Your going to read this on everyones blog for a while. Our Down syndrome community has been devastated!
Sweet Carly passed away today, so sudden, no one yet knows why. All we know is this sweet girl has been healthy for years now, and went to school yesterday!
Heather called me today and we just sat in stunned silence, wondering if what we were reading was correct. We reflected on how just having that extra chromosome makes them fragile! Even if they have absolutely no medical problems, it can happen in an instant.
No more am I going to mull over how long Jax is going to live, or that his life expectancy has been shortened by all his medical problems.
It just doesn't matter, it can happen that fast. That extra chromosome has made our kids stubborn, made them able to tolerate so much. It makes them glow with something that can't be described unless you've witnessed it. It gives them the ability to know when someone is sad and needs a hug or a smile. But that extra chromosome also makes them so fragile!
I'm still in shock. Shock that I wont see that sweet face and gorgeous hair anymore.
It is indeed a sad day in our Down syndrome community. Hug your DS child tighter, live every day as it comes, and pray for this sweet family that has had such a sudden loss of their beautiful daughter.
2 days ago
OH Lacey, I am so sorry to hear this!
I am just so shocked! I loved reading about sweet Carly on her blog! It's just so sad! Along with all the rest of the DS world, I'm wondering what happened so suddenly!
I keep getting upset everytime I think about it. I can't believe she is gone so suddenly. You wrote a beautiful post!!
I'm heartbroken for Carly's family!!! I am so sad and all I'm thinking about is this, since I read what happened on Heather's blog! I am definitely praying for her sweet family! I pray that God gives them some much needed peace and grace today and always!
I'm so sad.I just loved Carly.I wonder what happened.
Beautiful post Lacey. I am in shock. We definitely will be praying for them.
So sorry to hear this, Lacey. I am praying for the family and all her friends. What a tragic loss.
Praying her family finds some peace thru all of this. So sad.
Beautifu; post Lacey, for horrible news. Praying for them
Lacey, you have a way with words. I can't stop crying as I think of sweet, little Carly and her family. She is so happy now, though. Even though she was so happy here, too!
My heart aches for that family. God must have needed an extra special angel. My prayers are with everyone.
This is Joyce, Oh Lacey, You know as well as many of us that on any given day that could have been our sweet one. I think that is what makes the pain all the more real, is we have been so close yet we still get to hug our dumplings tonight. My heart is truly heavy for Joany and her family. I just can't imagine what happened or what that ambulance ride must have been like. We are blessed to have this blogging community to reach out to.
heart breaking....and what a precious, beautiful girl. Prayers for her family tonight.... =(
beautifully written about sweet Carly...I am going to miss her! My heart is so heavy tonight...I sure did give my little ones an extra kiss and hug tonight. Praying for the George family...
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry to hear about this. We didn't know this little girl or her family, but our thoughts and prayers go out to them.
Oh I am just so sorry...
My heart is physically hurting I still am shaking...I just cannot believe what I am reading everywhere. There are no words for my sadness.
Lots of prayers...
So heart breaking...
I read this on Facebook. Heartbreaking.
Tammy and Parker
@ParkerMama on Twitter
I was so stunned to hear this too! I can't stop thinking about it...even though I never met her I have been friends on facebook and through her blog a little put such a beautiful post about you mind if I copy some of it to my blog?
How heartbreaking, prayers for precious carly and her family and friends
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