Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Baby blue eyes!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year dear Lacey and Family! Wow, look at those blue eyes! Absolutely Beautiful and Captivating! Arina you are such a princess and I love reading your moms blog every day! Lacey so happy things are going well and thank you for all the pics of sweet Jax too! Looks like Christmas was very special! May the year ahead only be filled with joy, love, health and happiness! God bless, megs and family

ParkerMama said...


Anonymous said...

So, so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful girl!!! How anyone could deny such a gorgeous and loving face is beyond me! So happy she found her forever family in someone who wanted her just as much as she needed them!!!

I was reading back old entries to get familiar with Jaxson, and often came across mentions of you wanting that little girl. I am so happy God chose to bless you with little Arina. So happy she was found before it was too late!!!

I will continue the prayers for all the other precious RR orphans.

I have a cousin who has DS and she is the sweetest most loving child ever. When I used to visit her when she was about 3, every morning she'd come down to where I was slipping, climb in my lap and we would sing Barney I Love You over and over until I would get out of bed and come upstairs. I love her!!

Tina said...

Beautiful, she really is so so beautiful and look at those eyes, I really can't imagine why a mother would give her up, I know we don't know the history and the circumstances under which she was given up but it's still hard to understand giving away your baby. She is so lucky as you are look how much happiness she is bringing to everyone inclucding us!! I am so happy and excited everytime you post pictures of her. Btw is this your camera you used here, the pictures are great. Need a photo tip from you, how do you get the background to be fuzzy and the subject in focus?

Kristin said...

Piper just walked in the office and said, "Oh, how cute!"

The VW's said...

Gorgeous Girl!!!

Scrappy quilter said...

Beautiful, beautiful. I absolutely love the first one. Those expressions of hers are priceless. Hugs

Rochelle said...

Absolutely beautiful! Smooch, smooch Arina!

nicole said...

Can you hardly handle how cute she is?!? Thanks for loving her so much!

Melissa said...

Love those eyes!!

Erin said...

Wow, gorgeous child! Love those baby blues!

Colleen said...

Those eyes would melt any heart!!

Jeana said...

Look at all that hair, its growing by the minute!

Becca said...

Wow, she has BEAUTIFUL eyes! Great shots!

Christine said...

What a little doll!

Shelly Turpin said...

I dreamed I adopted another little girl with DS - she was blonde with blue eyes. Maybe it's Arina's fault!! Your Arina's eyes are beautiful!!