I am having so much fun dressing up a little girl. Its so nice to have pink in the house, finally!
But we have found that not only is Arina the queen of aspirating, she is also the queen of refluxing! We have started prevacid, and we will continue to watch and make sure she doesn't get frequent pneumonia, or we will probably end up with a nissen.
Don't let these pictures fool you, so looks so sweet at first.........and then she pulls this trick!
Again, don't let this sweet face fool you....
....she is now confined to a towel or blanket for at least an hour after she eats. This is to try and save my carpet from an untimely death!
And save her big brother from a face full of barf. Because now that this girl has discovered her big brother, she insists on kissing him all day long! Which also means her milk usually ends up on his face as well! He is such a good sport, but even he draws the line on barf in the face!
An hour or so after she eats, she is allowed to kiss all she wants!
4 days ago
We finally got C's reflux under control about a month or so ago and it is so nice not to have blankets all over the house to catch the spit up milk!
I love the pictures of the 2 little ones!
If it makes you feel any better, Morgan spit up constantly. My carpet had more milk spit up in it than carpet fibers. We tried anti-reflux meds and it didn't make a difference. Since she didn't act like it bothered her (painful) we just left it untreated. She never had aspiration pneumonia and she outgrew it once she had more muscle tone and started walking, around 2 years old.
LOVE this post and the post below. Thanks for making my day!
LOL.....I so feel your pain... so cute... I am sure her love will spur Jax on.
I'm with Heather. We've switched meds for Max and he still smells like puke 90% of the time. It's lovely. And our pedi too, says hopefully he'll outgrow it when he walks. He's pulling to stand and I have yet to see a difference. And he still aspirates a little when drinking at times, both bottle and sippy. Still crossing my fingers.
We never medicated Samantha for her reflux, but it stopped shortly after she started walking. Ugh, it was horrible. And I could tell a story or two about completely inappropriate places for barf...(in line at Boston Market, anyone?)
I LOVE the pics of her kissing on Jax!!! So unbelievably sweet. Glad you're having so much fun dressing your little princess!!! It is SO much fun having a girl. :-)
I love that she kisses Jax! Too cute!
As for the reflux...yeah, been there, done that! Our carpets weren't good to start with, but are certainly worse because of it. Our silly dog liked to help clean up which was really gross, but helpful too! :-) Hopefully the prevacid will help a lot!
Oh my goodness she is so stinkin' adorable! LOVE, love, love the pics of her kissing Jax, but, I am with him you gotta draw the line even if it is your really cute sister puking on you!
The pictures of Arina and Jax are so precious. So beautiful...minus the barf, of course. LOL
Oh my!! I LOvE the pix of her kissing Jax! reflux is a bummer!! I hope she feels better! a princess cannot mess her pretty clothes :)
Oh man ... my kids were both pukers, and both have had fundos twice. The picture of Arina spitting up is like a blast from the past in my head. :) I hope the Prevacid helps some.
I Love love LOVE the pictures of Arina kissing on Jax. I don't know which of them is luckier! :)
Oh my goodness that last pic is so sweet.
Did you get her ears pierced?
I don't care...I love her anyway. And those pictures of her kissing Jax are simply priceless. You had me scared there for a minute with your title. I thought you were going to say that all of your kids are barfing right now. That is not the way we want to see you this weekend!!
LOVE the kissing pics!!
I just love the kissing pictures! Too precious. She is a beauty!
hey! the prevacid will only help if she is in pain. it reduces the acid which in turn reduces the pain. but if you have her on added rice formula, the prevacid will keep the rice from thickening in the stomach which means it won't work. after almost a year of trying different things, we have FINALLY found something that keeps rachel from barfing all-the-time. it's a thickener called Simply Thick distributed by wincare and it's covered by medicaid if your GI will write a prescription. i really recommend talking to her GI about it. rachel is on prevacid and the thickener and it's like she doesn't have reflux at all.
Give me a break! Can Arina and Jax be any cuter? I love those munchkins!!!
Noah is doing this. I have no idea if it is reflux or not. All I know is months of this and I am tired! Then he stopped vomiting for 2 weeks and then had a reaction to a med and had diarrhea for the entire 2 weeks and a horrible diaper rash of thrush and now the diarrhea has stopped he is back to vomiting. When they did his g tube they didnt do a nissin now I am wishing they had. Blah.
Hang in there and know you are not alone.
Be blessed
Your sister in Puke lol
I love those pictures. They are so cute together. I'm so glad you finally got your PINK Lacey.
What sweet pictures!!! :)
I am loving these pictures!! So sweet. Thank you for sharing them!!
LOVE the last picture. So cute!
Those two couldn't get any cuter. LOVE the pictures! And how fun dressing all up in pink! :)
She's the prettiest queen ever, I just loved all these pictures, and that one of her smiling staring straight at you..wow what a precious little thing, and isn't it great that she has an extra soft corner for big brother Jax, I am sure Jax can feel the lovin too. Thanks for all the great pictures...made my morning!
Oh goodness, she is SO adorable with Jax!
I love the kissing pictures! They are so sweet together! What a nice little sister! I am in love with those two! You are one blessed Momma! Hugs!
lovin the kisses!
I had a severe barfer and with pnemonia frequently and they put him on Reglan prior to every feeding and it was amazing how much better he got within a couple of days. 8-10 changes of clothes a day got old really fast :-)
THey are PRECIOUS together!!
Hey this sounds all to familiar. We just started Brunton on Prevacid also because he has the start of aspiration pneumonia. The puking is quite annoying I swear that I change my shirt a million times a day from him puking on me!
Love the sibling kisses! SO precious. PRaying for reflux control!
Hey Lacey- has she had an Upper GI done to make sure there isn't a duodenal stenosis? We thought Abby just had really bad reflux- and it turned out to be this.I think when she was born they assumed she didn't have the atresia therefore they didn't need to check further. Your comment about confining her to a towel brought me back to our home pre-surgery to excise the webbing she had. The hole/opening was only the size of a rollerball in a pen- so when we got to stage 3 type babyfood non of it went down. She had been able to apply enough force to push enough through to grow ok so no one questioned it much. You would often hear her making this sort of low growl sound- that we thought was her peeing but I now think was her flexing her stomach to push the food through the opening. Just a thought...
Great pics! But Lacey, I swear to you there must be two queens of barf because my little puker sends everything back up. It is so gross. She goes to the dr on Tuesday and I need to get something to stop this.
I love the kissing pictures! I love it when Joy kisses Bella! :)
OMG - the kissing pics are ADORABLE!!!! Good luck with the spitting up! HOpe you have a GREAT time at Disney.
OH my gosh...I didn't realize the adoption was so near!
The picks of them kissing are so sweet. She is beautiful. I hope to be posting sweet pics like that sooner than later.
Funny girl! And so cute.
Those 2 were meant to be together.
Arina has adorable earrings! How could this be that I don't have any, there are no holes even, what a shame, ha ha :)
You family is amazing, your children are the most perfect ones! I wish you luck.
Lacey, when did you get Arina's ears pierced? I just noticed. I want to do my girls but I am chicken.
Oh Lacey, queen of barf or not... she is lovely, absolutely lovely.
So happy for you and your family... I am tickled PINK for you guys!!
Awwww, those kissing pics are freakin' adorable!!
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