Hi there, we are here, we are still alive! I didn't get a chance to post before we left for Cali, and I didn't take the laptop with us, so there you go, a week without posts! Arina was an angel, and she had a blast on her first Disney trip. Loved the characters and all the rides. Haven't heard much about Jax MRI, just that it doesn't look too much worse, not great news as it doesn't give us an answer. Waiting for cardio and hemo to look at it.
Lots of pics to go through and post and lots to talk about, but first a more pressing issue. You know I don't like to post about the nastiness these blogs can bring. And the stupid comments I usually just leave alone. But when people make it more personal than I have to say something. Someone, at least I think its all one person, is trying to cause a lot of problems for our family. I'm not going to go into all the details, but the most recent, and the final straw for me, is someone emailed Make a Wish and tried to say that Jax has already received a wish. First of all, Make a wish keeps records, so they would know if we tried to get two wishes for him. We've been at this wish thing for a long time, because the adoption has been delaying everything in life. But Jax has never had a wish, this will be his first. And I'm done with this persons nastiness. This is now against the law. Its harassment, and making false claims, and I've now been in touch with the internet task force, and the police, if they feel it necessary. They've already been very helpful, and hopefully we can get this taken care of quickly. Again, I'm not putting my blog private. We continue to meet fantastic people, and share great information with each other. If this person is reading this post now, you better stop, because we have emails, and a few names, and I'm not going to sit around and let this continue. If its multiple people (shuddering right now!) then we'll find that out too! So you better just stop now!
Of course I send out my love to all of our great friends! Kisses from us here, mmwwwhhhaaa!
4 days ago
WHAT?!!? Now, that is just plain craziness! Glad you're back though <3 <3
There's always a bad apple in the bunch that tries to spoil it for everyone involved. I am glad you are 'on it' and if they don't quit then that is grounds for action. You have a beautiful family and I certainly have enjoyed learning about each one of them and your new beauty Arina. Thank you for the privilege to read your blog.
Girl, I am so very sorry. ~hugs
I mean seriously?Does this person not have anything better to do?
I know our visit was short,but is certainly was sweet.Arina is such a love and the boys,well,I think they are the best!And the best big brothers to Jax and Arina.
Sleep well.Try to let this roll off your back ... not worth the energy.Talk to you tomorrow.
Some people have Waaay too much time on their hands!
Wow some people, yeah I'm pretty sure Make a Wish knows who has and hasn't had a wish.
I can't wait to see the pictures from Disneyland. I already got a sneak peek from Ella's blog of your visit with her. Looks like you had a blast.
OMG I can't beleive that people could be so mean, what are thy made of? And what happiness does this bring them?
I am sure it won't change anything with Jax's make a wish and I hope he gets the best make a wish ever! I can't wait to see the pictures from your trip, the only ones we had the honour of seeing were some Denise posted at the hospital, and thae were lovely but I think we've waited long enough now....
Glad you had a good trip and that Arina enjoyed her 1st of many trips to Disneyland.
First of all, there has to only be one person dumb enough for all the madness. I know it's hard, but you can't worry about stupid people who obviously have no clue. When you share your life, you're bound to find some crazy stalkers who don't have their own life and have to feed on yours. Try to let it go and enjoy the journey. You've got too much to be thankful for right now to worry about the poor sucker. :) I miss my boy!!!!! You will be seeing me very soon! XOXOXOXO Auntie Boo
Oh my goodness - that is awful Lacey. Why would someone do something like that???
Those of us who have had the pleasure of meeting you and your family, know that whoever is trying to sabotage your life simply has no idea who you truly are. You are a wonderful and loving family and I would choose to be with you guys anyday (as proven by my constant whining that we didn't get to see you enough when you were in Cali). Now lets just all forget about this absurdity. If there is anyone who ever deserved a Make A Wish, it is Jax and his family!! We love you guys!!
I was wondering about you guys...glad everything is going well and Disney was fun, can't wait to see pics!
I can't believe someone has nothing better to do than harrass you about Jax, seriously person? Crazy
I'm sorry you are having problems with someone. Stay strong - you have all of our support and prayers! Can't wait to see the pictures - I have missed your blog. I've been coming here everyday looking and hoping. So glad you had fun. - Maureen C
How rude of those People (or person). I don't care if Jax has had one before he is entitled to as many as he can have. Every person is allowed to make a wish and as many wishes as they can in this life. Leave this family alone! sorry i follow this blog and I just don't like someone picking on a kid. Glad your back and had a GREAT trip!
Welcome home!!! Good to hear from you again! Hope you had a wonderful trip! Can't wait to read all about it and see pictures!
Sorry about the crazy person/people! There is always someone who wants to spoil the fun! Hang in there! Love and Hugs!!
Late last night I realized I hadn't had my Jax and Arina fix! So glad you are back and things are okay.
I hope you find the person(s) causing you grief so you can get the nastinest to stop. It's so unfair that you have to stop your life to address someone that low.
I feel the need to say hi! I read your blog often, and am so inspired by your family. I'm sorry you're having trouble, but I'm glad you haven't made it private. You have such a beautiful family! Thank you for sharing them:)
Omg, I'm so sorry to hear about that, Lacey. Some people are so miserable they have to make everyone else miserable around them in order to make themselves feel better, or more important. It's a shame.
Glad you all had a good time away! Hope you can get some answers for Jax soon...
I'm so sorry to hear that someone doesn't have anything better to do with their lives than harass your beautiful family. Hugs!
wow people are crazy...really all they have to do is try and get a little boys wish from happening? Seriously? Hopefully it will get taken care of and all will be ok. Glad to see everyone had fun at Disney!
I'm so orry that in the midst of everything else you are dealing with, someone has decided to make it harder. It's incomprehensible.
Grr, just put those people aside. They don't know what they are talking about!
Psssst! That's just discusting! Some people just have no clue! Hope you can move on from this! We, like MANY others, stand behind/beside you in your journey!
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