Daddy and baby came in at 10:28 last night. We didn't take any pics with our camera, as we were a tad busy.
She is an angel! She never fusses, you put her in her crib and she goes right to sleep! Her brothers are fighting over who gets to feed her, hold her, push her, whatever!
She hated her bath this morning, I'm not sure if she has never been in a bathtub, or if it was a bad experience at the orphanage, but she screamed the whole time!
I can't even explain how I feel. Its been 8 years since I gave a baby a bottle, fed them baby food, and sat them in a shopping cart! We are enjoying every minute of her!
Sorry for the first part of the video. Ray was coming, so I threw my video camera at my niece and told her to tape!
And sorry its so long, I don't know how to split it up.
Oh and the cutest thing. You'll see in the video Tanner is crying, I ask him whats wrong, and he says "I'm just so happy". It was the cutest thing ever!
4 days ago
Congratulations! That is the sweetest thing ever. Made me cry!
Oh, you sweet pickle. You don't even know the magic you're in, love, love, love...
SO exciting!!! I'm so happy for you all and so happy for your little princess!! That girl is going to be smothered with love! It makes me happy just thinking about that.
Ok I am glad it is not any longer becaus I cried through all 15 minutes of it! Know ing that was the first time she has ever been loved on LIKE THAT, and knowing that it was just the very, very beginning of a life filled to the brim with being loved on just made me weep with delight for all of you. I simply can not wait to watch your new family adapt and unfold and blossom!
Congratulations - how exciting. Enjoy every minute with your new baby!
AWESOME!! Enjoy your sweet little girl. She has a wonderful family to love and care for her. Congratulations!
absolutely not too long! that lucky little girl got more love in those 15 minutes then she's probably had in her whole life...congratulations!!
(did you ever figure out the home nursing for jax??)
Congratulations! The video made me cry... so beautiful...
Congrats Lacey! I'm so far behind on reading but this is awesome! So happy for your family.
Most, if not all children, in these type of homes are never given baths. They are given a sponge or washcloth bath.
I'm crying!!! I couldn't get the video to play. . . just reading the part about Carter crying. So darn sweet! Love you guys! Congratulations. We've all been waiting for this moment for you!!!
Cried and cried and cried.What a blessing.What a miracle.What a beautiful beginning.
We love you all and CANNOT wait to get our hands on her!!!
Okay are those boys just the cutest thing in the world with her! I loved it when she reached out to Tanner when he was crying and when her and jaxson were holding hands.
She is going to be spolied rotten and she deserves it!
YEAH! As if I wasn't crying enough before Tanner. Welcome home sweet Arina, we are so happy for you all!
Loving every second of it!! Again and again!! I seriously can't over how much Jax and Arina look alike. PLEASE hurry up and get here. I can't believe that it is only 3 weeks!! Congratulations!!
I am so bummed I couldn't make it to the airport. She looks so amazing! I am sooo happy for you!
Congratulations :)
Congratulations! That is sooooo cool!
Congratulations!! She is so sweet and your boys are so gentle with her! She seems very easy going! So happy for you all! - Maureen C
OH my!!! I am at the office so I don't even have sound and I am crying. When she touches Jaxson's face, my heart just melted. What a beautiful day and family.
Oh that Tanner is the sweetest kid! And is it Carter the one following your husband around like saying "hey man, i wanna hold my sister!"
I love when Tanner says "It's my turn now!!!" That is going to be one lucky spoiled little princess! She so deserves it!
We are so tickled for you!! HOORAY!
How wonderful!! Congrats! I love how (at around 12 min) when Jax is sitting next to Arina and his hand it put on hers, he looks as though he turns to look at Mom like - "who the heck is this little person and why are you holding her, Mom?" So precious!!
There is a HUGE smile plastered on my face! I loved seeing your boys so happy to see their sister.....she is one lucky girl to have such loving big brothers! And, Jax is the sweeetest thing ever! How are you going to handle so much cuteness in your home?!
I'm SO HAPPY for you Lacey!!! Thanks for sharing her homecoming with all of us! Love and Big Hugs!!!
Tears. Gosh! What can I say? I am so happy for her to receive so much love and LOVE from you and your family!
xoxo, Bree
She smells like salt and vinegar. Awww how cute is that?! Congrats! So happy for you. She is beautiful, how old is she again? Her nose is so teeny. You are so blessed!
She is gorgeous!! I am so happy for all of you!
I am repeating all of the other commenters but all I could think about was how much love that little girl is going to have from her brothers. Nothing sweeter than watching them interact with her and give her so much love! Congratulations! That is exciting to be able to have a little one around again.
That video was so sweet. I have a little sister with Down syndrome who is a year old. How old is Arina? I have such a heart for these little adopted cuties. I hope to adopt a little baby with DS of my own someday. I know it can be a hard, long process, but I know it'll be so worth it. I wish I could meet your angel! Any chance you live in California? haha Kisses to your angel <3
Tears of joy for you all! She is such a sweetheart! I am so happy for you all! xoxoxo
I had tears of joy watching this, have been waiting for this day and now it is here. She is so beautiful and so very very lucky to have such a wonderful family to love her. I am so very happy right now. Oh Lacey I am so excited for you guys and everything that is in store. Your boys are so wonderful with her, so kind and gentle and with so much love to give. One really lucky girl.
OMG! I finally got the whole video to play. PRICELESS!!!! Chloe sat here waving at her new friend while I sat her crying! LOL Your sweet boys! How wonderful the whole thing is. You are an amazing family. Can't wait to hear progress reports. And some day to meet your whole family!
now im in tears cause i am happy - how beautiful, congratulations and welcom home Arina, you are already so loved!!!!!
Oh Lacey- she is just yummy! Can't wait to see emven more of her. Swet lil self- hugs and love!What a blessing she is and what a blessing your family is!
Tanner is not the only one crying. Im now in a puddle too! So, so much love in your precious, beautiful family! Rejoicing with you! Much love......welcome to the world of PINK!!!!!
Congrats, beautiful video of your sweet girl.
That is the sweetest video! I'm so glad that she is finally in your arms and you can cuddle and love on your little girl all day and night!
BTW - I got my bows last night and they are adorable! I can't wait to try them on Sweet Pea!
Oh my goodness - I am crying. I love it - thank you for posting the whole thing. What a beautiful y'all have. what wonderful boys!
Congratulations Rugg family!!
Oh that is just awesome news! I am so happy for you all and for your little girl who has found her forever family!
Just watched it for the second time. Watched it last night with the boys and no sound and finally today got to hear some of what was being said. It was so amazing to see the love everyone already has for this beautiful little girl. I can't wait to to watch her grow with such love surrounding her.
Seriously I am SOBBING like a baby...I am SSSOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU. This totally made my day, week, month!!!!
welcome home Arina!! What a special moment to capture on film. And Tanner had me in tears. So happy for your family!
Congratulations on bringing home darling Arina! What a blessing!
I am so, so excited to see your beautiful girl home with you!!
So, so, so sweet! I can't wait to introduce my sweet girl to her brothers and sisters. When your little boy cried and said it was cause he was happy I just lost it. Absolutely precious! You are blessed :)
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