We've got some serious wheezing going on around here. With a house full of asthmatics, it seems to all happen at once! The only people not stricken by this nasty disease are me, Mondo, and so it seems Jax. Which is quite funny because Mondo and Jax look more like me and the other two are little Ray lookalikes! Although I'm sure Jax would tell you he'd much rather have asthma then the trashed lungs he has now!
I'm not sure if this is turning into colds all around, or if its just spring allergies, but the boys have strict orders to stay away from Jax, and his room is off limits!
It also makes me quite grateful that we were able to weasel another nebulizer out of our insurance company. I wanted one that was battery operated and had a car plug in. I don't know how many times we've been away from home and one of the boys has an asthma attack. For some reason the inhaler just doesn't work all that well for them. And this way when they are both sick, I can double team them!
NOT FUN! Your boys look miserable too! Hope they are feeling better soon! Hang in there Momma!
BTW, what is the name of the battery operated nebulaizer? I would love to have one for Gavin for when we are on the go!
Hope your weekend gets better! Love and Hugs!!!
Oh I can SO sympathize. Both my girls have asthma and they are totally in the middle of spring allergies/asthma flair ups. I have them on treatments every 4 hours and Tomas is still on his 3 times a day (and he's the healthy one around here these days!!). I have 2 nebulizers and a portable one also. It is all I do around here anymore is fill up a neb! I hope they get better soon. And if you figure out how not to pass germs around between siblings please let me know!
I hope it's not spring allergy season just yet. We were just beginning to enjoy the outdoors again. Good luck.
Oh, poor boys! I hope Jax can steer clear from it :)
Boy, never a dull day at your house, huh?? I am just thankful that it isn't Jax this time.
We have been there!!! But Thank goodness for nebulizers! I agree they work so much better than the inhalers...my daughter is on a preventative inhaler everyday...and we have used the nebulizer on her so much! Did not know they have battery operated?? NICE! Brayden has had to use the neb a few times too! Hope they are all feeling better soon!
Hope it is the spring allergies not colds! Hope Jax stays clear of any bugs.
Oh man we have the same thing going on here. I am totally thinking that its allergies but I'm just not 100%. My eyes are totally swollen and itchy so that is why I am thinking Taveon has the same thing.
Not fun!! I hope it passes for your boys quickly!
By the way Jax in goth is pretty darn cute!!
Hang in there. If its not one thing its another! And so it goes!
Oh... that is no fun! I sure hope everyone gets feeling better so soon!
I hope they feel better soon - and that it doesn't get spread to Jaxson either.
Your boys look so cute hanging out in the bathroom with masks on! Sorry they are wheezing - hoping it is just allergies and not sickies! And yeah - definitely keep it away from Jax!
Oh dear Lacey!!! That really stinks, hope it all passes quickly, and none of it to Jax!!!
Thinking of you all and hoping it passes soon and is just allergies and not colds so Jax doesn't get exposed! You certainly have your hands full!
ugh! Not fun! It's nice that they are both able to give themselves nebs...I am looking forward to that day. I hope for everyones sake it is just spring allergies.
BTW I would love for you to come up, if that's possible. I get so bored up there, it would be nice to have some company. Oh, and I need the guys # who does the shirts.
Woah! It's bubbles the fish! We are big fans of bubbles at our house too!
Hope you all feel better soon.
Oh My Gosh! That does not look like much fun for anyone.
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