Remember in Junior high when you made German pancakes? I do! Well Mondo did that last week, and decided he was going to make Carter German pancakes on his birthday. What a great big brother!
I think he still needs to work on his technique though!Although he was very serious about his work!
Of course Carter can't sit aside and just watch, he has to be involved too.
Last night I was in my bathroom brushing my teeth. Carter and Mondo were in the shower. I could hear them goofing off in there, and I had a sudden flash of spending the whole night before daddy got home in the hospital with a broken bone. Before I had a chance to go in there and tell them to chill, I heard the screaming I had dreaded. Mondo was freaking out, and Carter was covered in blood. He fell on the tile floor, knocked a tooth out (thankfully a baby tooth) and split his lip open. Off to Kidscare we went. Well Kidscare wouldn't stitch it. They said it was on the lip line, and that a plastic surgeon had to fix it to prevent a scar. So then we headed to the ER. He now sports stitches on the top and inside of his lip. He said they don't normally stitch inside the lip, but Carter's was gaping, and they wanted to close it up a little.
My camera really stinks! I now I'm officially asking for a better point and shoot for Christmas. I need to have a nice camera for when daddy's camera is not at home.
So this picture doesn't do his nasty lip justice at all!Its much more swollen this morning, and he's scared to eat anything!
Daddy and baby are coming home tonight!! Our travel agent couldn't get them on the earlier flight from Chicago to SLC, so they won't get home until 10:28 tonight. They are going to ask in Chicago if they can squeeze onto that earlier flight. If you still want to come to the airport, there will definitely still be people there! Email me and I'll give you the flight info!
We'll be posting homecoming video's and pics here and on her blog!
4 days ago
OUCH!! Hope your lip feels better soon Carter! No more goofing off in the bathroom! I tell my boys this all the time, but they never listen to me...I'm surprised we haven't had an injury in the shower too!
Great job baking Mondo...what's a few crunchy egg shells anyway? I like your hair like that by the way!
I can't believe today is the day! I bet you and your boys are so excited! I hope they can get an earlier flight! Have fun welcomomg her HOME!!! Hugs!!
Oh my gosh Lacey,never a dull moment!!
A belated happy birthday to Carter and could he be getting any better gift than a new baby sister?I think not!
Cannot wait till she is in your arms!
Yikes, what a photo!! Hope the swelling goes down soon. Is it just me, or does anyone else think the name KidScare is kinda scary for a medical facility?
Yaaaaay, you're the mommy of the little girl you've always wanted, with lots of awesome big brothers to look out for her!!!!!
Isn't it crazy how you just knew something was going to happen like that? Mom's are too good. WE'RE SO EXCITED BABY GIRL WILL BE HERE TODAY!! That is the best news ever!!
I hate when I'm right about a feeling like that. My girls do that all the time. I even give it a five , four , three, two, one, and here come the screams!
just a little quality family time at the ER. Oh Lacey you are something else!
i can't believe the day has come! The Princess is on her way HOME!!!!
You must be jumping out of your skin. Give her a kiss from her far away Auntie who is already to go shopping. I'm waiting for the official size. I don't want to make a mistake.
And Happy Birthday Carter!!!!! nice b-day present on the way, A little sister!!!
Mondo, you rock!!!! what an awesome big brother you are.I looove pancakes!
Oh dear what better way to spend the evening than at the ER...UGH...
Hope his lip heals up in no time and I SO wish we could be at the airport to welcome them home! It has been an amazing journey following her and we will be in tears watching the video!
Best of luck and welcome home tonight sweet girl!
oh - that lip looks so painful!!!
I cannot wait to see your whole family together
how exciting that they are coming home tonight! I can't believe this journey is almost over and your baby girl will be in your arms and with her new family. So excited to see the pics and read all about the homecoming!
so sorry you had to take carter to the er - hope he is feeling alright! SOOOOO excited about daddy and arina coming home tonight :) yeah!!!!
I too am always about 10 seconds too late....
Excited for the baby to be coming home! Can't wait for pics of the whole family
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