Saturday, October 24, 2009

Home sweet home

No seriously, we really did come home today. I guess all he needed was his mommy's touch. He had a really good night last night. Didn't sleep all that well, waking up at every little sound. But not fussing, tolerating feeds all night. So when the docs came in this morning I was like, "We're out of here baby". He still wretches sometimes, and I don't know what thats about but I'm hoping with time it will go away.

We stopped to get something to eat on the way home and had a small taste of trach life. Our first glimpse at how people react to the suction machine in public. Jax was fine on the way home, but cried the whole time we were eating. I think he just needs to adjust to home life again. Setting up all of his new equipment has also been interesting. I think he's going to need to move into the master suite and me and daddy will move into his room and get bunkbeds, daddy already called the top bunk. Wish us luck on our new endeavor.
Now for some pics.
More cute baby feet.
Getting ready to go home.

In the car.


My name is Sarah said...

OHHHH YEA!!!! So happy you are home. My mom says it will be so much easier to adjust to the trach care in your own home. We are thinking about you.

Denise said...

Oh Lacey, I am so glad that you guys are home. Now you can get settled back in to your own routine again. I am anxious to talk with you one of these days so I can understand more of what having the trach means. Will he always be hooked up to the machine??? And by the said you were jealous that we got to go to were just there...for 3 days!!! I am jealous of you! But now I have a pass so can go whenever you come here!!

Unknown said...

So happy to read you're home! I have no doubt that you will get into the groove of this new kind of living in no time. I bet Jax is thrilled beyond thrilled to be home. I bet he'll rest much better at home too.

Be sure to let us know how those bunk beds are working for ya'!

Take care and as always, we're praying for you all.

Emily said...

I am so glad you guys are home! I sure hope he adjusts well to being back home and everyone can get the sleep they need. Loads of love! Pictures are super cute!

Cheryl said...

That's just super that you got to go home!Love those sweet feet!Jaxson's portrait is in the works:)

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Oh my gosh!! I am so excited that you got released. I am cracking up thinking about you two sharing bunk beds. It would make intimate moments a bit scary - please do use the bottom bunk for that. ;)

Seriously though, I am THRILLED!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! So glad our sweet boy is home!

Kim Rees said...

Fantastic news Lacey! Praying that everything begins to fall into place for you and for Jax! God Bless you!

Evie's Story said...

SOOO glad you guys are home! Pray you can finally get some rest and that will be just the recipe for healing for little Jaxson man!

Kim said...

hooray! So glad Jaxson came home. I love the little feet photo. So adorable!

Jeana said...

Yippy! He looks amazing after all he's been through.

Sara P said...

what wonderful news:) i'm happy your home together:)

Stephanie said...

Oh wow, I still can't get over his beautiful tubeless face!

Cammie Heflin said...

I'm so glad you got to come home and I hope things settle down quickly!

The Lehnick Family said...

Glad you are finally home...Jax looks wonderful and I hope the adjustment goes smoothly! Thanks for the updates...You are seriously one of the strongest women I know...We will be thinking about you...

Kristin said...

Yay!!!! Just got back in town (funeral this morning in Idaho) and was soo happy to see this post!

Heather said...

Welcome home my friend!!I know you all will get in the swing of your new normal in no time at all.Love to that sweet one and all the rest of you too.

Alison said...

YAY for being home!

Tina said...

Thats just super news that you get to go home and be around familiar surroundings again, and get back into a routine, however new but that too will become familiar in no time. I am sure it will do alot of good for Jax too to be around his whole family.
He looks so sweet in the pictures and those cute little feet, you just feel like rubbing them against your face. Stay well Jax!!

Sasha@ Blyssfulhealth said...

Yah you are home. You were right...he needed mom's touch. I am so happy for you, now you can get settled. Jaxson looks good in the pics. Hoping that you get all settled in and get some rest.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful News! Yeah!!!! You are gorgeous Jax, thanks for the photos Lacey! Praying for you that your adapt will at home... Im sure all will be fine! So happy this is behind you! God bless and much love, Megs and Keaton

Cole said...

OH Yay! Yay! Yay! Lacey- that is absolutely wonderful- and what precious little feet :)

Jen said...

Hooray for going home!!!!

Mama Mason-Mann said...

Sooooooo glad you guys are home where you should be! Good luck with the adjustment to your new circumstances.

Colleen said...

Hooray for coming home! I always say whoever invented the suction machine never had a child with a trach. It's so loud! I enjoy reading about your journey.

Anonymous said...

So glad you're home!!! It's so much easier to be in your own place.
Yeah, bunk beds that's just what you need ;-)

Rochelle said...

YEAH! YEAH ! YEAH! So glad you are home. We will keep praying for Jax and a smooth transition this week!

Bunk that is romance eh? LOL

The VW's said...

Welcome home!!! I hope that your first night home went well! Adorable pictures of Mr. Jax!!

Sounds like you may need to build an extra wing in your house, just for Jax! I always joke that Gavin takes up more space in our house than all of us combined, but I have a feeling that Jax has him beat! They sure are little but they need so much room!

Prayers continue for your family! HUGS!!!

Alan Anderson said...

Welcome home sweet Jaxson! He looks awesome in the pictures - hoping the trach is just what he needs. I am laughing at the bunk bed idea - sounds interesting! Did you get any sleep last night? Hoping you did! loves and hugs to all!

Stephanie said...


Maureen Claypool said...

So glad you are home - you are always in our prayers. By the way take the top bunk especially if your claustophobic like me - yes we've slept in bunks at g-ma's house! Not fun! God bless you all!

The Snell Family said...

no need to trade rooms, just knock out the wall between Jax and the computer room, then you can be with him and still use the computer!! lol. I am really glad you are doing well and are home, wish we could visit but we are all sick now.

Love ya, Jules

datri said...

Great news! So happy to read this!

Team Carter Jay said...

YAY!!! So glad you're home! What a cutie :)