Happy Easter to all of our friends!!
I'm happy to say that it warmed up enough yesterday and the snow melted long enough to go to our Easter egg hunt at my aunts house. Although we woke up to more snow this morning.
I realized that we always leave Jax out of stuff. Because he doesn't understand, we just leave him be and go with the rest of the boys. I don't know if any of this stimulation really helps, and I know that he doesn't understand what he's doing. We take him everywhere with us but we don't include him in what we are doing. But we are going to start making sure we include him in everything.
Jax getting his first Easter egg!
Jax holding his first Easter egg! Coloring eggs last night
2 days ago
I find myself doing the same thing with Reagan! You're lucky that at least you have other kids that force you to get out and do things!! We're borderline hermits!
We include Carter in everything...right now it's more for the other kids than for him. He looks like he's enjoying coloring the eggs much more than Carter did lol!
Awesome! Definitely include him, he is getting so much stimulation from all of the things you do! You are an awesome mom!
I am in love with that little smile picture! That's the Jaxson I adore. :) It looks like it was a beautiful day for your egg hunt, too bad it snowed again! You must be SO ready for summer.
Awww... love the pictures! Happy Easter to you guys!
Happy Easter, glad the snow melted at least for the hunt. Love the pics of Jax and the eggs so great!
Looks like you All had fun! I love the pic of you and Jaxson dying the eggs! So sweet!
Happy Easter! We're hoping the snow melts again by this afternoon for our hunt :)
Beautiful pictures! Love that little boy! Happy Easter!
I have blogged about this topic in the past too! Inclusion is so difficult sometimes - but then I feel guilty if I don't include her, but sometimes she screams the house down if we do include her!
Lovely pic of Jaxson smiling.
Great job Jax! You are a pro!
I love the pic of Jax smiling!!!
And, that last picture is so cute! It's like he's giving you "the eye" and saying, "OK, Mom I've had ENOUGH!"
I am so happy after seeing these pictures of Jax! I actually yelled out, "YAY!" when I saw Jax joining in on the fun! Thanks for making my day sweet boy! Hugs!!!
I loved the pictures - they are wonderful and made my heart happy!
I couldn't believe waking up to the snow!! I was not happy!!
We tried to let Maggie help color eggs and she kept throwing them! I guess she thought they were balls. All of our eggs ended up cracked because when she would throw one it would hit a bunch of other eggs! LOL Oh well we just wanted her to not feel left out!
I love the pics! That pic of Jax smiling melts my heart!! Super cute kids.
By the way, to answer some of your questions that were on my blog. This doctor specializes in mitochondrial things and rare diseases. Hes suppose to be the best in the world and says he can diagnose just about anyone. There are a lot of rules and a lot of money to get there but I just think we have to at least try. And yes the TPN sucks. Last time Maggie was on it her liver functions were going down and she kept going into septic shock. You are right that this appt can't come fast enough!!
Happy Easter!!
AWESOME! Happy Easter Friend!!
LOVE IT! And Happy Easter to YOU!!!
HAPPY Easter to you and your adorable family!!
It looks like he very much enjoyed coloring eggs and holding his very first Easter egg! We try to include Carter with everything - well we didn't let him help with dying the eggs because we would have had dye everywhere - but he did go hunting for the eggs that were conveniently placed at his level!
I think that is cool that Jax got join in, I am sure it may make it a bit tougher but those big boys of yours are probably pretty good helpers! Love the pics!!
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