This morning I was feeding Arina her bottle, Jaxson is laying on the floor, and I notice a weird new movement. As I am watching him, it looks like he is grabbing his oxygen tube, and moving his arms like he is playing with it! At first I thought he was just getting it caught on his hand, but he reaches for it again and again!
Never, ever has he done anything like this. We have been trying to get this kid to hold toys or reach for toys for years! He did it again and I grabbed the video camera.
I can't believe it. Is he really doing this? It makes me wonder what he will be able to do in the future. I glimmer of hope!
You can't tell me this is not purposeful!
Jax will need your prayers this Friday. He is having an MRI of his chest and neck to look for new clots, or more narrowing of his big veins. I'm not worried about the MRI itself, the trach helps us with anesthesia, no more worrying about getting him extubated. Its so helpful with procedures and surgeries like this. Although I do hate putting him under so many times. Nothing like an addict baby! Just kidding, he's been through his rehab of methadone and ativan, and now he's clean! ;)
I'm just worried about what it is going to show. I hope I can get some answers that same day.
As soon as the MRI is done we are heading out of town, down to Cali for Thanksgiving. Arina's first time at Disneyland, I can't wait!
4 days ago
Awww he is playing with it! What a cutie!
Good luck with the mri :)
He will learn and develop, just at a much slower pace than other children. He will be just as proud and happy about what he learns as a typical child his age learning their ABCs. Congratulations Jaxon on your new accomplishment! I am pursuing a career in special education research because I believe all children are capable of learning and can take joy in their accomplishments. He looks pleased at his newly discovered skill. I wish some of his medical issues would give him a break so he could have more energy to devote to learning and developing.
I bet the stimulation of such a sweet sister and awesome brothers to play with helped with this new development. :)
YES!!! He's completely doing that on purpose and with so much control that's awesome! Extra prayer for Jax! I hope that you get the answers you need.
That is totally purposeful!! Yay I am so excited!! That is just so great!!
I will definitely be praying for Jaxson and your family!!
Hope you have a blast in Disneyland!! I'm sure Arina will love it as much as you all do. Won't it be so fun when she is a little bigger to take her to get all done up like a princess there in the park!! We are going to Give kids the world the day after Thanksgiving for Maggies Make-A-Wish!!
He is totally playing with it! Arina may be the best thing for him. He must really want to play with her! How exciting!!
Definitely purposeful!!! I think having that little sister is motivating him a bit!! We can't wait to see you guys here in Cali!! Praying for good results on friday. Come on Jax, it's your turn for good news!!
Wow - that is so cool! Prayers for Friday. After you get back from Cali, we need a playdate!
WOW that is AMAZING Lacey! you have every reason to be hopeful! That is huge! LOVE IT!!!
He definitely goes for it with purpose every time! Well done Jax!
I am praying the MRI will not show significant changes.
Have a great time x
YES! He's definitely going for the tube, no doubt about that, even when he loses it for a second you can see his hands are consciously searching for it. Thats fantastic...way to go Jax, lets see what he comes up with next.
Fingers crossed for the MTI on Friday and many prayers too. Have a great time in Cali. Arina's first trip, well second actually the first one was the big one coming to the U.S. Quite a jet setter this little girl!
He is totally playing with it! Not only that, he is so talented because he can play with his tube with one hand AND use his other hand to suck on at the same time! Great job Jax! You made my day! I'll be praying for you on Friday! And, have a wonderful vacation! Love and Hugs!!!
Lacey!! No doubt he's grabbing it on purpose!!! That's awesome!!!!!!
sending prayers for the MRI
There is just something about tubes that kids can't resist playing with!
I will be praying for good results with the MRI.
That's amazing! Way to go Jaxson!
Good luck with testing!!
He TOTALLY knows what he is doing. :) Such a cute video. I think he's not gonna let Arina out do him. Have so much fun at Disney Land! Did you know I might have a baby by Christmas? (medically fragile) I'm almost done with all my foster parent stuff. I've been so jealous seeing you with Arina, only because I would love to have a little one like her. You are SO lucky, SHE is so lucky. I'm just thrilled for your cute family.
how exciting!! Who knows what this boy is going to do? Truly amazing
Way to go sweet boy!He drops it and goes right back and finds it!With all of our children,it is all about the hope.Never giving it up.
Prayers as you head in Friday.
Really got to give you a call and play catch up ... even though I'll see you in in awhile.Can't wait to see you all.Sorry I won't be making the "party" at Disneyland ... trying like crazy to get that money tree to grow!Being very uncooperative!
Yup that is def playing and not an accident in my humble opinion :)
YAY! \0/
btw silly question: how do you keep him from pulling out the tube completely? I guess I mean, how is it attached? It was a nightmare to keep all of Lucy's tubes where they were supposed to go in the NICU.
We are praying right NOW for your MRI and the results to be completely clear.
Way to go, Jaxson!! He's amazing! Love to see Arina smiling and laughing! That picture of the orphanage - the other kids little faces makes me so sad!!!! I would have wanted to grab them all!! Thanks for sharing all this with us, Lacey.
- Maureen C
It is becoming more and more clear that Arina was just meant for your family. She needed all of your love and attention and Jaxson needed her to help push him to his full capabilities. A match made in heaven!
That's SOOOOO awesome! Way to go Jax! And sending you thoughts and prayers for a good MRI! Will be watching for an update. Have a GREAT trip. Can't wait to see pics!
Awesome Jax, he is definitely grabbing that tubing on purpose. Lacey does he like music? If he does you could get a hand switch for him that he could smack and make music come on.
jax is DEFINITELY playing with his oxygen tube... uh oh :)
i am catching up on blogs tonight and loved catching up on all o fyour posts recently and seeing all of the beautiful pictures of Arina with your boys!!!! i love the princess arina cookies - i bet they were very yummy. i am so sad to hear about the baby in arina's orphanage whose grandfather comes to see her every day but cannot be adopted by him. so happy for arina that she has such a wonderful family now!!!!!!!
by the way - thinking of you guys and jaxson on friday!!!
LACEY! I am literally sitting here in tears. That is SO incredible!!! Jaxson is definitely playing with that tubing ON PURPOSE. YEAH!! That is awesome. I feel giddy, as though it was my own child doing something new. YAY JAX!!!!
I hope his MRI gives you some answers. Will you find anything out before your trip, or do you have to wait to hear from the dr?
I can't wait to see you guys. Jacob told me this morning that he was thinking about Arina at school yesterday and he can't wait to meet her. :) Monday!!
Looks intentional to me! Progress! Congratulations!!
That is very purposeful movement. PTL!! Good Luck with the mri you reminded me that i am 2 months past due on getting Noahs MRI. He was suppose to get it while he was under for surgery and the hospital messed up.
Be blessed
So cool!!! Way to go Jax.
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