First of all, happy Down syndrome day to everyone. I can't believe what Jax and all of our friends have brought to my life. Amazing strength and love. How lucky are we to be parents of these beautiful angels?
I'd like to introduce the newest member of the Rugg family. She is indeed a girl, and a cute one at that. Not exactly the girl I'm looking for but she'll do for now!
Isn't she so sweet? Her name is Lilo and she is a miniature pinscher. She was an impulse buy yesterday in the Walmart parking lot. A birthday present for daddy. It was perfect because I hadn't bought daddy a present yet because everything he wants is to complicated for me to get myself. Like camera flashe's and lense's. He has been wanting a German Shepherd, we have a shepherd mix right now. But if he has to leave to go to California to start working, he doesn't want to leave two big dogs for me to take care of (although I would feel quite safe with them around!) So when he goes to California she will go with him and keep him company while he is away from his boys!
I know it was probably totally crazy for us to get her with our already hectic lives. We've bought a book on how to best train her, because min pins are stubborn dogs, and have special ways to be trained. She is definitely showing her stubbornness already. We take her out to go potty and she doesn't go, so she goes back into her kennel. We do this 3 or 4 times before she realizes that she isn't coming out until she goes potty. But I'm proud to say we have had no accidents on our floor yet, and last night she did amazing! We put her to bed in her kennel about 10:00. She cried for about a half hour, then went to sleep. I didn't hear a peep out of her until 7:00. I think thats pretty dang good for a tiny puppy in a new home!
Oh ... she is darling.Might fill that void .... for the time being.
Love you guys!
AWWW, she's adorable!
How cute!!!
She is precious! I'm sure she'll be quite spoiled!
Oh my gosh, she is ADORABLE!! I love her. :)
Cute cute puppy!
As someone who has always had this breed of dog: buy cesar milan's book. I have seen some books on training breeds, but they are actually less helpful.
I've lived with five (yes five) of these guys. Don't let that cuteness get you. And treat that little guy just as you treat your big ones.
Ceasar Milans book is the best you can get. His meathod is easy to understand and implement and also a method your Older boys can follow.
Ooooh so cute. are nuts!!! But she is adorable so I guess it is okay. At least now you aren't the only girl in the house. And we would LOVE to see her in CA soon!!
Happy Down Syndrome day to you too...the puppy is so cute. I am a dog person, just lost my 16 year old last week so it's been a sad time. Nothing like a good cuddle especially with a min like that on your lap.
Oh she is SO CUTE!!!
She is adorable! You are brave to take on a second dog! I don't think that I would do that right now! But, she would have been hard to pass up, considering how cute she is!
And, at least you aren't the only girl in the house anymore! When people see me out with all our boys they ask if I have any girls and I always say, "I'm the only girl in the house, even our dog is a boy!" HMMM.....maybe I need to go get a female dog too.....I need some estrogen from somewhere!
Have fun! Love and Hugs!!!
Oh, a mini pinscher, oh... sooo cute!!!
Congratulations. That's so exciting!!!! :) Keep us updated on her progress.
she is so cute
Your new puppy is so stinkin cute. I want a puppy but 3kids plus a puppy, that would be crazy. Don't know how you do it.
Lily was on Lovenox along with the warfrin, we used that to get her into therapeutic range, once she was in range we stopped the lovenox and continued just with the warfrin. You may be able to check his levels at home. I contacted Phillips, they have at home Meters and they work with your insurance so you can get one at home. You have to have the doctor fill out some paperwork and such, but it is worth the headache it takes to get it. If you want to look into it just google Phillips INR Meter.
Give Jaxson some kisses for us, he is so adorable.
Awww, she is a cutie for sure!!
She's a doll!
I posted pics of our sensor stuff on Parker's blog.
So cute! I love dogs! So... Tues or thurs are both great. we are in rm 3027 and yes Jonah goes to specials to have his PICC placed. I am waiting for him to be done right now...Hope to see you. Let me know what works. Congrats on the cute doggy!!!
I can't believe that I wrote the post and forgot the pics.
How embarrassing.
Let's just blame it on the pain meds, shall we?
They are up now. I promise!
What a CUTIE!!
Happy Down Syndrome Day! Jaxson is sure something to celebrate. I hope it was an extra special day.
As for the pup, I'm sorry. I'm not a dog person and can never find anything nice to say about them. She's so, tiny?
Love, Bree
this is the first time that I have posted on your blog, but I have been following Jaxson story for sometime...I always keep him in my prayers.. as for the new addition, she is so cute, we have a little girl minpin also and she is the boss of the house...
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