I tried to take a pic of Jax sitting up so good on the couch. I only got one pic before.....
He tipped over. Nice try big guy. Seriously mom, get the camera out of my face. It was so cute I had to take a couple before helping him up.
I am so pleased with the progress Jax is making. Its slow, real slow. He had the brain injury 3 years ago in June, and we are just getting to were he holds his head up for a few minutes. Or we can prop him on the couch and he'll sit straight (even if only for a second).
We never thought we'd get to this point with him. Ray told me for the first time about a year ago, that when Jax had his injury, he wondered how he was going to afford to bury his son. I had no idea he had those thoughts. We were in such sad shape, financially, emotionally, and everything in between. Then he did so well at just staying fairly healthy for a year, when in January 08 he went into status and we almost lost him again.
Yesterday me and my friend Julie were talking about how stubborn our kids could be, and she said, if they weren't stubborn, they wouldn't be here. And thats so true. If they weren't stubborn and showed the docs what they could do they wouldn't be here today. Wow
His therapist's don't think he'll ever walk, and if he doesn't, thats ok. But we will never stop working towards that and keeping faith that someday, he will walk.
Oh and for those of you who wondered. I don't know if the vicks on the feet did work. If it did, it took a good 45 minutes. My doc said it won't do anything, but I think those home remedies work in ways the docs don't know about. So I will keep doing it if he wakes up coughing.
OMG, Jax looked so grown up in that 1st photo...TOO CUTE;) I'm so proud of you Jax! You're doing so good with him too Lacey...that's just so great with how far he has come...YAY!!!
Keep on being stubborn...LOVE IT!
Way to go big guy! We are so proud of the progress you continue to achieve. Your eyes melt my heart! Keep up the fight big guy, we'll be here cheering you on!
Take care of mom!
Angela and Phoenix
Way to go Jax, you look like such a big guy sitting on the couch.
Oh yes, they are so stubborn but that is why they are still here and beating all the odds.
Keep up the good work Jax
Jax is becoming a big boy.... Great to see him doing better...
Have you gotten any requests on the blankie site??
Good job Jax! I need to go back through your blogs and get more of a history! He is such a sweet angel...and you are right, good thing our kiddos are stubborn...that is a blessing! I will pray that he will keep up the good work and continue to keep proving those doctors wrong! :)
Great job Jax! Never give up hope!
He is just too cute. Way to go sitting up like a big boy. We are also working on that one with Carter - he does the same thing though and tips over. And I absolutely agree that they have to be stubborn - and a little mischievous as they try to prove the doctors and therapists wrong.
What a big boy, Jax! I am glad that Jax has such a great family to help him along. He is such a sweetheart!
I watched the video...was good to get caught up but I do have to say I cried through most of it. My heart goes out to you for all the trials, hospital stays, scares and all the rest, but I do have to say you do have a PRINCE, an amazingly strong angel in your home...my goodness...he is such a fighter! What a blessing! So glad I know you and you aren't that far away! :) You are an amazing woman, mom, friend...please let me know if I can ever help! Much love...
Ok, last one, I promise :)...glad you signed back up for IHH...it will be great to have you part of this growing group! :):):)
Hey Lacey! I sent Julie Williams, who is in charge of the photography for the calendar for next year, a message on Facebook! I told her how stinkin cute Jaxson is and that he really needed to be in the calendar. I have no idea how many people have been interested, but I also gave her your blog address so she could see for herself what a hunk of handsome he is! Hope that helps. If she sends me a message for you I'll let you know!! As always Jaxson looks precious in those pictures, even the ones tipped over....ooooh I just want to squeeze him!!
Hello my handsome little Jax, your photos are just so darn cute - you melt my heart each and every time I see photos of you! All of us are human, none of us are perfect, just do your best and thats the best gift you can give yourself! As you already know your mommy is so very proud of you and her will and determination is an inspiration to me! Thanks for the birthday wishes for Conrad yesterday - he really appreciated them, I logged onto your blog and told him all about you! Its raining cats and dogs here in Pretoria today so Keaton and I are gonna have a day in! Got to come up with some activities.... God bless dear Jaxson and Lacey and Family.... Megan and Keaton
Hi Lacey and Jax,
Way to go Jax!!! Christopher did not get that far until last year! Don't give up hope. I can tell he is going to prove A LOT of people wrong! I see soooo many similarities between Jax and Christopher, and like many others here, I could just hugs on both of them all day!
We were told that Christopher would never know who we were, just to let him go. Goes to show what "they" know sometimes. You keep working, we will keep praying for you! HUGS!
Steph and Christopher
Jax NEVER lose your stubborness and don't ever listen to people telling you never or can't! I HATE when docs/therapists put limitations on children. If Jax is going to walk, then he will even if its not till hes 30! And we will all celebrate with him if and when that day comes! And if it never does, then we will celebrate him trying with strength and courage when it would have been so easy to give up! Keep on working little man, I think you will move mountians and prove them all wrong!!
Great job Jaxson!!! You are such a handsome little man!! Keep on fighting and being stubborn!
Gavin sounds so much like Jax! I pray that some day our boys will surprise everyone and be able to sit-up, talk and walk! (I'm not going to hold my breath, concerning all of this with Gavin, but I'm not going to give up either!) Hugs!
Lacey, I didn't realize Jax was on the keto diet. Best thing we ever did for Junior. It is being used long term in some kids and if not for the illnesses that caused Junior's seizures to come back he would be staying on it.
Good luck and I hope it works for many years to come.
I think those feelings are normal at least thats what I tell myself... :0)
I often think of Jophies funeral/death/burial and it seems to happen more often during the darkest moments. I think our bodies try to prepare for whats coming rather than be surprised by a sneak attack...
I do find those feelings trying to creep their way into my mind when I least expect it and thats when I have to physically "shake my head" as if to clear my mind reminding myself that right now....at this moment....everything is OK and, if that doesn't work just give yourself a good smack ;0)
It's a very scary road to travel at times which is most definitely the source of my PTSD which causes ALOT of my "mind racing"
I've learned over the years to focus on the here and now. Accept things as they come living one moment at a time......"It is what it is" ....I can't change a darn thing now lets jut focus and jump in head first! Kinda scary I'll admit but it seems to work for me and makes me at least "feel like" I have some sort of control in this totally out of control living by the seat of your pants life we live and if that doesn't work turn on some cartoons!
At least in that realm you don't have to think or even understand only breath...
Now I'm off to check in my closet...I do peek in on a regular basis...You never know when I might find Narnia... ;0)
Way to go on the sitting little bit and I can't wait to see your new set O' wheels! We're waitin' on a new set as well! Jophies first 2 wheelchairs were stroller types and I LOVED them...Actually his second was my favorite of all time. Shame they don't make that particular one anymore....
OK gotta scoot I'm rambling.....
Have a good one!
Trina and Jophie
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