Our cute little black mini pinscher is going to end up costing us a pretty penny! We noticed that she is limping, on both legs, at random times. And sometimes she looks like she has no control over her backside and she just falls. I took her to the vet yesterday and it turns out that her back legs are crooked. Its causing her knee's to dislocate. If they both dislocate at the same time, then her bum falls to the ground. This can only be surgically repaired. The cost....900 a leg!!
I'm trying to pay for a trip to Eastern Europe in the next month. I don't have 1800 to spend on a dog!
We are trying to decide what to do. The good news is it's not urgent. She is not in pain. But it will continue to get worse if it goes unrepaired forever.
Oh what to do!!
2 days ago
live near a university with a vet school?
We live about 2 hours from university of Mo...excellent school of vet. medicine. If you do, that doggie there, often they have 3rd and 4th year vet medical students that need experience, always with attending in the room.
The care is excellent bc they are fresh and diligent! AND often the cost is much much less....
Oh gosh, what bad luck. But hopefully it can wait a bit. Unfortunately for the little doggy Makayla is a priority, and as you say the dog isn't in any pain as such...but if it's going to get worse it has to be done eventually. It will all find a way of working out, don't worry!
Oh No! Poor pup! But, 1800 dollars?! That's crazy!
This is weird, because yesterday I was just thinking about your dog! I was wondering how it was doing and if you still had the dog or not.....Now I know the answer!
Sorry about all of this! Hope you find a way to get this done and that it doesn't cost as much! HUGS!!!
Oh Lacey! I'm sorry! What more, or maybe I shouldn't say what more because you don't need any more on your plate. I would check other prices though. I know that at one time that spay and neuter clinic in Murray was one of the cheapest places. I drove all the way there when our dog had to have a lump removed. Hugs to you and your puppy.
Oh doggy woes. You know I feel your pain.
no advice on the dog, but my Mom did the vet school route for her dog and that worked well
But I loved seeing Jax and the dog on the blanket - too cute
Awww, poor little thing! I hear ya about vet expenses, though. My husband always used to say we always had sick pets. Well, actually we did (we occasionally adopted ones with illnesses, knowing that nobody else would be willing to adopt them). The biggest expense was a pet rat that needed surgery to have some tumors removed. Don't say it... LOL :-)
Btw, the university vet school idea is a good one. My parents took one of their dogs to one (U Penn) to have a leg amputated (due to cancer). He lived a long and happy life after that.
Oh gosh Lacey. What next? Good luck. I hope you find a way to help your little poocher! I'm sure it'll all find a way of working out in the end.
I also have min pins and one has same type of problem. Have been told actually quite common in little dogs. The price you have been quoted actually sounds good as I was told about $3000 for both legs!! Decided to wait and reduce exercise...realized taking for too long walks. Also got premium supplements from Foster-Smith Pet catalog for joint/bones. Very effective for my dog although rather expensive too. May be worth a try. Love seeing the picture...dogs are awesome therapy!!!
Oh no...well, first of all I want to tell you your Jaxson is totally gorgeous!! Secondly, about your puppy dilemma...I'm a dog lover, but my little humans will always come first. Have you tried to contact a Pinscher rescue? The specific rescues will help you out and find him a home where he can get the care he needs. Maybe even find someone to cover the surgery as a donation. Contact the pinscher rescue and explain your issue.
I hope all goes well with your new baby girl adoption!
Poo pup, but wow, $1800?? That's a lot...
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