they are touching each other... just beautiful..
What stain... I didn't even see one... :)
Lacey I love all the pics!! They are so great!!
The stroller looks really nice!
Thanks for the info on the gj tube. She just has the g-tube because they didn't want to feed her throught the gj since she refluxes out of her intestine and into her stomach we found that out with the nj, but we will talk to them about our problem and see if this would be worth trying. I sure hope it will work because she just is so uncomfortable. She retches some but the really sad part is that her ribs will pull apart from the air and it puts pressure on her lungs, which is the last thing we need right now. Anyway its so nice to have other moms to get advice from things you have tried already. I will let you know what they think about it. Have you ever experienced getting this much air with Jax? Its seriously every 2 to 3 hours we pull 9 or more of the 60 cc syringes. Our nurse can't believe how much air she gets out of her.
They are both so precious and beautiful!!!
what stain... hehe! love those two!
the monkey PJ's are the bomb! and i love the "glamor shots" pose she has in that one pic. love!
I know you know how absolutely BLESSED your family is, but I wanted to just say it again!! Seriously - these two angels make me smile every time I see their faces. The amazing differences in Jaxson in such a short time are mind blowing. Look at his head up, off the ground! Look at him rolling! Look at him smiling!!!!
Loving these pictures. :)
Gorgeous pictures Lacey. Jaxson is looking awesome at the moment!!
I love these pictures...those two really do enjoy each other! I love Arina's hair!
Arina loving his owie better is the most adorable thing ever!
Your pix are awesome!!! Jax has definitely changed! People ask me how I get things done with Addy cuteness everyday too. I work full time so when I'm home I do work on laundry daily or we'd never have clothes but other than that, my house is a mess! It took me literally ALL DAY just to clean the master bedroom, two bathrooms, the kitchen, family room and Addy's room. It's ridiculous! I must do more during the week, I just don't want to!
Could those 2 be any cuter??? The pics of the 2 of them in their warm jammies are adorable!!! Heck--all your pics are adorable!!! Thanks for sharing:)
God's precious gifts!! They are just so sweet.
They are quite the pair and I too think Arina inspires Jax. I love his smiles!
Seriously cute!!! And, no one would even notice the stain in your carpet.....we are focused on those adorable faces! I love the matching PJ's, and I love Jax's big brown eyes, and I love Arina's sweet smile! You are one blessed Momma! Hugs!!!
looooooove your pics!
Love your picture overload. Little Miss has those same red/pink polka dot PJs and the boys have similar striped PJs that Jax is wearing. Cute, cute!!!
Love the new pictures! And the stain - love it too - I have the same one on my carpet - lol!
Oh I just love a picture overload, anytime when it's of the cutest little pair I've seen. Seriously Lacey they are absolutley adorable together, I love all the pictures the last one of the princess is so so so cute, she and Saira have the identical nose, well more like what nose! And I love how she is around Jax, I know he can feel this love, she has been the best thing for her. Thanks for the pictures and keep that camera close by at all times!!!
LOVE these pictures! Oh they are just too cute!
The picture overload was amazing!My little Jax and his smiles,melts my heart.And Arina ... she is so gorgeous Lacey!I cannot wait to get my hands on her again.When might that be??
Love to you all ... and I think I see Mondo in Jax.What do you think?
I am sure the joy they bring to each other is ENDLESS!! These pics are true treasures!! Is that ARINA posing in one of those pics??!! lol I think California is going to bring you lots of great things! A modeling career perhaps for one beautiful little princess?!! Keep on smiling , Jax:)
Go Jax!!! Love to see him moving and SMILING!!! Warms my heart. And Arina is beautiful as always. :)
we were pretty much forced to sell our house by owner. we would have been in the hole 10 grand if we used a realtor. we just want to break even and get out. i have no idea how this is going to work. i have never sold a house before!
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