Why do we work so hard to keep Jaxson alive?
Why do we have so many machines?So many lifelines?
First it was this a couple months ago...
This was taken yesterday. Jax therapist is the other voice you hear in the video.
Look at him!
Look at my little man go!
This is the child they said would do nothing.
This is why we fight so much with the doctors.
This boy has big plans.
He has new skills to develop!
He has forts to build!
(thanks buddy Gavin for the great toy that is so easy to grab!)
I am speechless! To say that this boy is a genius is an understatement! This video has made my day today, thanks Jaxson! Thanks for sharing, you are such a fab Mummy! Kirstie xx
Yayyyy Jax! He's such a precious little Dude! I love how when she picks the toy up he looks at her like 'Hey woman, that's mine, give it back' Haha, he's priceless!
This is so wonderful, Lacey! Amazing what can happen with such tremendous love and support that Jax gets from all sides. I hope all of his doctors and all of your nay-sayers see this. They deserve a reality check - Jax is an amazing little guy!!!
Wow, that's amazing!
Tears indeed, Oh Jax you are wonderfully amazing! xoxo
This is just the coolest thing I read today. Awesome what your little man is doing. He just wants to keep up with his sister. I've seen such a change in him since she arrived. It's been wonderful to watch. Hugs
Go Jaxson! How fun is that fort??
Way to go Jax! You prove all those doctors wrong! You show them your life is worth fighting for and that you are just starting. So happy for you and continually praying.
Good job Jaxson! What a clever boy. It just goes to prove that Mama's know best and always know what their kids are capable of. I especially liked the look he gave his therapist when she pulled the toy away. It clearly said "Hey! I was playing with that!!!" Jaxson (like all kiddies) is soooo worth fighting for.
Amazing, way to go Jaxson.
Jax is a SUPERSTAR!!! and you are amazing!! smiles
wow! I teach a preschool special education classroom- just wondering where you got the toy at? I have the easy grab balls that are attached, but wondered if this was a toy you purchased or did you simply hook large links to the balls?
Fantastic video - great work Jaxson!!
O, my goodness! I have tears of joy in my eyes. I am so HAPPY for Mr. Jaxson! Dr's DON'T know everything, and some things are just left for God to control. Show everyone how its done Jax.
What an inspiration! Congratulations to Jax! That is so wonderful. So AMAZING!!!
So incredibly wonderful! Praise the Lord!
(And the pig-tailed princess in the background is pretty cute, too)
Thanks for making my day!
Aw that made me cry!!! I have to ask why is the therapist NOT coming every week???????
It's 6.45 am on a Monday morning and what better way to start the day and week....I had goosebumps watching that video, yes!! he is definitely doing it purposefully, those were no coincidences. Our kids always continue to surprise us and Jax will be no different despite all his extra medical burden he is carrying, everything in their own time but they get there and they never give up. Feeling so very very happy right now.
That last post of yours wow where did you find so much cuteness to put all in one room, that is so unfair, I'm jealous. Didn't realise you had such a big under 5 DS group close by. Thats wonderful, I love the pictures of all of them on the couch all squished up together.
Thanks for your email Lacey I will probably come back to you with more questions, I feel so much better discussing with someone other than a doctor and someone who knows what she's talking about, because doctors sometimes have their own agenda I feel.
I got tears in my eyes for sure! This is AWESOME! The fort pictures about did me in too! I love that our older boys like to include Jax and Gavin in on their fun! That says a lot about our special boys too! Doctors just don't understand what an effect our boys have on everyone! They are worth more than most people think.....I just wish everyone could see what a gift they are! So glad he likes the toy and that he is so able to play with it! Way to go Jax! You are such an inspiration! Hugs!!!
That video is great!! Not only reaching with purpose, but bringing it to his mouth as well!! And I love the dirty look he gives whoever picked up the toy off his tray. It was like "HEY, I was playing with that!!!" So great!
Yippee Jax!!!! Love you!!!
Aww Jaxson you totally rock. I definitely cried on this beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your story.
That is so exciting!
Go jaxson.
Oh Jax you bring tears to my eyes - Happy Tears that is! You are so brave and so courageous! You show them all what great plans God has for you!
Lacey, loving the posts on Arina and the rest of the family! I read all your posts!
Hope you are all well!
God bless and hugs from South Africa!
Megan and family
Lacey - so cool!!!
So incredible!
On Bella's tray I have strips of velcro, and we attached her sensory panels that we made. Just different textures of fabric.
Jax - I am so impressed!
I love seeing him in the fort! A family that includes him in everything is what makes a difference and I think that crazy, beautiful little girl is keeping him on his toes. He seems to be working hard to catch up with her! Love him. He is definately worth the fight.
no words...God smiles.
Love to start a Monday off like that! To watch the Jax that God made emerge from his medical shell, just takes my breath away!
SO amazing!!!! That is awesome!!!
Lacey! I know you gave a warning about a good cry...but man oh man...
he is amazing!!
Lacey, I know you must be so proud of your little man! I am so proud of him!!! And of you for believing in him! Keep up the fight for him. He absolutely has a life to live.
How did I miss this??Seriously made me cry.Your miracle boy who has defied everything and everyone.The song in the background was Bruno Mars,"Your Amazing"... how appropriate is that?
How is move stuff coming?Anxious to here about it.
Lacey, you know better than most of us. We can never underestimate our kids and there isn't a doctor alive that can tell us our children's futures that has been left in much greater hands. Way to go Jaxson!!! Keep amazing us big guy!
I love his fort!! I'll have to watch the video when I get home tonight, and I'm super excited to see it.
What a champion! He's so cute! In reading his story, my heart just melted for him and I am smitten. What a little angel you have! I can see why this move of your has so many mix emotions. The auntie boo connection is such a sweet one! Lets hope she gets to come with you!
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