You know we are putting everything into moving to California right now. We had to put it on hold for our adoption, but now there are more reasons to get going! Finding some specialists for Jax is at the top of the list.
The bad part is, daddy couldn't enroll back in school for spring, because it goes until June. If he gets a job before then (fingers crossed) he would have paid for school for nothing. I hate this because he missed fall semester with the adoption. When your our age and trying to get through college, its not easy. I don't feel old at all, but when it comes to finishing college, I feel ancient!
This has been a great lesson for us. We are going to make dang sure our boys know how important college is. We won't force them to go, but we'll make sure they know how much easier it is to just do it out of high school. Ray's and my parents didn't push college. Ray had rough high school years. Without getting into detail he had a lot going on at home. College wasn't even a thought!
I had high aspirations. I was going to be a doctor. My dad bought me med school textbooks he got at a yard sale, and I read those suckers cover to cover! I used to wrap up my dolls, and give them shots with my grandma's old broaches! When I got my CNA, and started working at the childrens hospital, it was my dream job! Kind of. I wanted to be a nurse, but never finished that degree. Jax stopped me dead in my tracks! Medicine has always been my passion, and I fully intend to finish my nursing degree, just to say I have it. Even if I never work again. Put my knowledge against any veteran nurse, and I guarantee I'd hold my own! But my parents didn't have a lot of money, and they never instilled in my head how important it was. So drill team took over my high school years and all I cared about was dance!
I think of how old we are I seriously hyperventilate about daddy still finishing college. Is he going to be able to get a great job, when he will be older than most other applicants?
I don't want to live paycheck to paycheck forever!
Mondo already knows how important college is, and we are working hard with him because he is in Junior high now, and he's not the greatest student. We are also working hard at getting money put away for each of the boys. It won't be much, but it will be more than me and daddy had!
And Arina is a great tutor if he needs extra help studying!
2 days ago
Neither Eric or I finished college either...we're going to do the same for our kids...encourage them to go...
and E is about 7 credits away from his BA...crazy...
and I'm on you are officially my weight loss blogger buddy whether you want to be or not! haha!
WOW how can you go wrong with a great tutor like that? =)
You guys will get there. Just keep on going and don't give up!! Education never ends. I have a BS but now I am thinking of going to get my nursing degree too and I am much, much older than you, Lacey! Love the pictures - Arina is too cute! - Maureen C
I am supporting my husband thru his second degree...4 semesters left! Being a non-trad is ALOT more challenging, I hear you on that one. Feels like it will never end. I am an RN and used to do home health for kiddos like Jax. I am tickled to hear you want to be nurse and encourage you to follow that dream!!! I went to school with a mom who was inspired to become a nurse after her daughter was diagnosed with leukemia. She has gone on to be come Nurse Practioner specializing in oncology. What a blessing her skill set and incredible empathy are to her patients! All things happen for a reason Lacey, your desire to pursue a career in health care was placed in your heart for a reason. Praying for you and your family and loving your blog....(and available if you ever want nitty gritty details about nursing school!) :)
I certainly believe Jaxson and Arina look like Mondo. what do you think?
I think it's important you encourage your children to go to college!
I need to post the pic of Mondo and Jax when they were babies. Identical!
i adore you all!!! Are we on for Friday?
You ARE Nursing, Everyday!
Also, I love how Arinia is looking at his pappers like she is really studying and understanding it!!!
You oldest and the baby ... is that precious or what?And yes,PLEASE get to California,fast!
I just mentioned that i thought Jax and Mondo looked alike in the last post ... funny someone else things that too...I'm not losing my mind and you have pictures to prove it!!
What adorable pictures! But, if I were studying with that cute girl on my lap, I'd definitely be way too distracted!
Keep up your studies Mondo.....some day it will all make sense why your parents pushed you to do well! (I tell our oldest this all the time....he thinks school should just be all about fun, P.E. and socializing!)
I can't imagine going through college with having children and all the busyness of life....but it is possible and you can do it! Hope it all falls into place for you guys soon! Hugs!!!
I am still in college.. I take two classes a semester just so I can get my bachlor's degree. I agree with teaching them how important it is to go to school out of high school.. I have been trying to teach my sister that also (she is 16 years younger than me and a senior in high school).. You and your hubby will get there and out perform all those youngsters..:)
We totally understand the school struggles over here. Travis is getting his MBA and he had to drop classes during the adoption process. It is so time intensive on top of working - as much as I would like to have him around more often, I just want him to finish already! Hurry up and get it done!
On a side note, you are already an honorary nurse - no make that doctor - in my opinion. I bet you know what more than the average medical professional after taking care of Jaxson for the past few years.
I agree, with a tutor like her, you sure can't go wrong. She is taking it pretty seriously. Hugs
It's never too late to go back to school. That being said, I bet you could pass the exam with flying colors, with all of your practical knowledge!
Love the photos of Arina and Mondo!
you are to funny!! you are not old! I am older then you...and I do not feel a day over 22! you will get your education done it is never to late! and YEAH for you both! with Arina's help how could you not! to cute...smiles
Lovin the pictures. Too cute.
I am not surprised to hear you studied nursing. Even though you have not yet officially finished, life was preparing you for what was to come.
Agreeing with everyone else that the photos are precious!
We have been in the promotion-to-college lifestyle for several years and are still in conversation with many parents on this topic. Something that has stood out for us is: our children will have jobs in the future that do not yet exist. We are MUCH older than you and that thought is mind-blowing and reassuring. This is for the parents/kids who are worrying about the BEST college major. Earning a degree is what is important for the future. It demonstrates an ability to complete a long term project, persevere, work hard, a level of maturity. 'Older' students and workers are desirable for their maturity. Barbara
Arina is so cute. I wish I had a tutor like that! :)
As a traditional college student(i.e. I went to college straight out of high school) I can honestly say that I LOVE it when there are slightly older students in class with me. Every single"non-traditional" fellow classmate I've ever been in class with has been so great and really adds a lot to the class.
I have been following Jaxon for a while, praying for him. I followed your adoption journey and prayed for your princess too.
I havent commented much, but I think I have a few times. We have 5 children, our youngest has DS and a complex heart defect, he had 2 heart surgeries, with little hope of reaching mid-childhood. So we despite warnings from our local surgeon, we took him to Boston, he had a 3rd surgery, they undid what our local surgeon did and did a full repair. He has a bright full future now, yes he will someday need more valve work, but that is small potatoes compared to what he was faced with!
Our local drs are amazed at what Boston did for him and are now backing us 100% that Boston remains his primary medical team, they provide checkups but his drs in Boston call the shots!
If you are trying to decide to go to Boston, but it is the BEST and Jax, deserves the BEST!!
I have been following your blog for awhile now and think you and your family are amazing! I too have a little man affected by seizures and sports an extra chromosome. I am very interested in adopting a child from reece's rainbow and was wondering if sometime I could e-mail some questions your way. I could not find your e-mail on Jax's website but my e-mail is if you would be interested. Thank you and again I think you and your husband are truely amazing.
It'll happen because you want it so badly. I love the second picture. Sometimes I look at her and just wonder how she wasn't there all along.
I hope you all are moved to CA before the next time we visit. I hope we get to meet you that way!
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