In somewhat of a fog the last few days. Could be that the weather is just gloomy. Spring can come anytime now, anytime.
Daddy left this morning for the weekend. He has a big job in New Mexico. Not looking forward to having him gone with a potty training puppy and 4 crazy boys! But I better get used to it, because if he gets a job in California he'll go out and I'll be stuck here selling out house. He also heard that one of his colleagues in California is transferring. So a position may be opening.It will get us down there until he gets on a police force. So this is a trial run I guess. Along with losing all my nursing care, we found that Ray's car needs 400 dollars worth of brake work done. Yikes! Bad things always come in 3's. Hoping the 3rd thing is not going to cost me a lot of money!
But truly life is good. Jax is doing really well right now. He still has coughing moments when his tracheal malaysia acts up, but he's on baseline oxygen and trying to roll like crazy! The puppy is doing a great job as well. We really haven't had any accidents on the floor, although you can't let her out of your sight for a second, so that can be a pain when your trying to get things done! But she's catching on.
Mondo is doing great in baseball. I'm pleasantly surprised. I think his skill he had when he was little is coming back out. And we are lucky that he got on a great team. Granted its the Yankees (boo) but the coaches are fantastic and the kids treat him like an equal. They've even given him a nickname. Ray ray is what they call him. We had a rough day with him yesterday. He was heatrbroken that our nurse Brandon wasn't coming out anymore. The boys loved him. He played with them and helped Mondo with his math homework a lot. Mondo's teacher called yesterday because he was really upset at school. (yeah when I say he's sensitive, thats an understatement) But I think Brandon is going to come to some of their baseball games.
Nothing new on the adoption front. Except for the fact that I'm now reconsidering Reeces rainbow. Somehow I always go back to their site. The faces are right there, all I have to do is say yes, and their mine. I found this sweet girl that looks a lot like Jax. Then I noticed that she has over 8,000 in her account already! Wow that would be a big help. I still don't know if we could afford it, I'm not the greatest fundraiser person. Plus, I still don't know what we'd do with Jax while we go out of the country. It still may not work, I have a lot of soul searching to do with it. Plus the thought of flying overseas scares the begeezes out of me. I'm not a huge fan of flying, and flying over the ocean terrifies me!
So I'm praying for a quiet, sunny weekend, me and Jax are going to go grocery shopping today while the boys are in school.
How can the weekend be bad with this sweet face around?!
2 days ago
I was just thinking of writing a post about feeling blah.....Spring/Summer can come ANYTIME! Hope you have a great weekend! Love and Hugs!!!
So sweet that Brandon says he will come to some ballgames. Awesome.
Hope it is a great weekend for you guys and not stressful.
I think we could all use a little bit of sunshine right about now!! I'm so sorry you've been in a bit of a fog (understandably so)! Keep your head up, better days are coming! If it's any comfort, you are not alone:) And, oh, that Jax of yours....I just love him!!
I hate to even say this but ...we are heading to the beach and zoo in Santa Barbara today.Not meant to make to jealous,meant to entice you and let you know,this too could be yours if you get yourself out here!!!
Wishing you a quiet,uneventful weekend with Ray gone and praying for you as you continue your search for that baby girl I know is waiting for you somewhere.
Ryne is very good at math, so if Raymond needs help, call him.
I wish the rain would stay away, that is what has been making me all blah. The sunshine is great for me and my health lol. I want it to stay. I hope your weekend is a great one and things are less foggy :)
Good luck this weekend and I'm glad to hear that things are going well, for the most part.
I like Jax's new haircut. I've been thinking about a summer buzz for Max, too.
Glad that Jax's cough sounds like it is a little bit better. An uneventful weekend sounds great. Anyone remember when uneventful meant boring? Not anymore!
I hope the srping sunshine lifts your spirits high.
I can totally relate to your fear of flying over the ocean - I am not a fan either!
I hope you have a great weekend.
I just read your previous post, man I am so sorry!!! What is up with Utah and not keeping that waiver?? Hope we get some sun soon and some warmth.
I Hope you get out of this fog. I agree with Alicia, Gavin's mom. I think it is going around. I always feel this way at the end of Winter, beginning of Spring.
Have a wonderful weekend!
What a cutie! Hopefully the weekend will clear the fog a bit :)
I agree the weekend couldn't be bad at all with that much cuteness around! I do hope the weather gets better soon, I hate the gloomy weather but right now don't mind some rain as we are already in the midst of summer with temperatures up to 41 celcius (105F)already.
Have a great weekend and get some relaxing in if possible!
Look at all the cuteness in that one little guy. Lacey, I just love him! :) I hope that your gloom lifts soon. I hate when I get in a funk. ((hugs)) If you lived closer, I'd be at your door with a Peanut in one hand and a giant hug in the other.
I hope that Ray can swoop into the opening position in CA just like that! Where is it?
It sure has been gloomy. But look! Today the sun is Shining. Happy Day. Hope the insurance gets things figured out soon so you can get your nurse back. We Finally got the approval for Kristen's bone marrow transplant. What a relief since we already had the transplant. I was ready to start selling everything
Ohhh! I hope the move to Cali is in your near future, how wonderful that would be for you to be close to Heather and Denise. I will also be hoping that SPRING is in your future, lol! But you are right, kinda hard to complain about anything with that little man of yours close by!
Lacey you kill me lol!!! When I wrote "bag of oxygen" I thought huh people will understand, then you posted your comment. well thank you cause I needed a laugh! It was an o2 tank in a bag...a bag of oxygen.
Please bring Jax it will be fun! But only if you want too! I know sometimes those little breaks away make all the difference. Hope you are surviving this weekend!!!
Hope your weekend went well - and tomorrow it is supposed to be 67! Yay for spring. And I am sorry you lost your nurse and now Ray is gone for a time. Hoping you survive and that a job comes up in California - although I am mixed on that one - we would hate to see you go!
And I was going to call - but Carter is at it again with his sick antics - we are praying we can make it through the night and go to the doctor again in the morning! Such fun - seriously - these respiratory things are getting old fast!!
Lacey, have you checked which Reece's Rainbow programs would work best for you? Some have easier travel req's. I'm sure you know all that already! :)
And, you might want to check this out: the adoption tax credit was recently made refundable. In the case of special needs children it is refundable regardless of your actual expenses. I think this will put adoption in the reach of more families.
Praying for you to find your girl!
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