Today has been an interesting day!
Let me start with the good stuff, since Jax always is the news, overshadowing the other boys. Carter made the superleague team!! He is now a Devil, fits perfectly, don't you think? This team is competitive, they travel and do tournaments, he's going to love it. One of the dads we sat next to, whose son also made it, said that Carter was going to be a killer catcher when he got older. He said not all players can catch, and you can tell from an early age the good ones. He knows because his older son is a catcher for his high school team. I can't wait to see how he progresses playing competitive!
Ok, on to Jax. I noticed a couple of days ago that his ear was super red. He had a little sore on there from laying on that side, and it looked infected. Wednesday night he went way up on his oxygen, and didn't sleep well at all. Thursday morning the ear looked worse, so I drew a line where the redness ended to see if it spread. Last night he had a fever, and again went way up on his oxygen need. This morning I took him to see his ped. I was a little worried that he had an infection in his blood from the ear. His blood pressure was low, 60's over 30's, and he was pale and lethargic, so she said he needed to go in. She was going to let me drive him there but the hospital had a fit, so we let the ambulance take us.
The ER was waiting in the resuscitation room, his blood pressures continued to be low, so they pumped some fluid in. The strange thing is his white count is not elevated, so we don't quite know whats going on. Cardiology came by, didn't want to push too much fluid because it was already affecting his heart. She wanted milrinone started. They also wanted to put him on the vent because he was working pretty hard to breathe. I guess that's the nice thing about the trach. We can't put him on the vent early to prevent a crash, without traumatizing him too much!
So now we are in the PICU waiting until blood cultures come back. It doesn't seem like a respiratory virus. His chest x-ray doesn't look abnormal from his typical ones. So I don't know what he's doing. Tonight he is just resting. They put in another IV, I haven't heard plans for a central line yet. And we just wait to see what the plan is in the morning!
No word yet on the stool sample we sent on Wednesday either.
This is the first time he's been in a bed, man he looks tiny on there!!
2 days ago
Get out of there sweet Jax,quick,okay?
Love from California
Im glad you posted as I have been waiting for the details of this totally crazy day. I must say that you have amazing mommy senses! You called this about 2 weeks ago. You sure know your boy!
So sorry he's in the hospital. I really hope they figure out what's going on with Jax. It sounds like he has some sort of mysterious infection. He looks so cute and tiny in that big bed!
Oh I'm so sorry! Hang in there!
Jax, I just want to give you a great big hug! All my hope, faith and prayers are coming your way big guy! Kick this junk in the butt, okay!
Prayers and hugs are being sent to you and Jax...hope answers surface soon...
Oh no!!!!! At least your yard sale wasn't tomorrow.
Yay for Carter!!!!!! That is so exciting!
Get well soon gorgeous boy!!
Oh god I got a fright....can't agree more with Heather, get out of there quick little warrior. I hope they figure out whats going on with him and get to the bottiom of it.
Will be keeping your sweet little boy in my prayers, and yes I'm waiting for good news so don't disappoint me!
Jax!, What's up baby boy??
sending prayers and a hug!!! Oh I wish i could really hug him!. he looks like an angel in that second pic.
Good job Carter!! We might see you in the big leagues some day!
thinking of U n Jax...congrats to Carter...hope you get out of there soon...good vibes your way..smiles
poor kid. he's got to be tired of all this too. :(
Sweet boy.....I hate seeing you like that! You get better and don't pull any more stunts like this, OK?!
Lacey, give Jax hugs from me and Gavin! I've been so sad ever since I read about Jax last night! Tell him to keep fighting, like he always does and to be a good boy!
Love, Hugs and Prayers!!!
Congrats Carter, super proud of your accomplishment.
Jax we are praying, praying, praying for you buddy! Can't wait to see you happy and at home again soon.
So sorry Jax is in the hospital, hoping the drs figure out what is up with your sweet boy soon!
Oh no Jax!!! Get well soon!!
Lacey, we are sending lots of hugs & prayers your way! I hope you get some answers soon. Hang in there mama!!
And congrats to Carter!!! Way to go:)
Oh Jax, feel better little budy.
Oh Jax, you look so peaceful... get better baby.
Carter... Way to go!!!
SORRY! It's not the funnest place to be. :( Keep us posted please. Jax is in our prayers.
Oh sweet Jaxson, I've been thinking about you all day. Fight on little man!
That is great that Carter made the team!!
I'm so sorry to hear about Jax! Interesting how now the cardiologists have something to say.
I hope he gets well soon and they can figure things out quickly!
He is in our prayers!
It's so much worse to see the pictures :(
My girls keep asking me if he still gets to come.
Hang in there little one.
Very cool that your other kids got to see him - we have a very strict 14 + age limit here.
They did make an exception for Mother's Day for me - and they'll allow them in if their sibling is dying, but only with the Child Life Specialist.
We come home and you go in, that sucks. I'm praying for the little guy!!
so so sorry to know that you guys are in the hospital with jaxson - i did not think when i clicked on your blog tonight that i would see this news. i hope they can figure some things out for you now that you are there. congratulations to carter on making the travelling team, by the way! thinking of you!!!
Thats awesome about Carter! And such a BUMMER about Jax. We'll be praying he can get better and out of that place ASAP.
Oh we just got back from our trip and I read this. It breaks my heart seeing him in that big old bed. Hope things turn around fast. We are praying like crazy in Idaho for you!!
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