Thursday, August 19, 2010


I can't believe it, we were submitted today! I can't believe in a few short weeks I'm going to have a girl!!
Its amazing. I'm going to go buy a small girl suitcase or duffel to take her clothes over. Of course I'm going to be making sure she has a bow for each outfit. Yes, I'll be one of those moms!

Yesterday we went to another DS get together. Finally we made it to one. Met new friends, and had a great time!

Now that I know that we are submitted, I'm a little freaked out about the fundraising. I've been so crazy lately that we haven't thought about it at all!
The yard sale is next Saturday, the 28th. If you have anything to donate to that, we'd love it. You can donate yard sale items, anything for the food, baked goods for the bake sale, or even just money in the chipin for us to buy those items.
I've also had a few people want to donate things, so we may have another small auction. So if you want to donate something to the auction, please email me.
We are getting down to the wire here, help us get Makayla home!!


ANewKindOfPerfect said...

I love the picture of you and Jax. The sun on his little face, the happiness in yours ... :) I am soooooo happy for you getting submitted! I can't wait to see girl pictures.

The VW's said...

Cute fun to be able to get together with so many DS kiddos!

Yay for being submitted! Hope everything goes smoothly and you can raise lots of funds to get your sweet girl home! HUGS!!!

Alicia said...

So AWESOME!!! I am so happy this is finally off the ground and you will have Makayla home with you shortly! Praise the Lord!

Unknown said...

As the mother of a very girly girl I learned quickly that bows get expensive. I make my daughters bows. Cheap, quick, easy. All you need is ribbon, alligator clips, and a glue gun. The website I learned all of my styles from is below. It provides free step by step instructions to make all kinds of bows.

Heather said...

So very excited.The week did turn out to be just as all of us hoped and prayed it would.A little faith and alot of hope can go a long way!

I too love the picture with you and Jax.One of my all time favorites!

Michelle and Sean said...

That is great!!

So I talked to my sister and she would be able to donate two sessions. Sorry I forgot to get back to you on that. So you can do that on your blog or whatever. Also I'm actually kind of glad you moved the yard sale to the 28th. My sewing machine broke so I haven't been able to get what I need done. So hopefully I can now have some time to get things done!

I can't wait for you to be all done with this all and have your beautiful girl home with her family!

Becca said...

How exciting!!! That's such wonderful news, Lacey! Love the pic of you and Jax... :-)

Anonymous said...

Yeah! It has got to feel great knowing you are all through all the tough stuff for the adoption and that that little baby girl is now yours! Congratulations! And that picture of you and Jax is absolutely wonderful. He is too cute!

Kristin said...

I still have pictures to post from the last Ds outing! Yay for Makayla!

Me said...

YAY!!! Finally! I bet you are so relieved, although I'm sure nervous/scared/anxious that it's now going to happen so quickly from here on out!

Tausha said...

So wish I could of made it. Sam has been under the weather and have been busy trying to get the kids ready to go back to school. Congrats on being submitted, can't wait to see pics of her at home with her new family.

Blessed with Boys said...

Woo Hoo! So excited for you. I still am going to send you a few things!!!

Sweet Pea's Mommy said...

That is such wonderful news!!!! Congrats!

Stephanie said...

What great news to come home to!!!! size is that Dumpling???
"Auntie" wants to go shopping!!

Cathy said...

I saw that picture of you and Jaxson on FB...adorable. You got to meet to of my favorite people I have never met...Kenzee and

So happy that you are submitted. Can't wait to see pictures of you with your little girl...and all those bows. YAY!!!

heather said...

I must admit that picture of you and Jax is really cute! Who took it? :) So fun to meet you and Jax yesterday. Thanks for coming and we'll have to make it an annual summer tradition!

kecia said...

I am sad I missed the get together yesterday! We have had a rough week. I was 12 weeks pregnant and misscarried. I have some things I have been saving for your yard sale so email me your address and I can bring them over sometme next week.

Alaina and Kyle said...


Cammie Heflin said...

Yeah!!!!!!! So happy for you guys! I'm one of those moms too incase you hadn't noticed!

Mama Mason-Mann said...

Congratulations!!!! All things happen for a reason. I have to think the delay in being submitted was giving Jax some time to get his medical issues in order. I'm sending positive mojo your way for a smooth trip and process! Love to you and your family!

Tina said...

Yipeeeee!! Thats the best news ever. I am so happy, my gosh it's all happening now, you're going to see Makayla soon. I am just so excited.

That is a beautiful picture of you and Jax, I can't believe how beautifully he's holding his head up, usually you have a hand behind his head but he's doing it all by himself now. Can't believe that he was one sick little boy just just a few days ago.

Kim Rees said...

That's fantastic news Lacey! Thank you Lord!

Jeana said...

Yay that is the best news ever!