We got Jax fitted today for his new stroller. Its a lot like a wheelchair, but its cheaper and it looks a little more like a stroller. It will take about 90 days to get it in, but we are super excited because we can put the oxygen on and it will help him sit up better. Also because its cheaper than a wheelchair, there's a chance the insurance will approve a base so you can take the seat off and use it in the house. When these kids start to get bigger but can't sit up, there's not many places except the floor to put them. This will help him sit up in the house. 

Also, go over to the blankie blog to meet this sweet girl, Ava. She is the latest blankie reciever.
Those are some sweet wheels!!
And I agree with your comment - Jax totally deserves a break. It's overdue!
Jax those are some very cool new wheels.
Aww love the strawberry shortcake blanket. Ava is beautiful and the picture of her looking at Jax picture is precious.
Sorry I didn't leave a comment on the blanket blog but it is eating the ones I try to leave.
Lacey, I don't have your email, so I'm back here to answer your question - Ruby & Lydia are identical twins. They were born at 38 weeks; Lydia was stillborn.
Nice stroller/wheelchair...I like it! And love the newest blankie...very nice and beautiful little recipient!
That's wonderful, and such a beautiful little girl. :) I love the pictures of Jax in his little monkey jammies. So stinkin' cute. I just wanted to hug him!
That stroller is darling! What brand is it? We've been looking at Special Tomato....
Hi Lacey and Jax, Thanks for your comment - what a small world hey? I live in a suburb called Centurion which is in Pretoria - If your OT ever comes to South Africa for Holiday please let me know - would love to send something from Africa for your sweet boys.... The New wheels are styling..... Megan and Keaton
I found you from a comment you left on The Hortons. I watched Jaxson's Fight chapter 1 and cried most of the way through it. Oh, Lacey, what a long winding path you are on. I will pray that God blesses you with the strength and encouragement you need to stay strong for your sweet boy. And I will pray for him to grow strong and grow out of the health issues.
Hi Lacey,
Thanks for visiting. I am a mom to three bio kids (5 1/2, 2 1/2, 9mos) and one step daughter (15). My youngest has Ds. She was born with a complete AV canal defect, a coarctation of the aorta (too narrow) and an open PDA. She didn't eat well in the beginning so we agreed to a g-tube. 5 days later she went into CHF. That is when they found the coarc... her PDA being open was saving her from the effects of the narrow aorta. She no longer could go home... had to move to another hospital for heart surgery. But she got sick, real sick, before her surgery date. UTI, blood sepsis and meningitis, all at once. We almost lost her then. When she came through, she got reinfected by her pic line... more antibiotics and waiting. As we waited she went deeper into CHF. The reinfections kept up. I saw her dying a little more each day and each intervention made something else worse and I felt like I was going to lose my mind. After weeks of bacterial infections she was finally afebrile for a couple days and her surgeon fixed everything in one shot. I wrote about it on my blog in a post from Dec 08 called Crossing the NICU Styx. From what I see with Jaxson, you have been on that river bank with me.
Anyway, once our baby girl is a couple years old, and if we have the resources, we are going to adopt a girl with Ds from the Eastern block (Reese's Rainbow).
I am glad to "meet" you and I look forward to reading your posts.
Cool stroller! What is it called? Gavin was fitted for a wheelchair months ago, but still no sign of it! Yours looks way cooler!
What a sweet girl Ava is! She looks like she loves her Blankie!!
I just LOVE the new ride Jax...You're going to be one comfy little king;)
Hey Lacey...I've got some pix of Dillon in the Hosp w/the blanky if you're interested...send me an email & let me know. I don't know what we would of done without it...it really gave us that loving touch..THANK YOU!
Love & hugs!
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