Sorry friends, the computer died and I'm just now getting a computer back. Man I can't believe how much our lives depend on the internet!
No pictures yet, hopefully some tomorrow. I need to figure out how to download them on this new computer.
We have been busy starting school, and trying to get ready to travel to get Makayla. We haven't gotten our date yet, but it will be 10 days tomorrow so anytime! I can't believe how much work it is to leave Jax here. I'm trying to get everything with him worked out because I know when we get our date, time will fly! I've been working on getting power of attorney to someone in case something happens and he ends up in the hospital. My sister will be here watching the boys, but hopefully we'll have enough nursing care for Jax that she won't have to do much with him. I'm giving her power of attorney for all the boys, but I'm also giving power of attorney with Jax to my friend, Jax's auntie boo! She actually knows the most about his medical history and how to take care of him. She's stayed in the hospital with him before and she's even taken him overnight for us. She will be the one making decisions if he goes into the hospital so my sister can stay home with the other boys. I'm confident Jax will be good. With the vent and the new meds, unless he gets a virus! Ugh, knock on wood. I'm going to have a billion papers taped to his door. What his morning routine and night routines are. In case a nurse doesn't show and my sister needs to do it. Also his comfort things and what he likes, things that only mommy knows!
We didn't have the yard sale yesterday. It was supposed to be rainy all day, so rather than take the chance, we chose to push it back one last time! Pray next Saturday is nice, its our last chance to get it done. So if you still have stuff to donate, there's still time!
School is going amazingly smooth. Mondo is loving Junior high, we'll see when the math homework starts coming if he's still loving it! Tanner did fantastic as well. He cried until 11 the night before so I thought the first day would be utter hell. But he didn't even cry, and he's been fine since. Carter, of course I never have to worry about Carter! He can handle any teacher, and instantly makes friends!
2 days ago
Hi good to see you back again, I just assumed you must have been busy with the fundraiser, sorry to hear it was postponed...btw did it end up raining?
Can't believe the time to go is getting nearer, I am so so excited for you. I am going to keep Jax in my prayers more than I already do. Hoping that everything goes as planned and that there are no unexpected changes or any stress while you are there. This is a time of happiness and I am so sure that's exactly how it's going to be. Can't wait to see the first pictures of Makayla!!!
Good to catch up with you today.And of course we are anxiously awaiting your travel date as well.All will work out.It has thus far.Faith and hope my friend.Faith and hope.
Wow - I can't believe you are so close to being able to go and get Makayla!!
So glad to hear the school year got off to a good start.
can't wait until you guys have a travel date, how exciting! I bet you'll be a nervous wreck leaving Jax behind, but it sounds like he'll be in excellent hands. rest east mama, rest easy. :-)
Glad to hear that school is going well! Our boys have one more week of freedom.
Hope next Saturday is a nice one for the sale!
I can only imagine all the planning that you have to do to leave Jax! You are going to be one busy Momma! Hugs!!!
Oh I am so excited that you will be bringing Makayla home so soon. You sound like you have made all the important arrangements, a sign of a good mama! Will say a prayer that everything goes smoothly with the new transitions.
Glad you guys are up and running. SO thankful Mondo is loving jr high, that is HUGE!
Sounds like you have everything planned well while you are gone. Can't wait to hear that date.
So glad things went well with school! Jax will be fine while you're gone. I can't believe the time is really almost here! You'll have your little girl home in no time. Good luck next Saturday with the weather. Hope everything goes perfectly!!!
So glad all the kids are doing well in school - ALL of them! :) CAn't wait for that travel date either...can't wait til you get her home and so glad to see you met Shelly..awesome! MIss you guys!
I can't even imagine all that is going through your head right now. So much to look forward to and plan or organize. But you certainly seem on top of things so I am positive all will be in great hands and will go as smooth as possible.
You have got to be so excited about being to close to bringing your baby girl home. I am so excited for you. And we will definitely pray for great weather next Saturday.
Glad you are back up and running with the new computer! I'm lost without mine too! I've been absent from blog reading lately too and have been missing everybody.
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