I didn't want to do a post about this, but I guess this anonymous person that is to cowardly to show their face wants a little publicity!
I've been doing my blog for a year and a half, and so far have been lucky to not get any morons leaving comments on my blog. Well now it has happened to me too!
Don't you love these people that have nothing better to do than read other people's blogs and leave nasty comments? Especially when they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.
First of all, my baby girl that we are bringing home from Eastern Europe is not in a vegetative state. You obviously have no idea what that means. If walking, talking, and learning is a vegetative state than I guess we are all there!
And this last comment on my baby boy being in a vegetative state, now my momma bear claws are out! He is not in a vegetative state either, although he did suffer global brain damage from stupid doctors that are probably about as smart as this commenter! But he does interact, and he does smile and most important, he LOVES. Yes this person thinks all Down syndrome children are in a constant vegetative state. Pretty smart person huh?!
So I ask this anonymous person.. if your son or daughter was in a car accident, lived, but suffered brain damage would you stop calling them a person and call them a vegetable? Think that one over while I bring my Geek squad friend over to find out where these comments are coming from. She found her anonymous comment leaver, and she'll find you too! So giggle your heart out and think you've won until that happens.
So obviously from now on I will be checking my comments first. So I can laugh at this idiot but you don't have to see what they say! Because you know I'm not going private, I would love for this person to see my adorable boys, and better yet our adorable girl that will be joining us soon!
2 days ago
Hey, let me know when you discover who your troll is......we can compare notes. :)
I am a first time commenter, but I have been reading since right before Jax got his trach. I am sorry stupid people are leaving hateful comments but I am so glad you are not going private because I LOVE reading about your family!
I don't give the option to post anonymously on our blog. If you can't sign your name to your comment, it doesn't need to be made.
Glad to see you are not letting this COWARD get you down. They are only jealous because they are too selfish to be able to love children such as ours.
Hugs to all of you!
Steph & Christopher
Sorry to hear someone did this Lacey. How cowardly to do it anonymously too. I moderate all my comments too - for the same reason. These people shouldn't be given the chance to spread their nastiness.
ugh! so sorry you got hit with a nasty comment!
I am so hurt for you that you are getting comments like that. Jax is such a fighter and you have to be blind to not see that. Hope you can put the absurdity behind you and feel wrapped in the embrace of so many who love you and are inspired by your beautiful story!
I'm so sorry you're going through this, but you know other peoples stupidity just makes us stronger! So get your computer friend on it, and this Idiot be ware. Don't mess with Jax's or his mommy. We are a bloggy family and will not put up with it!!!!!!!!
I'm so sorry to hear you've had bad comments too! For many months I thought I was the only one suffering unsolicited negative comments. I truly don't understand why people feel the need to attack or be so cruel and ignorant. It even got so bad at one time I contemplated shutting down our blog. Sending you a hug from someone who genuinely cares.
Many blessings
Stacy, Chris & Noah
Lacey -
I am so sorry that you encountered your first idiot. It is heart breaking. Just keep doing what you are doing..trying to educate the rest of the world. At least our kiddos give us all they have, more than I can say for those who chose not use what god gave them. Maybe your anonymous person will back off once 'they' see that us moms tend to circle the wagons when one of our kiddos is messed with!
I am so so sorry that you even had to take the time to deal with someone and something like this! seriously - who in the world has time to read blogs of people they don't even know and then leave negative comments???!!! what is wrong with people???!!! sending hugs!
I'm so sorry that you have to put up with idiots like that. Well said though Lacey!
What a sad, lonely life that person must have. That is just pathetic. I sure believe that Jax has lots and lots of love to give along with that sweet smile and cute interactions. I just can't wait until I get to actually meet him one day! And your cute baby girl, too!!
What an @$%whole with absolutely no life! Good on you Lacey for not putting up with this nonsense not even for a minute! Prehaps he or she does not know what true love is, and that is the saddess thing that could every happen to someone! My mama bear also comes out reading such nonsense! We all behind you dear Lacey! God bless! Megs and Keaton
I'M BAAAACK ... and to find this.Seriously,what is wrong with people.You know the few nasty things that we have had to go through and moderating the comments was the best option.We too tracked our coward to Kansas,know the exact street and block but couldn't pinpoint the exact person ... AND they should be glad we didn't because it would not have been pretty.
Have missed you lots but I think I have my head back in the game now.
I can't believe someone did this...I am dreading the day when I find one of those anonymous commenter, don't they have anything better to do?
YES you must get to the bottom of who this is!!! That should scare the person off!
I hate these type of people (peopled who don't have heart and brain and I think soul too). I've been reading your blogs a lot Lacey and shame on this person calling Jax like that. God don't love him so don't bother yourself with this person. karma rules. Hugs to you and Jaxson.
Some people really don't get the big picture! Hugs to you and your family.
OH Lacey! Where in the world do these people come from! So sorry!
Auntie Steph is seriously pissed!!!!
I don't understand people like that. THere is enough on the internet for anyone - go find the place you are comfortable and leave the rest of us alone
I've had a few of those "anonymous" trolls, but one (who I actually know) was stupid enough to leave a comment that pointed the finger right at herself.
I also have comment moderation and no anonymous comments allowed.
I saw this comment yesterday and I got SO MAD!!! I was going to say something in my comment about what they said, but I didn't want to give this jerk the time of day!
They are what makes this world an unhappy place! People like this are the ones who are in a vegatative state! They are heartless and cruel and they don't deserve the love of our special kiddos! UGH! Things like this really tick me off!
Anyway, we know the truth and this is all that matters! God doesn't make mistakes and He sees our children as we see them.....with loving eyes and perfection. He has a reason for everything and I think that He is using our children to teach others the true meaning of love. I am so honored to be apart of this great work and I am so happy to have met Jax and the many like him that are affecting our world for the better!
Don't let this "person" get you down! You are an awesome Momma and your children they are blessed to have you....and so is Makayla soon! Love and Hugs!!!
Don't let the turkeys get you down! I am glad you are not going private because I've come to really care about Jax and the rest of your family. Most importantly, thank you for sharing.
First time poster --> Meredith
Hey you! I am so sorry! I have one on my blog and I am pretty sure I know who it is! How do you find out. I don't really need to know but it would be worth a good laugh at least! You are a great mom and wonderful person! Your kids... all of them are beautiful! keep your head up!
Hi there! I am a newbie on RR yahoo group and I am reading a bunch of y'alls blogs to learn more about the adoption journey (well, that's my "educational purposes only" excuse...honestly, I just love to see all those pretty DS eyes!!)
I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry that you got negative comments! When I read about those comments, MY mama bear claws wanted to come out!! I have 3 girls (bio) and we're looking into a special needs adoption soon! I have worked with kiddos with special needs since I was 14 and I have NO tolerance for the oblivions who don't take time to be BLESSED and get to know God's most special angels, but they find the time to run their mouths and leave such mean comments.
Jax is SO beautiful!! Anyone can see the spirit in that child's eyes! And you can definitely tell he is happy, loved and SPOILED! What a blessing!
Thanks for sharing him!
Ugh! I'm sorry that you're having to deal with these nasty comments.
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