Yesterday we finally made it to a playdate! The first time we didn't have appointments, therapies, or sickies that prevented us from going. We met a bunch of people that we didn't even know yet. I can't believe how many DS families there are so close to us. Of course I forgot my camera, so Kristen sent me some pics.
This one is so cute!
Arina's first time with a big group of kids!Look how sweet they all are. A pretty good pic of so many kids, considering we were trying to get them all to sit still for 30 seconds!
We have some big news in our house!
It looks like daddy is going to be able to transfer to California!!
I've never been so terrified and excited at the same time. Don't get me wrong, I know its the right thing for our family, and I'm definitely excited. But moving Jax so far is not going to be a small feat! HR sent us the 3 insurance companies that they offer in California. Of course I don't know any of them! I need to look into them very closely to find the one that will cover all of Jax needs. I need one that has not only good deductibles and low out of pocket max (Because Jax will definitely hit that!) but also one that has doctors and hospitals we need, and good homecare service to get all of Jax equipment. Oh man is this going to be daunting. But when its all said and done, it will be a far better place for him. Much lower altitude, and the ocean air will help his severely damaged lungs so much! Not to mention better childrens hospital's.
If we can keep our insurance here until we are all moved, then Ray will go down mid March, and I will stay here with the boys until they get out of school for the summer. Also I need to stay to sell the house. Hopefully it sells by then. I'm not sure of the market here right now. But I don't think its too terrible. I am a little worried about being a single mom for 4 months or so, but I have older boys that can help out a lot. Daddy will still have most Fridays off, so there will be times that he can fly home on Thursday night, and stay until Sunday. And of course we'll go down and visit him as well!
The boys are very excited. They have some good friends in California, and Mondo's "girlfriend" is there as well. I'm excited because I've lived in the same city my whole life, and I'm ready for a change. I'm worried about leaving my mom, only because when we leave, all of her grandkids will be out of state. We will be able to come back often to visit though.
Wish us luck on our tasks the next few months. Mainly finding a fantastic pediatrician, oh how I'm going to miss her the most. She has family close to were we will be living, can't she just move with us?? She has been through so much with us and Jax. She was my counselor when our family was struggling with life, when Jax was so sick. I've sobbed to her when we thought we were going to lose him. I consider her a close friend, and I'm really going to have a hard time leaving her!
2 days ago
I'm excited to have you move out here! I know it will be a rough few months getting everything ready, but it will all be worth it in the end! Congrats!!!
How are you going to up and leave all those cute kiddos that you got to play with yesterday?! I am so jealous.....that was a room full of goodness!
Conrats on the news of being able to move! I know you've wanted this for a long time! I can only imagine how difficult it will be getting everything done for Jax though! Praying it goes well!
Do you have family close to where you will be moving to? I would have such a hard time leaving our extended family....they are the only ones we really trust with Gavin....hopefully you have some people in that area who you can trust Jax with too!
So excited for you! HUGS!!!
Jealous of that playdate,that is for sure!
As for the move .. I know it comes with a mix of emotions.funny how you can want something so badly and when it is here you are like... wait,wait,is this really what I want?But i know it is and it will all work out and we are all here to support you in anyway we can.
I was just talking to a mom of a 13 year old girl that sports an extra chromosome and when they moved from Utah,her daughters heart function and ability to fight off cold and lung infections,improved beyond hold on to that.Oh and that you will be close to all of us ... that is a bonus.Or at least I think it is!!
way to much cuteness in one place, love the pics.
So very excited about your move. We will have to meet once you are all settled here in CA. Hope you can get everything figured out and all goes smoothly.
how exciting! I can't even imagine picking up and moving, and all the work you're going to have to do researching ins companies...ugh, I already have a headache for you!
Congratulations (although we'll miss you)! I know you've wanted this for so long.
Love the pictures of all those beautiful souls gathered together.
Will pray everything goes well for you and the big move.
Awesome news on Ray being able to transfer. Will keep you in prayers for all the paperwork and investigation you will have to do with ensuring you are getting the best docs for Jax. Hey if you can survive a dossier you can survive this lol.
Love the playdate, so much cuteness all in one place.
I'm with Kristin on this... oh how we'll miss you and your sweet kiddos, but this is something you have been wanting for a very, very, long time. It was great to see you all yesterday!
That is wonderful news. We have our home on the market and we are moving west too, only in Canada. I'm excited and yet scared all at the same time. I hope it all goes well for you.
I love the first picture of Jax. He is so cute looking at his new friend. And the group on kids, priceless. Hugs
wow, really exciting news! I cried a little reading your post though, that will be hard to say goodbye to everyone. Like you said, you'll be able to come back often for visits. And mama you can totally make it through 4 months flying solo. You'll be a rockstar, just wait & see. :-)
Oh and that playdate looked absolutely divine!! How fun!
Precious pictures! Good luck preparing for CA!
oh my goodness, you have a lot coming up mama! Will be praying for direction as you seek all the best for Jax and his care.
What wonderful news, you have wanted that for so long! I know the effort involved too well! I called the new children's hospital to try to get a case manager to help me switch over 12 doctors. I got trnasferred 4 times and then disconnected. Sigh...I too will miss my pedi the most, he is so vested in Tomas' care. I haven't had the guts to tell him yet, does Jax's pedi know?
Oh Lacey - I'm so excited for you! This is what you have been wanting for so long. I can not imagine having to start over with new doctors, DME, home health, pharmacies, but it'll be great in the end!
What wonderful exciting news! I have to admit, I'm a little jealous - that you're not moving HERE and that you're moving to CA! I wish you were coming here or I was going there too ;) But aside from being just a little jealous, I'm so happy for you!!!! I'm sure the transition will be hard at times, but so worth it in the end. Good luck! I'll be thinking of you!
I'm always saying how much I want to leave Utah, but have never been able to bring myself to do it (I seriously had a mini panic attack when it came to signing the mortgage papers and we had to back out - can we say drama queen!). You are a brave woman and this is going to be such an awesome move! You can do this! We had better get together before you move away!
I'm happy for you . . . . devistated for me. I know you will never be happy til you're there so I will put on a brave face and try to figure out how I will survive without my special angel. I'm going to need a reference for a good cardiologist who can try to mend my extremely broken heart. Maybe Lisa will take me on as a new patient. She'll need something to help fill up all the time she is going to have now that she isn't going to have to try to keep up with Jax.
I hope you all find the happiness you have been looking for. I know you have wanted this for a long time. Love ya! Auntie Boo
What exciting news!!!
Oh my goodness, they are all so adorable. That's exciting news about Cali, I hope the move and transition goes smoothly for you and Jax.
Yay, how exciting! I know you guys have been wanting to move for quite a while and I'm so happy that it is finally happening. And, that means we'll hopefully be able to meet you the next time we are in Cali!
Oh, and I'm so very jealous of your huge playdate. How fun to have that many kiddos together. :)
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