Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Momma

Thirty-two years ago today an angel was born.

shorty after that her first love came into the picture. ( Chocolate )
She went on to be a mentor teaching pre-school.

Then I came into the picture. 11-15-97

Then she became the mother of four litle boys that love her so much.

But there was always another man, her true love.

Lacey my dear wife I love you and wish you a happy Birthday, you are a great wife and mother to are boys. I am honored to be able to say your my wife and that I have had the chance to spend 12 years of your life with you. I love you Happy Birthday.


Rioux Family said...


The Snell Family said...

Wow, what a sweet man you have. Happy Birthday sweetie.
love all the pics.

Unknown said...


Rochelle said...

Happy Birthday Lacey! Hope it is a great family day with your boys.

Kristin said...

What a great post - Happy Birthday!!!

Emily said...

Oh... how sweet is that! Happy Birthday Lacey!!!!

Stephanie @ Ralphcrew said...

Awww, he's "that guy" isn't he?! Happy Birthday!!

ParkerMama said...

HaPpY BiRtHdAy!

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Awww, how sweet! :) Happy birthday Lacey!

I just read what you posted to me about the girls. I hope you have a good visit Monday. I just know you're going to fall in love. :) And if not, pack them up and bring them to me - okay!

Melissa said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of the BEST Momma's that I know out there!!!

Love & Adore you so much!

P.S....Follow your heart w/the little girl & PRAY! God will let you know;) XOXOXO

hope I can post this...wish me luck...HA!

The VW's said...

That is the sweetest post...what a nice husband!

Happy Birthday Lacey!!!!!

Hope you enjoy your day! HUGS!

Alison said...

Happy birthday Lacey! I hope you have a great day and get spoilt by all your boys.

Rioux Family said...

I took that picture at Grandma's funeral...I said pose and that's what you did haha

Lisa said...

Happy birthday Lacey! Hope you've had a great day with your wonderful family.

Tina said...

HAPPY that is such a great post, so sweet. Hope you have a wonderful day and wishing you love, peace, good health and above all peace in the year ahead :)

Sasha@ Blyssfulhealth said...

Ah that is so sweet. What a nice hubby. Hope you have a great day. Happy Birthday Lacey!!!

My Three Sons said...

How sweet is that. I didn't know you were 3 years YOUNGER than me! So I guess you will need to respect your elders! LOL

I love the pic of you when you were little. I think my mom had that same bedroom set.

Anyways, hope you had a wonderful day today.

Deqlan said...

Happy Birthday Lacey! hope you had a lovely Birthday and many more! God Bless and hugs!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh this brought tears to my eyes Lacey! How beautiful to have a look back on your background! Wow - you were a cute baby! And I must say you have a wonderful husband to do this tribute to you! I hope you have a great day and that the year ahead is filled with only love, joy and happiness! Happy Birthday my friend! God bless! Megs and Keaton

Loren Stow said...

Happy Birthday Lacey! I hope that you have many many more!

Shelly Turpin said...

oh Ray - what a sweet post!
Happy Birthday Lacey!

Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday Lacey!!!

Corinne Judy Smith said...

That was the sweetest post ever! What an amazing husband you have. Awesome job Ray! Hope you had a wonderful birthday and keep us posted on whats going on with the twin girls.

Mama Mason-Mann said...

Happy Birthday Lacey! What a sweet post. That's the best gift of all!!! :)

Anonymous said...

That was such a great post! Happy Birthday dear friend. I am so thankful for you and Ray...I love you both and hope you had a great birthday!

Alan Anderson said...

Happy Birthday Lacey! Tell Ray he did a great job on the post! Hope you had a fantastic day!

Christine said...

WOW! What a nice thing for your hubby to do! Mine can't even turn on the computer let alone post. Happy Be lated Birthday Lacey!!!!

Keri said...

Very sweet Lacey! That was awesome that your hubby wrote this to you for your birthday!

Michelle said...

happy belated birthday! and what a sweet post :)