I have beautiful pictures to post, but one last time I have to address this idiot, because they won't show their face I have to talk to them this way.
You may think you know what Down syndrome is, but then you would know that Down syndrome is a fluke. And extra gene gets thrown in there, it is not something the parent carries. Only one type of Down syndrome is genetic, and it happens in about 1%.
Also, You better believe I'm blaming medical profesionals! Jax laughed, and rolled over, and did everything a normal baby did at 4 months. Then while in the hospital were he should have been taken care of, doctors fried his brain by simple mistakes that even I knew they should be doing. So don't leave comments when you don't know what the heck your talking about. Jax would be walking and going to preschool if this hadn't happened.
Also, I know not everyone has a google account, so if it not about being anonymous, then sign your name in big letters at the bottom!
Now go away, because I'm done with you. I won't address your ignorance anymore!
For some cuteness to this post, here's my baby that "lies there and does nothing"
2 days ago
Lacey that video is great, love hearing Jax talk.
Sorry this person continues to leave nasty comments.
What a cutie!
lacey i loved the video:) jaxsons is such a sweet boy, i never told you but i am very happy to have found your blog:) thanks for share your life and family with the rest of us.
i don't leave comments very often but i read every one, so keep posting:)
Lacey I love your blog! Your boys are so handsome and I can't wait for you to bring there sister home. I may not comment much but I admire the strength and the courage that you have, and that there are prayers said for you every day. I hope you don't mind me peaking in every now and then.-Lisa
Look at that sweet boy! He makes my heart smile!
I have to share something with you. The other day Jacob said; "He is such a good person!", refering to Gavin. And this made me think about people in general.
Most of us are not very great at being "good". We are grumpy, mad, annoyed, etc. But, then there are people like Jax and Gavin.....they are just simply GOOD! This is why people are so happy to be around our special boys! They never have a mean word or action towards anyone! They are here just being themselves and bringing happiness to everyone who comes in contact with them!
Some people just can't or won't see this! And, we should be feeling sorry for them! They are ignorant and, obviously, unhappy people! They are so unhappy that they feel the need to make someone else feel bad too.
Just think of the gift that we have been given in our special children! They truly give us unconditional love and only bring about goodness to this imperfect world! We are truly blessed!
I know that it hurts when people attack us and our children, but we need to realize that they are the ones who are suffering, not us! We have been given a wonderful gift! Try to ignore those who only want to bring others down. They win if we let them get to us and they certainly don't deserve to win!
Love and Hugs!!!
I have been following your blog for quite some time and I have to say that I have so much respect for you. If all kids had a mother like you the world would be a better place. Jaxon has such a great personality. I believe all children are a blessing but children with down syndrome are an extra blessing. Who ever wrote those nasty comments must not have a heart, how can someone look at Jax and not see the love in his eyes and feel love?
how old is Jax in this video? He is toooooo precious.
This video was right before he was trached, so last fall is about when it was taken. Around August or September.
OK...so my child can barely do anything because she's had nonstop seizures for 2+ years...does that make her life any less valuable?!?!? It's not HER fault she had seizures and it's not MY fault. No one knows what caused it...genetic or otherwise. My husband and I were both healthy and young and were completely naive that something like this could happen to us and our child. But she smiles and laughs and babbles (when she feels like it)...she's the joy of my life and has touched the lives of so many others BECAUSE of her disability!
Lacey...I think you are AMAZING! And wanting to adopt another child with disabilities...well God bless you! You have some serious strength! Don't take the comments to heart. Jax is a miracle child!
Your blog was one of the first blogs I found when I found out about Beau and you have been such an inspiration to me. Thank you and I love seeing Jaxson's smiling face everyday!!
all those vocalizations - wow. What a sweet big brother! I'd forgotten how puffy his face had gotten
I've never commented before, I just wanted to tell you what a inspirational woman you are..Keep fighting for Jaxson!!! Dr.s do make mistakes...ignore annon. people like that live to make misery..annon. is not worth your time. My BF. has a d.s. child and he nothing but pure joy and love...thanks for letting me vent.
This is a first time I've seen a video of Jaxson. He's so cute!
I think I havew only commented once or twice but somehow stumbled upon your blog and read all the time. I have such respect for you and your family they are just precious and who whoever is leaving nasty comments is ignorant and apparently has nothing better to do. We all know better and I can tell he is living the BEST life he can and I love the fact you keep him involved in all you do thats the way it should be! God bless Lynsi
Lacey - I haven't been on for a few days so I am just catching up on things - I am sorry that you have someone making negative comments on your blog. It is the last thing you need right now. I truly feel sorry for people like this who have no clue!!! Praying for you all as always.
I love that video! Jaxon is such a stud. I'll see you at the heart luncheon Saturday, Kristin said you were going :)
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