Sometimes roller coasters aren't so bad. I can't believe how quickly emotions and attitudes change since having Jax. Not only is special needs a roller coaster, but throw in the medically fragile, and that's one mighty roller coaster! I went from worrying about losing my baby last week, to enjoying every minute of his smiles!
One day everything is falling apart, and the next, they are falling into place!
I found out from Jax home nursing company that he will be put on the waiver starting September 1!! I had no idea, the lady told me that if he got the vent he would only move up to number 11 on the waiting list. But I guess they go by how long you've been on the list, not by how long you've had the vent. So starting in September he will get a ton of nursing hours! Jax best buddy Brandon is coming back! Remember Brandon was his nurse after he was trached. We lost him when our 90 days of nursing was up. He was going to come down and stay with the boys while we went to Eastern Europe. Until we were delayed so far that he had to go back to school! When he found out Jax got nursing care he jumped at the chance to come back. So he will be our night nurse Sun-Thurs. nights!
Yipeee!!!Tonight Ray's fortune cookie said "Keep your eyes open on Thursday for a special opportunity". And mine said "This year family is your number one priority". You know whats happening Thursday right????
Go to the adoption blog if you don't!
My emotions for bringing Makayla home are all over the place right now too. I'm sure its totally normal....... someone please tell me I'm normal!
Yesterday I was terrified that our airplane was going to crash, that our children would be left orphans themselves. I thought I was crazy for leaving my children and traveling to another country. I was wondering how the wings are securely attached to the airplane, and why they move so much, what if they fall off?!!
Then other days I'm totally excited and it can't come fast enough!
Whew, roller coasters are definitely an adrenaline rush!!
2 days ago
Wow! That's WONDERFUL news about the waiver and the night nursing. I'm so thrilled for you. Best news I've heard in awhile! You made my day! Hope things continue to be so positive. You all deserve it!
YEAH!! sounds like things are moving!! HUGE congrats on the waiver I bet this is a GREAT relief...smiles
I so much prefer hearing your happy comments because I can picture you smiling again!! Thank God!!
Oh I'm so happy for you to get Brandon back!!!!!
Lacey, this post made me so happy! I can't believe you are FINALLY get the waiver! That is the best, most awesome news ever!! Thank heavens the nurse from before is coming back. That has to make you feel better planning for your big trip! I am so happy for you. :) Now wait until September 1st, and then finally get some SLEEP!!! :)
Oh..I'm so glad you are getting your night nurse back!! YEAH for you...maybe some sleep!! What's that, huh?? You deserve a huge break. Praying everything falls into place. We just found out we may be losing our in home hours...ughhh!!
A big deep breath all around!!Good news my friend and praying for awesome news come Thursday.
Keep the faith ...
Thats great news about getting Brandon back, this is going to be such great help! I always felt so terrible after reading how some of your nights were, really I just wish I could do something. I hope this gives you a little breather and some rest! So so happy to reads that things are looking so much better this week. I hope thursday brings with it some more great news. keeping my fingers and toes crossed.
Oh, I'm so excited that you're finally getting nursing hours and to have one that you already like...perfect!!
I love great news before I head to bed! Congrats on FINALLY getting the waiver and getting the extra help you deserve! Couldn't come at a better time...although I guess earlier would have been better ;-)
I'm so glad to hear you are getting some nursing assistance!! Great that Jaxson is feeling so much better.
Wow - I am SO glad that y'all finally got the waiver. WAHOO!
And a nurse you trust - that is huge!
Back when Jax went into the hospital Jason leaned over to me and said, well now we know why there was a delay in the submission. And I think he was right. You get nursing, Jax gets the help he needs from the vent, and Makayla will come home to a Mama that gets to sleep at night! Yeah!! Yeah!
Jaxson is the most beautiful boy!
Glad things are going up for you!!
that is so so so so awesome that jax's waiver comes through on sept. 1st and you will have nursing services at night - yeah yeah yeah!!!! this is HUGE!!! so happy brandon can be your nurse, again too!!! :) good news!!!!!!
That is such good news!
Yeah God for answered prayers and getting Brandon back is awesome! Will keep praying for Jax & Makayla and for God's protection on all of you.
I have a feeling God is thinking, "I tried to tell you there was a reason for doing things My way!"
Does this mean that you will be able to leave Jax at home with whoever has your others boys, when you are out of the country, since a nurse will be there? This would be such a relief and so much easier on all of you!
It always amazes me how fast we go through emotions! When a trial comes we are sunk so low, and then just as fast we are brought up for air and we can't understand why we were feeling so badly in the first place! Such is the life when you have a medically fragile, special needs child! I guess we better get used to roller coaster rides!
So HAPPY for you guys! Hugs!!!
That is fantastic news about the waiver! Brandon looks like he'll take wonderful care of Jax, what a blessing to have good help!
I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. If jax wouldn't have gotten a vent then you wouldn't have had the help why you are gone. Now you can go and relax that everything is ok at home. I am so happy for you.
I'm so glad to see such a happy, positive post! I'm one of those firm believers that if things suck today, they'll be better tomorrow. Or something like that. Lots of good news for you. Keep it rolling in!!
sooo nice to have a night nurse that you love. They are hard to come by!!
LOVE that pic!!
Prayers for your family....LOTS going on!! (((hugs)))
I haven't been able to check bloglines in about a week, so I missed what Jax was going through last week! Oh my goodness...roller coaster of emotions for sure! I'm so glad that he's doing much better and you get to enjoy his smiles! And what a blessing that he was moved up on the list AND that you get Brandon for the nursing care again! Yay!
I'm so, so happy that you get your nursing hours back!! What a huge help that will be.
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